Welcome back for the last time everyone! I am so glad to have gone on this journey with you, and I hope that you found yourself enjoying every moment to the point that you want to continue on your own self journey.
I know that it is difficult thinking about continuing on alone, but the whole idea of mindfulness is individualistic. Before I go, I want to leave you with the resources that you need or could possibly use as you begin to take over the idea of mindfulness yourself.
An important thing to know about this process, is that you are not meant to know what to do. It is a practice that is developed and learned in regards to catering what works for you! While this is true, being that we live in today’s day and age, the internet will be your best friend (and YouTube) for finding practices that you want to try. When looking things up I recommend searching “mindfulness” and this will give you a plethora of reminders, meditation ideas, and more.
One diagram that I came across recently, really spoke to me about this journey that I have had with you, being that it displayed many helpful tips that we have covered in these last couple months.
The graphic above is a good thing to remember or hold onto from these blogs because it highlights the main points that we have overcame together. I hope it also shows you the many steps that go into this process, which elaborates on the idea that this is a developmental evolvement. Although I may have tried to introduce you to each of these steps to some capacity over the past few weeks, that does not mean you can check off their box and think that they are complete.
Repetition is key to this entire journey. I encourage you to find a step that works for you. Think about what we have done throughout our time together that has truly spoke to you and helped your mind. Take that step and run off of it for a little until you are are ready to try a new one by yourself. This will help ease the transition from a guided practice to a self-practice. Ultimately though, do not be afraid to try new styles of mindfulness practice, I encourage to do only what is best for you!
Once again, thank you for listening and engaging with my blog within our time together. I hope that this was not something that was just read each week, but a form of stress management and easier living that truly helped you see the world differently. It is my hope that you too will soon become an advocate for these types of practices that allow our mind and souls to find a connection.
If you have any further questions do not be afraid to contact me, in regards to your mindfulness journey.
To sign off just one last time . . .
With peace,