Category Archives: earthquake information

Class Summary – 31 August – Monitoring Global Earthquakes

Seismologists at the National Earthquake Information Centre are on duty 24/7 to monitor quake activity. From Nature, 2015.

Dr. Paul Earle, Director of Operations of the National Earthquake Information Center, U.S. Geological Survey, skyped into class to talk about his experiences working with his team at the US Geological Survey to provide timely and accurate information on global earthquake occurrence. A description of the operation is in the assigned reading. If you have any additional questions, you can contact Paul (@paulearle, at:

You can sign up for various earthquake feeds from the NEIC at

Class Summary: EQ Shaking; Revising with Track Changes – 24-29 Aug

We watched some videos of earthquake shaking to get a feel for what people experience in earthquakes, at least small earthquakes. The videos are listed in a post below, and you can find many others online.

IN-class activities: Students visited the USGS earthquake pages, browsed around, and then wrote a short summary of what kind of information was available, either for a specific earthquake, or in general. We used these writing samples in a second in-class activity on editing and revising.