The fourth Emerging Researchers in Exoplanet Science symposium (ERES IV) will be held at the Pennsylvania State University on June 21st and 22nd, 2018.  This meeting prioritizes research presentations by and for early career scientists working in exoplanet science and provides substantial opportunities for networking among peers.  ERES is held annually on a rotating basis between partner institutions.  The first ERES was held at Penn State in 2015, ERES II at Cornell University in 2016, and ERES III at Yale University in 2017.

ERES IV is sponsored by the Heising-Simons Foundation.

Heising-Simons Foundation logo

The Organizing Committee for ERES IV consists of:

Thomas Beatty
Caleb Cañas
Jiayin Dong
Eric Ford
Jonathan Jackson
Shubham Kanodia
Jacob Luhn
Mariah MacDonald
Sarah Morrison
Gudmundur Stefansson
Angie Wolfgang

If you have any questions, please contact us at: