
Poster Boards are 4′ x 4′ (usable area 46″ x 46″). We strongly recommend that posters
be 36″ x 46″ in either landscape or portrait mode. The 46″ dimension is not an error — 46″ will ensure that your entire poster fits within the metal frame of the poster board. Velcro tape will be provided to hang your posters. Pins, thumb tacks, or any other type of tape are not permitted to be used on the poster boards.

Name Institution Poster title
Brett Addison Mississippi State University Probing the Origins of Hot Jupiters & Spin-Orbit Misaligned Exoplanets
Aida Behmard Caltech HiCannon: Application of The Cannon to Keck/HIRES For Data-Driven Spectroscopy of Cool Stars
Sabrina Berger UC Berkeley Quantifying the Effects of Temperature on Short Period Rocky Planets
Ryan Blackman Yale University Overview of the Extreme Precision Spectrograph
Howard Chen Northwestern Univerisity Simulating Atmospheric Biosignatures in 3-D
Athar Chodhary Misali Zikerya Higher Secondary School Astrobiology Network of Pakistan
Renata Frelikh UC Santa Cruz Dynamical upheaval in the formation of the Solar System’s ice giants
Christian Gilbertson The Pennsylvania State University Investigating transfer learning of a tightly packed planetary system classifier
Yucian Hong Cornell Astronomy Flying exomoons on jumping Jupiters
Chenliang Huang University of Nevada, Las Vegas Revisiting the mass-radius relation of super Earth with new Ice VII EOS measurement
Aishwarya Iyer Arizona State University The Impact of Stellar Uncertainties on Planetary Atmosphere Parameter Estimation
Rahul Jayaraman Brown University Spitzer Transit Analysis of Potential JWST ERS Targets
Abhinav Jindal University of Toronto Characterizing the Atmosphere of 55 Cancri e using Doppler Cross Correlation
Thea Kozakis Carl Sagan Institute, Cornell University Atmospheres and Ground UV for Earth-like Planets Orbiting Red Giants
Ben Leblanc Bishop’s University K2 Observations of Solar System Ice Giants
Rejean Leblanc University of Toronto Biased estimators for TTV masses
Amit Levi Harvard University Habitability of Ocean Worlds
Min Li University of Nevada, Las Vegas Dust condensation in the disks and composition of the exoplanets
Emily Lubar Penn State University Achieving High Precision Doppler Spectroscopy: NEID Internal Environmental Stability
Mariah MacDonald Penn State Three Pathways for Observed Resonant Chains
Joel Ong Yale University Radial velocities in the presence of PPNU
Ryan Petersburg Yale University Point Spread Function Modelling and Extraction for Radial Velocity Spectrographs
Michael Pu Cornell Inner Systems with Outer Chaos: The effect of outer giant planet scatterings on inner planet systems
Bin Ren Johns Hopkins University A Decade of MWC 758 Disk Images: Where are the Spiral-Arm-Driving Planets?
Alan Reyes Penn State University A Super-Jupiter outside an Inner High Multiplicity Kepler System with an Unprecedented Architecture
Malena Rice Yale University Slowly-Growing Spiral Mode Instabilities in Protostellar Disks
Tyler Richey-Yowell Arizona State University The UV Evolution of K Stars: Assessing the Super-Habitability of Their Planets
Helena Richie University of Pittsburgh The Survey of Transiting Exoplanets at the University of Pittsburgh
Mickey Rosenthal University of California, Santa Cruz How Turbulence Can Set the Radial Distribution of Gas Giants Formed by Pebble Accretion
Emily Safsten Penn State University Nature vs. Nurture: A Statistical Framework for Assessing Posited Correlations between Stellar Age and Planetary Orbital Properties
Jennifer Scora University of Toronto Forming iron poor super-earths with collisional N-body simulations
Meng Sun University of Virginia Orbital Decay in Star-planet Systems with Evolved Stars
Patrick Tamburo Boston University A Near-Infrared Search for Transiting Exoplanets around Brown Dwarfs with the Perkins Telescope
Daniel Teubenbacher Karl Franzens Universität Graz Poster about TESS
Hunter Thomsen Florida Institute of Technology Hunting Low-Mass Companions in M17 – An Alternative Use for ESO’s SPHERE
Felix Tischer Karl-Franzens University, Graz, Austria The Grand Tack Hypothesis – An Overview
Luke Tremblay Arizona State University Bayesian Retrievals on Terrestrial Exoplanets for the Origins Space Telescope
Vinh Truong University of the Pacific Dynamical Constraints on Nontransiting Planets Orbiting Trappist-1
Noah Tuchow Penn State University The Efficiency of Geometric Samplers for Exoplanet Transit Timing Variation Models
Michelle Vick Cornell University Chaotic Tides in Migrating Gas Giants
Songhu Wang Yale A New Look at an Old Classic: Kepler-9’s Obliquity, Masses, and Resonant Properties
Austin Ware Pennsylvania State University Companions in Color: High-Resolution Imaging of Kepler’s Sub-Neptune Host Stars
Adam Wheeler Columbia University A nonparametric search for short duty-cycle periodic signals in Kepler
Alex Wise University of Delaware Stellar Magnetic Activity Indicators
Joe Zalesky Arizona State University Atmospheric Retrieval of Cool Y Dwarfs