ePortfolio Article #2

Eric Hooper




A Broken Criminal Justice System?

A Person in Handcuffs – Source: Pexels

This TedTalk, How to fix our broken criminal justice system was presented by Robert Barton at TEDxSanQuentin. Robert Barton discusses a topic that has been brought to light in recent years which is of the United States criminal justice system and whether or not this system is functioning properly. As it is currently inmates seem trapped in a loop of crime which is not what should occur.


How is it Broken?:

Robert Barton states that when he realized the criminal justice system was broken he was a prosecutor and the people he would put into prison would offend, go to jail, get out, reoffend, go jail and the cycle kept repeating. I feel that this is an issue that many within criminal justice can recognize because it seems that most who enter prisons or jails leave worse than when they went in. Prisons and jails are not providing rehabilitation for inmates but rather are acting as a catalyst making them better criminals rather than reforming them into functioning lawful citizens.


The Four Goals:

Robert Barton then informs the listeners of the four goals of criminal justice which are punishment, incapacitation, deterrence, and rehabilitation. He claims that these goals are short sighted. He states that punishment alone is not the answer and there must be rehabilitation provided. He states that if deterrence worked there would not be a need for prison. He then says that incapacitation is a fallacy and many will continue to victimize others even if in prison and that the only goal with the longest lasting benefit is rehabilitation as it can transform people and make them change. I feel that this is truthful and shows that our criminal justice system is focusing more on punishment of crime rather than rehabilitation of offenders. I feel that if rehabilitation rather than punishment had more focus we would see a mass reduction in prison populations and could allow for a similar effect to deterrence keeping people from recidivating. 



Robert Barton, after stating that rehabilitation provides the longest lasting benefit because it it can transform people and make them change, says the following:


“Transformation is a process, it doesn’t happen overnight you’ve got to have that inspiration to change to turn that power on and you’ve got to have conduit for that positive power and we’re getting there.” 

– Robert Barton


I feel that this is important to the criminal justice system as we must find ways for inmates to make necessary changes in their lives to give them meaning and hope for the future. Lastly, Robery Barton tells the audience that society must see these people stumble and be willing to accept them back if they transform themselves because opportunities outweigh obstacles and if they are able to reintegrate back into the society they were separated from it will allow them to see that their transformation was successful. I feel this is one of the most important topics presented by Robert Barton because it will allow inmates to remove the stigma they carry.


I am very hopeful for the future of the criminal justice system in the United States. We are beginning to realize that what we are doing is not working and that we need to approach this situation in a different manner. This will allow us to remove the strain we are experiencing with the overpopulation of our prisons and will provide our inmates with a means to return to society that welcomes them and will allow them to make the changes they need to be the lawful citizen and person that they want to be.