While I was teaching in New Hampshire, I co-founded and spent several years co-coaching our high school’s policy debate team. At the time, debate at the secondary level was not very prevalant in NH schools; despite being ubiquitous in some regions (like the South), extracurricular debate teams were relatively unknown in our area. To people Read More…
Month: January 2019
Week 2 Learning Philosophy v1 and Wordle
Based on your education and experiences, what is your view about learning and how it occurs? Learning occurs in a variety of ways. Since most of my experience has been in teaching older students, however, I think several factors strongly contribute to a successful learning experience for this group. Ideally, older learners want to know Read More…
Week #2 Blog: Teachers of reddit, why do you hate Wikipedia so much?
Should I pretend that the Internet is the magic bullet we once all hoped it was? Or acknowledge the promise but also the pitfalls, warts and all (no offense against warts)? Teachers of reddit, why do you hate Wikipedia so much? While extolling the benefits of Web 2.0 with the news droning on in Read More…
Week #1 Blog: Happy New Year!
Happy New Year, one and all! I hope that everyone is sticking to their resolutions so far. Which reminds me — I really should actually get down to the gym today…eh, I’m sure I’ll do it later. My name is Erin, and I’m an instructional designer. I’ve been doing ID consulting/contract work for about four years. Read More…