Week #14 Blog Post: Bowling Alone

In The Future of Thinking, Davidson and Goldberg observe, “Fourth, the ‘bowling alone’ pronouncements about the lonely life of the Internet-obsessed youth are over, initially undone by massively multiplayer online games and the popularity of social networking sites.” I’m not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, many people today use the Read More…

Week #11 Blog: It looks like Team Rocket is blasting off again.

Situated Meaning Principle: The meanings of signs (words, actions, objects, artifacts, symbols, texts, etc.) are situated in embodied experience. Meanings are not general or decontextualized. Whatever generality meanings come to have is discovered bottom up via embodied experiences. — Vasquez, Vivian; Smith, Karen. The Pokémon cartoon series first aired in Japan in 1997 and continues Read More…

#group4 Blog Curation for Week 9

Our group had an inspiring discussion this week about participatory culture. We discussed the benefits of this unique approach to learning and producing at school and work, and shared our hopes and concerns about providing all learners with access. @Randy (https://sites.psu.edu/randyoung/) observed that participatory culture through collaboration and networking offers a great opportunity for schools Read More…

Week #3 Blog: “Oh, and if you want to do a study on a virtual economy, WoW is a poor choice for such a thing.”

While I was teaching in New Hampshire, I co-founded and spent several years co-coaching our high school’s policy debate team. At the time, debate at the secondary level was not very prevalant in NH schools; despite being ubiquitous in some regions (like the South), extracurricular debate teams were relatively unknown in our area. To people Read More…