Option 2 Notes

February 14th, Option 2 Deliberation part 2:

  1. It’s the students choice to agree with the ethics and opinions offered in an ethics class
  2. Should a college put in an honor code, or are they prying into our lives?
    1. Some rules good, like dorm rules (quiet rules, etc.) good for safety
    2. Integrity rules are good-not cheating, plagiarizing
    3. Schools shouldn’t be teaching behavioral rules-may not always agree

i.      Students can’t be taught how to act or what to believe

ii.      Who are they to tell you how to handle a situation-can’t be forced

  1. Rules can’t be too strict-or else college, a place where we are supposed to discover ourselves, everyone comes  out the same

i.      Some people believe that college is like a factory and producing like-minded people

ii.      If we have similar values, then what is the point of enforcing values?

iii.      There should be diverse values

  1. Integrity-don’t agree with because they encourage more about the grade and tests rather than learning and actual education

i.      Integrity laws-allow for fairness, if you put the work in you succeed

ii.      If there are less test, people won’t want to cheat because they don’t need to strive to get that perfect grade

  1. Problem of less test-people don’t work so hard because they don’t feel encouraged to learn and master the subject
  2. Students aren’t motivated to do well unless it gives them a good grade

iii.      Honor code is a way for the university the protect themselves from the public

  1. Idealistic-most people probably don’t actually follow it
  2. Should be more collaboration

i.      Once we leave college-lots of collaboration in workplace, why not practice it now (it’s important to learn to work with others

ii.      But it’s hard because people need to show their own individual skills-someone could just be along for the ride within a group (individual and collaborative work-a nice blend of both)

iii.      Our education system reflects what our society teaches-to be competitive and about the individual-other countries people learn to work together

iv.      Group work could still bring a competitive edge-person wants to become the leader of the group (reflects our individualistic values we learn from our society)

  1. International acceptance

i.      Its fine-if they get in and they pay the college then they can come-that’s the way our country works

  1. International populace is important to society

ii.      We should all be judged on the same scale, equality with the international students

iii.      International students help the university grow and may allow for more students to be accepted in the future

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