The solution to poverty

The overall economic health of a country relies on the education of women, however their education relies on the presences of clean water that is easily accessible. Girls need to be able to cut out the hours they spend every day collecting water for cooking, cleaning, and drinking. However, the process is a difficult one. In many villages work is being done to provide access to clean and safe drinking water, but there are still many more communities that continue to struggle. A few solutions to give communities fresh water is hand dug wells, rainwater catchments, bioSand filters, and water purification systems (Charity water). These all seem to be fairly simple procedures, and the question then becomes why has the problem not been fixed. Well, two main reasons; so many people do not have water in their communities, so to fix the problem universally is a huge undertaking. The bigger problem though is most people seem to think that if a new fancy well is placed in a village all the problems will be solved. But what happens when the well breaks and the women are forced to collect water from miles away again? The real solution is yes, give communities new technology that will make the acquisition of water easier, but also educate the community. For each community, a handful of people need to be educated on how to care for and repair the water wells or purification systems that are set up in their town. A team of individuals need to be taught how to handle the wells even when they are broken, so that the problem can be fixed quickly and the community does not slide back into its original water problems. Once water is easily able to be located within the community, young girls will have much more free time that will allow them to attend school each day. Once a girl starts attending school, she is then on the path to success and possibly breaking out of her life in poverty. Once the girl becomes a mother, she will educate her children and send them to school with the money she earns through her job. From generation to generation education will be passed down from mother to daughter, and women will begin to have a real chance at making a difference within their country. Poverty is a widespread issue that effects many nations throughout the world, but when a girl is given a chance to go to school, our world has a chance for a better future with less poverty. The first step to ending poverty is by educating the populace, and the most uneducated are women and girls. The only way girls will get a chance is by fixing the issue of water so that she can spend less time collecting water and more time learning. Poverty, education, and water are not separate issues, they are all connected to each other and only with the solution to one can the others be solved as well. Give a community water and a girl is able to go to school, give a girl an education and a country is able to begin to break the cycle of poverty. Helping to solve these issues is key and it is only through the assistance of all nations that it can happen. It may seem to be a good decision to give the money for these projects directly to the country’s government, however there is no insurance that the funds will be used for the purpose desired. Many people donate to different private organizations, but research needs to be done in order to ensure that the organization uses the money in a positive way and is actually fixing the issues long term. One organization that is fixing the issue of water in many different villages is the Charity: Water. This organization chooses the location of the project by the necessity of need, they think about the availability of spare parts and maintenance services, and they ensure that the community wants this because without participation the project will not be sustainable for long periods of time (Charity: Water). Before they start a project they assess what kind of technology should be used in the particular community. One solution does not fit all problems, some communities might need to drill a well while others might need a hand dug well. The last step is they ensure the sustainability of the technology, they work with the local government and they train mechanics so that they can repair any damage or repairs that need to be done (Charity: Water). This is just one of many organizations out there, but Charity: Water really focuses on fixing the problem for the long-term not just an easy solution. By donating money to organizations like Charity: Water, the issues of water, women’s education, and overall poverty can be solved. Help give other countries the opportunity to grow and break the cycle of poverty, because only with the help of organizations who are bringing water to communities will they be able to economically prosper. This allows for these communities to be self-sufficient and able to access water conveniently which allows the girls in that village to attend school. Organizations like Charity: Water are helping millions of people, and with every community that they give water to, they are helping end poverty for the world just a little bit. They are giving women and girls the opportunity to attend school, get a job, and change their future. Poverty does have a chance of ending, but it is only through the education of women, who will help spur economic growth for their countries. If the issue of clean water access is solved, women will have the chance to learn, and with their education change their life, their community, and the world. Only with educated women can our world truly solve the issue of poverty.


“Charity: Water.” About Us | Charity: Water. N.p., 2014. Web. 04 Apr. 2014. <>.



  1. I liked how you talked about the relationship between water and women’s success. I think a lot of problems with the world are interconnected, and by solving a few we could solve all of them given enough time. I remember reading in the Abundance book we had to read that given abundant energy, we could actually solve a lot of the world’s problems like poverty and human rights. That part of the book really stuck with me and it made me realize that maybe it is possible for just a few people to change the world.

  2. This was a really great post! I have always heard that the solution to poverty and overpopulation was to educate women yet, I never considered the real reasons why women are able to be educated. I recently read an article that said girls in third world countries have trouble going to school because when they get their periods they have to stay home for the whole week and end up missing out on valuable time. All these issues are accurate and I am glad you brought up the problem with water with regards to education. Also I agree that we need long term solutions in order to fix poverty, not just one simple well. Great job 🙂

  3. Emily Isaacs says:

    I really like how you brought up the links between poverty, education, and clean water. It seems so simple to fix world poverty, and we talk about poverty a lot in my philosophy class, but for some reason people prefer to live in their comfortable, well-endowed worlds without thinking about other people. Education needs to be more abundant, and with the growth that will come from it, more educated minds will help solve more poverty related problems. Great job!

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