A Frenzy Over Shark Week

Shark Week

Every year the human population is filled with a multitude of media frenzies, but one of the most reoccurring and summer favorites is Shark Week. From Neda Ulaby’s radio byte, “After Sketchy Science, Shark Week Promises To Turn Over A New Fin,” she discusses how, in the past few years, the Discovery Channel has portrayed sharks in a menacing and somewhat unrealistic way. She plays on the emotions of her audience and uses logical reasoning to persuade and inform her audience toward a new science involved Shark Week.

Ulaby starts her persuasion by explaining the Discovery Channel’s logic of Shark Week, which, similar to any media frenzy, is to gain millions of ratings. This statement of reminder allows her audience to feel tricked by the Discovery Channel, which helps her later in her argument. Ulaby then mentions the turnaround interview of a marine biologist, Jonathan Davis, and how those at the Discovery Channel misguided him. By stating a claim by a credible marine biologist, her audience can believe each claim she makes more and more. Ulaby also goes further on to name more credible marine biologists and how they say Shark Week began to be corrupted by essentially demonizing sharks through horrific tales of shark attacks.

Although Ulaby was set to invoke the realization of the Discovery Channel’s deception to her audience, she ends her article with its reassurance. Ulaby confidently informs her audience that the Discovery Channel’s head of development and production recently changed and promises not to produce any more fake documentaries.

“After Sketchy Science, Shark Week Promises To Turn Over A New Fin” Article: http://www.npr.org/2015/07/06/420326546/after-sketchy-science-shark-week-promises-to-turn-over-a-new-fin

5 thoughts on “A Frenzy Over Shark Week

  1. agb5214

    I always heard that sharks weren’t as dangerous as everyone made them out to be. Great post.

  2. jmc6876

    This blog post is very interesting and anyone can connect to this! You had really good examples of the pathos used in the radio byte. Good post!

  3. Jess Madden

    This was very interesting to read since I watch Shark Week all the time, great post!

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