
The topic this time is how to use banana to create a keyboard. The speaker is a student from MIT, and want to talk something about the creativity.

The speaker mentioned MacGyver,  and told a story when he was seven to attract the attention of the audience at the first. The audience was very interesting in what he doing at seven. And then, speaker used a drill to do something to the noodles,  and the people feel very funny and laugh with loud voice, so everybody wanted to know what will the speaker said next.

and he brought his topic which is about the world can be changed by him in such small ways by another story, some people can pull leaves off of trees and make singles out of them, and about 3 creative thing by human to brought out his main point, every creation all come from little things around us, may be a more complicated one ,but still, everything was made that way, so we can make it easier. And he asked himself few questions, who is it that’s making these decisions? who’s making these things? How did they make them?what’s stop us to make them?

After that, he talked about a movement called maker movement studied by him in MIT, and open the TV, show some pictures on the screen about what his research doing. And gave more and more details to show us what they did, and explain some examples of them, and show why it has such creativity.

Lets talk about his video, which from his son, and the action method of his son is so similar with those stories he told before, so he explain the main point in these stories.

At last, he did a experiment on the stage, show the people what is the real creativity with simple things, he used pencil to play music for audience.

To sum up, the strategies the speaker used is that give more and more specific examples ,and experiences. And it is truly useful, because i think everybody likes stories or something in detail.  The visual aids also play an important role in his presentation, because the videos and pictures also can provide more details about his research and movement. Specially, the video of his son is very impressive, and it can make people easier to follow him. His body language is very exaggerate, and with a pencil in his hand all the time, he move around on the stage, which show he is an energetic person, corresponding to his topic, creativity!

Meaningful thought groups:

1.the way/ the world works /can be changed,/ and it can be changed by me /in these small ways/.

2.they could pull /leaves/ off of trees /and make shingles out of them/, and they could make/ beds out of trees,


The intonation:

1. And at this point , i am starting to wonder, what kind of tools can we give people, especially adult, who know too much, so that they can see the world as malleable,so the see themselves as agents of change in their everyday lives.

2. Because the most advanced scientists are really just kind of pushing the way the world itself works, pushing what matter can do , the most advanced artists are just pushing the medium, and any sufficiently complicated task, whether you are a cook or a carpenter or you are raising a child, anything that’s complicated.


  1. Yeah, it is true, i like this talk, and another talk i mentioned last discussion, gaming make world better, also very good, including lots of concept of philosophy.

  2. This TED is wonderful! Not only the speech itself, but also the content which opened my mind a lot. And the speaker is fast and clear, it looks like I need to make my muscle of tongue stronger to achieve this.

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