Back by popular demand, the 2nd Not-So-Annual ESM GSO Bocce Ball tournament will be Friday, September 15th on the lawn in front of FRB from 1230-130. Never heard of bocce ball? Don’t know how
Hi all! Thanks for your patience with the scheduling shenanigans. Our fall picnic will be Tuesday, August 29th from 5:00 – 8:00 PM at Sunset Park. All faculty, staff, graduate students, and their families are invited.
We have a very exciting lineup of events underway! Scroll down to see what’s up our sleeves this semester. Remember, put us in your Google calendar, follow us on Facebook
Come one, come all to the ESM Fall Picnic to see all the lovely faces you’ve been missing all summer (and hopefully meet some new people)! Our fall picnic will
The GSO is planning an event at Whipple Dam on Saturday, August 19th to celebrate the weekend before the new semester! The “Music on the Beach” concert series will be wrapping up