Week 8 of Freshman Year

This week was pretty boring and a little stressful. This past weekend I went home with my friends I have made on my floor. This was kind of an odd concept. It was the first time I left campus and didn’t return to my home town. It was also interesting because I haven’t really known these people for too long I was going to have a sleepover at their house. The thing that was definitely the weirdest though, was the fact that I didn’t have to ask or even tell my mom or dad I was doing this. We went Friday night and it was so fun, his parents were so kind and their house had an incredible view. Saturday afternoon we came home and my friend Gianna and I had a very relaxing rest of the weekend. I needed to prepare a lot due to the fact I would be traveling home that coming Thursday.

A lot of people have been asking me why I am going home the weekend of home coming? Well the answer is every year my home town has a fall festival the weekend of October 12th to honor a battle that was fought in our town during the French and Indian War. This festival includes vender booths, food trucks, renacments and everyone ever coming home to catch up. The high school football game’s attendance is higher than homecoming and always falls on senior night. AKA it is the biggest weekend of the year for our little town and I could not miss the opportunity to see my friends and family.

So, because I would be leaving Thursday night I would be skipping my first class on Friday. That brought a lot of stress. I had to get all my work done for the coming weekend. I decided to do my future self a favor and even got ahead in a few of my classes to lessen the post stress from my busy weekend to come. This past week was filled with early gym visits, and late study sessions in order to accomplish all of my goals. I even set up a new time schedule that would allow me to finish all my work with enough time to eat, sleep and work out. I even fit in an ice cream break!

Overall although this past week was packed full it gave me reassurance that I can actually handle a lot more than I thought. It encouraged me to even try to stay ahead in my classes in order to have more success. I cannot wait to see what this weekend brings and will definitely be writing about it next week!


Here is a picture of the Awesome view of my friend Hunter’s back deck! 

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