Office Hours

This semester I am taking a course called Global International Studies 101 (GLIS). This is a course all about understanding the interconnectedness of people on a world wide level. So far in the course we have discussed broad subjects such as colonialism, migrants, and human rights. One of the deeper topics we dove into in the past weeks is prostitution, and whether or not it is something that should be legalized in the USA. One requirement of this specific course is a group debate project. The class is split up into groups of 5 to have an organized pro and con discussion on a topic that we discuss in class. This prostitution question was my topic of debate and unfortunately I was only given a group of 4. This meant that instead of each person doing a specific part of the debate (intro, point one, point two, point three, and closing) one person (me) would be covering two areas. I was in charge of the introduction and the closing.

With the upcoming debate I was feeling a little nervous because of the group project aspect. I am fairly comfortable talking in front of large groups of people however, my teammates did not seem to feel the same way. My Professor, Henry Morello, luckily has office hours directly after our class so it is pretty easy to attend. I had met with him once already in the beginning of the semester to discuss a possible minor in GLIS. I figured that since I had my two sections finished for the debate I would stop by his office and have him it look it over in order to make sure I was doing all I could for the group. I also had a few questions on the individual and group grading aspects.

After class I just walked with him to his office and made some small talk. When we arrived he had me read my two sections out loud as if I were presenting to this class. He gave me pointers on a few of my facts and pointed out that my teammates points (which I address in the intro) needed to be altered. He also reassured me that my grade would not suffer if one of my team members was a little shaky. It was a very helpful visit and I was able to provide my team with the information he had given me. I felt very comfortable and really like Professor Morello a lot. If I do end up pursuing a minor in GLIS he will be a great contact.

Our debate went very well, we ended up winning the class vote! I took all of his suggestions and my teammates did as well. After the debate Professor Morello usually goes through each team member and critics them however, when he got to me he didn’t have anything bad to say. He complimented my public speaking ability an my overall statement. I think it really did help going to see him and it was something I overall enjoyed!

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