Week Nine of Freshmen Year

This past weekend I was able to go home for the first time! If you remember I was feeling a little homesick in last weeks blog so, this trip home was highly anticipated. This was a very big weekend for me because, our diamond ( the middle of our town) was completely re done. If you aren’t aware I grew up in a Hallmark movie town that is just “perfect”. The construction was finished and it honestly looks incredible. After soaking in the glory of my cute little town the rest of the weekend festivities were a go. (Here is my little town!)

First thing first, food. This is the best time of year to get food in Ligonier because. of the variety of food vendors that line the streets. My favorite stand is the Gyro’s. After I ate about three of those my next target was a pulled chicken sandwich. Which was absolutely fantastic. For desert I alternate between chocolate covered strawberries and cheesecake with homemade raspberry sauce. All in all a very well rounded meal for three days.

Secondly, this weekend was about seeing friends and family! Basically all my friends came home for this festive weekend. We ran the town as if noting had changed. Also, because we were all home we had a typical bonfire party at my friend Micheal’s home, which was awesome! This was all Friday night after wee attended the football game. Where, my best friend in high school broke a PA state recored!  Saturday was a family day and I spent it shopping with my aunt and mom and loved every second of it.

This last weekend was a hard one to return to school from. Sunday night upon my return I received some hard news about someone that I really care about. It set the tone for the week to come. This past week included a lot of mental breakdowns and journaling. I am still dealing and deciding how to navigate and handle the current situation even thought time  is dwindling. Today especially is extra difficult.
Over the summer one of my friends passed away unexpectedly, and today is his birthday. To celebrate I will be drinking a big glass of chocolate milk, as well as iced tea , and eating an entire bag of peach rings. These were my friend Joey’s favorite treats and they remind me of him every time I enjoy them. I know he is in a better place now but it is still difficult to understand. Hopefully remembering Joey will help me enjoy my upcoming week just like he would have wanted me to.