About Me

Hello, my name is Ethan Metzgar. I am currently a Junior at The Pennsylvania State University studying Electrical Engineering. I chose Electrical Engineering as my major because of my lifelong fascination with electronics and electricity. I was always curious about how the devices I use every day and the electronics functioned to make them work.

I am currently finishing the foundational courses of my Electrical Engineering degree. Courses I have completed or am currently taking have created a strong understanding of the following topics: electromagnetism, circuit analysis, and devices, electronic circuit design, nanoelectronics, and electrical engineering design processes. Through these and various other courses I have taken I have been able to develop and strengthen my skills such as:

  • Collaboration and Communication
  • Organization and Time Management
  • Troubleshooting and Problem-Solving

Throughout my senior year at Penn State, I will be focusing on EE electives in power and energy. I am also a part of Eta Kappa Nu (HKN) Electrical and Computer Science Honor Society. This Honor Society offers me with many opportunities to branch out my knowledge and even allows me to practice teaching concepts to other students, solidifying my understanding of topics, through tutoring nights.

Over the course of this summer (May-August of 2023) I will be working an internship with H.F. Lenz Co. where I will be able to further grow my skills as an Electrical Engineer. Here I will be working with modeling software called REVIT and on power distribution within buildings.

Eventually, I would like to take the Professional Engineering Exam and obtain a Professional Engineering License.