
Through the projects I provided on the Electrical Engineering Projects page, I was able to strengthen my skills in organization, time management, group communication, troubleshooting, and technical writing


As a part of my website, I have provided some of my reports and documents that I have created as part of projects during my education. Here I will discuss what I have learned and the skills that I have been able to acquire or strengthen because of these projects.

One of my more intensive projects was for my Design Process course (EE 300W). This course allowed my group and I to select a project incorporating topics we were interested in. My group and I decided to create an autonomous vehicle from an RC car, ultrasonic sensors, and an Arduino Microcontroller. This project helped me to strengthen many skills I have already been acquainted with, such as organization, time management, and group communication. Between ordering parts, budgeting, and managing meeting times, I was able to put my already established skill set to work and help manage and complete our project before the deadline. However, this did not come easily. Throughout the semester my team and I were plagued with errors and faulty products forcing us to cut down on future project ideas and focus on completing the main task we had set out to complete. Although, these issues helped me grow and strengthen my troubleshooting and problem-solving skills. Whether it was looking for a new idea to try, finding an error within our code, or brainstorming with my team, this project helped me grow and strengthen many core skills. The included document for this project is the design specification document my team and I made for our project.

Another project I worked on was a “karaoke machine” for my Circuits and Devices course (EE210). This was a solo project for my course where I was to design a device that could control the volume, bass, treble, and if the vocals play during a song. Though this project was done only by myself, it helped me to apply my new circuit analysis techniques along with my knowledge of different circuit components to complete. I also developed a better sense of thinking like an Electrical Engineer and how to troubleshoot and test physical and written circuits.

The final project I will be discussing is one done for my Technical Writing course (ENGL 202C). This project involved creating an instruction set for a topic of my own choice, that being how to light up an LED using a MyDAQ and a breadboard. Making this document grew my technical writing and design skills, along with audience analysis. This project and course also taught me how to convey information effectively and to a specific audience and to take into account ADA compliance for documents I create.

Each project and document I have created throughout my education showcases my skills in group collaboration and communication, time management, organization, technical writing, troubleshooting, and problem-solving. I look forward to solidifying the previously discussed skills and gaining new ones through future projects, courses, and jobs.