3.3 Use of animals in research: The Animal Welfare Act and IACUC

The Federal Animal Welfare Act regulates the use of animals in research. The Animal Welfare Act requires research facilities that involve animal use to register and to establish an institutional animal care and use committee (IACUC) to “assess the research facility’s animal program, facilities, and procedures” (Department of Agriculture, 2013). The IACUC’s responsibility includes:

  • Review and ensure humane care and use of animals;
  • Inspect animal facilities;
  • Prepare and submit evaluations to institutional officials;
  • Review and investigate reports of concerns regarding animal care;
  • Make recommendations to institutional officials on animal programs and personnel training;
  • Review, approve, require modification of, or reject proposed activities involving animal care (Department of Agriculture, 2013).

Criteria for an IACUC review include:

The Penn State IACUC “oversees and evaluates all aspects of the University’s animal care and use program.” Penn State University requires all university personnel and visitors who work with animals at the university to complete IACUC training. IACUC review is managed on PRAMS.

In addition to the IACUC review, research activities that are conducted or supported by the U.S Public Health Service (PHS) is also regulated by PHS’s Policy on the Humane Care and Use of Laboratory Animals.