Join the Conversation!

What makes you love somebody?


Is it their face, their voice, that cute way they twirl their hair?


Well those things probably help, but we fall in love with a body; we fall in love with a soul.  I grew up with two moms, and their connection to each other is stronger than physical attraction; in fact, they have very little in the way of a physical relationship (I’ll come back to them later, but first things first).  They love each other, and they’re lucky enough to live in a corner of suburban Pennsylvania that allows them to live together in peace.


Most people aren’t that lucky.


Out of the 196 countries in the world, only 26 of them have legalized same sex marriage.  YES THAT’S RIGHT, ONLY 26.  That’s sickening, and it doesn’t even cover the violence and discrimination that occurs worldwide toward the LGBT community.


It has to stop.


We need to do something to fight for LGBT rights – to fight for the basic right to love who you choose to love, and to identify as whomever you are.  It’s not about your body, it’s about your soul.


As a broke college student, I’m limited in what I can do.  I can’t change legislation around the world, and I can’t snap my fingers and have the violence stop.  That being said, I can join the conversation.


I can add my voice to the millions of people who have entered the fight for gender/sexual equality, and use my time in school (which includes the access to WordPress, thanks PSU) to share the things I’m learning and the LGBTQA issues that are evolving around the world.


Let me know what issues set a fire under your butt and what you’d like to see on this blog!  Leave a comment in the space below, or contact me yourself – I can’t wait to hear from you.


Let’s Join the Conversation!


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