Fair Trade Univ

Each Fair Trade University is unique, developing its own campaign according to the academic schedule, structure of the school, and campus culture. Fair Trade institutions are part of a growing national network of organizations promoting the values and benefits of Fair Trade and contribute to the growth of the global Fair Trade Movement.

Fair Trade Colleges & Universities – http://www.fairtradeuniversities.org/  and  http://www.fairtradetownsusa.org/why/universities/

Fair Trade Campus Network on Ning – http://fairtradecampus.ning.com/

Declared Fair Trade Colleges/Universities
University of Wisconsin – Oshkosh (WI); University of California – San Diego (CA); Sienna College (NY); Western Kentucky University (KY), Manhattan College (NY), Saint Michael’s College (VT), Loras College (IA), Creighton University (NE), Penn State Brandywine (PA)

Criteria for becoming a Fair Trade University

  1. Form a Fair Trade Committee
  2. Make Fair Trade products available in university-owned/operated outlets as well as included in service contracts
  3. wherever possible
  4. Use Fair Trade products at internal university meetings, events hosted by the university and in university offices
  5. Develop a Fair Trade Resolution and Fair Trade Procurement Policy
  6. Commit to Fair Trade education, awareness-raising and growth of the Fair Trade campaign

[youtube http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0D0txc37yzc?rel=0]

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