Why Fair Trade Chocolate is AWESOME

As I was searching the web, I came across a fantastic poster on Fair Trade Chocolate. See it for yourself:
Fair Chocolate

Once I saw this, I was curious in knowing the special stories behind some brands. I hope you find them as interesting as I did.

Equal Exchange incorporates ties with small-scale cacao producers from different countries in South America. With the National Confederation of Dominican Cacao Producers (CONACADO) in Dominican Republic, the Fair Trade premiums have contributed to school supplies and scholarships for members’ children, paving roads, constructing wells, improving health clinics with medicine and doctors, and so much more.

Another Fair Trade brand is Divine Chocolate, a co-operative organization largely owned by cocoa farmers in Ghana. Divine Chocolate has helped the lifestyle of its workers by providing training and empowering female workers. Currently, the Divine Bicycle Challenge–which ends on June 19–initiates a new transportation movement for children of cocoa farmers in Ghana.

Click the image for more details.

With the help from one of the leading UK chocolate brands, Cadbury, the Fairtrade logo on these chocolate bars have become a huge success. As a result, solar energy has become a part of Ghanaian schools, mills, health clinics, and homes. Read the entire article here.


Fair Trade and its impact on chocolate is truly encouraging and enlightening the lives of our world cocoa community. All things chocolate, I can’t wait to enjoy a pint of Double Chocolate Fudge ice cream from Ben & Jerry’s.


Always remember…
Keep Calm Fair Trade Chocolate



Contributed by Lisa Chun, Fair Trade Intern


Following the Footsteps of Trailblazing

Fair Trade Trailblazer Hi there! My name is Lisa Chun, and I will be the new student intern for summer and fall of 2014. I am super excited to be involved in this amazing campaign and hope to reach out to individuals who are curious about the Fair Trade movement.

For my first post, I sought out reasons why Fair Trade is genuine and truly beneficial for farmers. It was encouraging to find that “all (fair trade) labels massively improve conditions for the farmers.”  As stated by swissinfovideos in the YouTube video seen below, fair trade label farmers’ incomes increased by a whopping 30% compared to incomes of non-label farmers. You may already know that the label represents improved working conditions and provides fair wages for small-scale farmers. But if you would like to gain insight on a first-hand experience at a factory in eastern Uganda, Elen Jones has shared her perspective on Fairtrade benefits. Click here for the article: Why I’m sure Fairtrade delivers benefits to farmers by Elen Jones, Fair Trade Wales




Overall, I believe that Fair Trade is a trustworthy organization and I’m delighted to be a part of it. In my view, the benefits are for both the consumer and the producer, but Fair Trade underlines the importance of helping the producer. For the consumer, we can expect high quality goods which we know have been made using sustainable methods, thus creating a better community and environment in the long run.

Thank you for joining me on this Fair Trade journey and have a wonderful rest of the week! And a big thanks to Leshaun Warner who introduced me to Fair Trade and had me assimilated into our school’s Fair Trade campaign.



Contributed by Lisa Chun, Fair Trade Intern

Spring 2014 Trailblazers Farewell Post

After a year of interning for the Fair Trade Trailblazers, the time has come for me to pass on the torch of justice to the summer fair trade intern, Lisa Chun.

The experiences that I have had working for the Trailblazers, have taught me many lessons and provided me with much experience. Through the course of my internship, I was able to organize a variety of events on the Brandywine campus. One in particular was an Letter Writing event to congratulate the kids of the Walden school for being one of the first elementary schools to reach Fair Trade status. Many students, staff, and faculty came out to write letter of encouragement and to congratulate them on this huge accomplishment.

It has truly been an amazing experience to work along side my peers, faculty, and staff to advocate for a cause. I know as I move on to future endeavors I will carry with me the knowledge that I have gained from this internship and will continue to advocate for social justice issues.



                                                                                                                 – Gandhi

Contributed by Leshaun Warner, Fair Trade Intern

Fair Trade Schools


Recently, Fair Trade Campaigns lunched its newest campaign – Fair Trade Schools.

“Fair Trade Schools will empower students, teachers and staff to drive demand for ethical consumption from the next generation…Fair Trade Schools will officially recognize K-12 institutions committed to educating students about Fair Trade, an economic system that ensures products were grown, harvested, crafted and traded in ways that improve lives and protect the environment. Schools may choose to host educational events, or even source Fair Trade products like coffee, tea and bananas in the cafeteria, offices and other school outlets.” – Fair Trade Campaigns

There are three schools in Media, Pa that have successfully reached Fair Trade status: The Walden School in Media declared as the first Fair Trade School in the country, Media Elementary is now the first public elementary school to achieve Fair Trade status, and Penncrest High School in Media, PA just became the first Fair Trade public high school.


Way to go!!! Keep up the good work and lets continue to raise awareness about Fair Trade!


Contributed by Leshaun Warner, Fair Trade Intern 

Looking Fair Trade-themed letters from PSU Brandywine Students, Faculty, and Staff

The Penn State Brandywine Fair Trade Trailblazers will be hosting two letter writing days for Absolutely Incredible Kid Day!!! “Absolutely Incredible Kid Day is a day designated to honor our nation’s youth. Adults and teens are asked to write letters of encouragement and inspiration. It is a simple, meaningful way to let youth know how much they are appreciated.” Please consider coming out on Monday March 17 (Common Hour Tomezsko Lounge) & Tuesday March 18 (Common Hour Lion’s Den) to written brief letters of encouragement to the next generation. For more information please contact, Leshaun Warner at lsw5082@psu.edu. Thank you!

paper image

 Contributed by Leshaun Warner, Fair Trade Intern

International Women’s Day!!!


International Women’s Day celebrates the social, political and economic achievements of women while focusing world attention on areas requiring further action.”

“This year theme is Inspiring Change It calls for challenging the status quo for women’s equality and vigilance inspiring positive change.”

International Women’s Day (Website)


“Fair Trade strives to help women realize their full potential and to get the respect in their communities that they deserve. Women hired on Fair Trade farms and plantations are guaranteed access to health care, certain job rights, and freedom from harassment so that women are able to play a strong role in their families and in their coops. Fair Trade certified farms have empowered women through opportunities for education, leadership roles, and scholarships so that girls can imagine a future where they can be their own boss.”

–  Fair Trade USA (Website)

Fair Trade is much more than just a label on a product, it’s a movement! Seeking to empower those that have been taken advantages of or given unequal opportunities. During this weekend choose Fair Trade Products to empower women and men across the world.

Contributed by Leshaun Warner, Fair Trade Intern


While many of you are safely inside your home keeping warm and staying far away from the snow. What better way to spend your down time then making some delicious banana coconut chocolate almond bread. The recipe comes from Fair Trade USA who retrieved it from Barefoot & Chocolate.

Banana Coconut Chocolate Almond Bread made with Fair Trade Certified Ingredients


Preparation Instructions:

Preheat oven to 350F. Mash up the bananas with a fork in a large mixing bowl.  Add the egg, sugar, vanilla, salt, butter, shredded coconut, and almonds. Blend until well mixed.  In a separate bowl mix the flour and baking soda.  Add the flour mixture into the wet mixture in a few batches and mix until well blended.

Cut a piece of parchment paper to fit the sides and bottom of a standard 4X8 bread pan. I like to leave the paper a little long so there is paper draping over the edges of the pan. This allows you to simply lift the loaf out of the pan once its cooled. Fit the parchment paper into the bread pan, creasing the paper to align with the seams of the pan. Butter the paper and the sides of the pan, lightly dust with flour. Pour in all the batter.  Dollop Almond-Coconut Chocolate Spread along the top of the loaf. Use a skewer to swirl the spread into the banana bread mixture until the spread is mostly covered by the batter.

Place the bread into the center of the oven. Bake for approximately 1 hour at 350F. Test the bread to ensure doneness by inserting a clean knife into the center. Keep in mind it will continue to cook bit after you take it out of the oven.


Contributed by Leshaun Warner, Fair Trade Intern

Cacao & Blueberry Oatmeal

In Punxsutawney, PA Groundhog Phil saw his shadow earlier today on February 2, 2014. According to legend, there are six more week of winter ahead this year. Unfortunately, this forecast is not surprising, but I believe anyone living one the east coast would agree that we would prefer spring to come sooner rather than later. Although, more snow is on its way tomorrow I have a simply recipe courtesy of Fair Trade USA that should make your mornings a lot better.

Makes 4 servings
Cooking + Preparation time: 12-15 minutes

4 cups of water
2 cups of rolled oats
¼ teaspoon of salt
1 teaspoon of Fair Trade Certified Casacao Cacao Powder 
½ cup of blueberries
½ teaspoon of Fair Trade Certified ground cinnamon
Almond, soy, rice, or regular milk (optional)

1. Combine water, oatmeal, and salt in a saucepan.

2. Bring to a boil; then lower heat and cook slowly, stirring occasionally, until water has been reduced, or oatmeal has been cooked to the consistency of your liking (about 7-8 minutes).

3.Take oatmeal off the heat and stir in Casacao Cacao Powder (a little goes a long way!).

(Add the optional Soy, rice, almond milk)

4.Serve oatmeal in a bowl and add the blueberries and sprinkle ground cinnamon (equal parts per serving).

Add or substitute with other great fruits, such as bananas and strawberries for variety.


Contributed by Leshaun Warner, Fair Trade Intern