Tag Archives: slavery

Upcoming Event: “Facing the Monster: Slavery Then and Now”

In support of National Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, the Media-Upper Providence Public Library is sponsoring an action-packed event to spread further awareness on the issues surrounding human trafficking.

The event, titled “Facing the Monster: Slavery Then and Now,” is taking place right here, in our home town of Media, PA, on Wednesday, January 30th, 2013.

The program will involve a series of diverse segments including:

  • A short presentation on the stories of runaway slaves in the 1800s as well as in the present; Dr. Sam Lemon and Carol Metzker will also speak on the various actions taken to battle trafficking
  • A book signing with the author of Facing the Monster: How One Person Can Fight Child Slavery, Carol Metzker
  • Five information tables with representatives from the Delaware County Coalition Against Human Trafficking, the Media Fair Trade Committee & Brandywine Penn State Trailblazers, the Delco WAR and Domestic Abuse Project, CASA, and Dawn’s Place
  • A vibrant discussion about slavery in modern society and methods that can be employed to eliminate trafficking
This event is free and open to the public! However, donations are always welcome to support Dawn’s Place, a local shelter for survivors of human trafficking and commercial sexual exploitation.

Doors open at 6:30PM and the event is scheduled to start at 7PM in the Parlor Room of the Media Municipal Building.

Of course, members of our very own campus fair trade organization will be at the event to show our support and to spread the growing fair trade movement. We hope to see you there!


Contributed by Labanya Mookerjee, Fair Trade Intern