Wubba Lubba Dub-Dub!!!!!
I started watching Rick and Morty again, which I have not watched in years since the fandom of the show become outright toxic and a meme through r/gatekeeping. Its a great show with some of the best world building I have ever seen in my short life, but it is communicated in such a effective way. The show also touches on deep topics and even the art it self is complicated that seasons are routinely delayed due to the quality of production.
Nonetheless I started watching this show again as a mental unplugging from the fucking week that is midterms. The crunching of homework, the insane assignments, which may not even be that formidable in the long run, and the over lapping assignments. The course load killer is out there, and right now it is open season and people are getting toe tagged. I myself feel frickin dead right now, I got 20 hours of sleep in the past 72 which is not even as bad as some people. My girlfriend is getting slaughtered by math assignments, language homework,and all that on top of studying. I myself found out I am 170 pages behind in my Archaeology class, and I am now several pages behind in Russian work, AND I being a complete Nin-ca-poop I took the wrong online quiz and had to ask the professor to let me reopen it.
If this week was not stressful enough all ready I had my bank account frozen which I had to spend hours diligently working through. For the record absolute headache especially on no sleep, but I loved the cutomer service staff and they certainly made the whole experience bearable.
And for reasons like these is why I need mental unplugs, brain drains too. This why I saw Wubba Lubba Dub-Dub, which means “I am in great pain” according to Birdperson from the show. No other phrase perfectly encapsulates my status as a being and yet puts it in a apparently blissful acceptance of your own situation.
So for now, Wubba Lubba Dub-Dub
-Ya boi Jame