Immigration in the United States

Immigration is a topic that has changed in its level of controversy throughout the history of the United States. In the founding years of America’s democracy, immigration was promoted and heavily encouraged. While this was primarily meant for white males from eastern European countries like France and Great Britain, it was still something that was encouraged by the United States government. America is considered to be founded by Immigrants and a popular saying among different generational groups is that “Immigrants are the backbone of the United State’s workforce.”

In the late 1700s, Samuel Ellis bought a small island off the coast of modern day Jersey City and built a pub for local fisherman to spend time at. In the early 1800s, New York State bought the island from his family and established a fort on the small island which later became the nation’s most prolific and well known immigration station. Around the 1940s, the immigration center moved from Ellis Island to another location in New York but it continued to be a detention center for illegal aliens and deportees. During the period in which Ellis Island was an immigration station, around 12 million immigrants passed by stemming from all over the world. America has a rich history in allowing people displaced from their homes into their nation.

The Statue of Liberty became the symbol for hope and a new life to many individuals. A poem on the Statue of Liberty states “Give me your tired, your poor, your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, the wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!” This was written by Emma Lazarus, an individuals who’s roots stemmed from a very rich Jewish-Portuguese heritage. In the poem called “The New Colossus”, it basically describes how the Statue of Liberty is supposed to be a beacon of possibility and new opportunities.

Currently, Immigration is one of the sorest and most controversial topics being discussed in the United States. As of recent years, the United States government has taken a much different approach on the policy for entrance of immigrants. They have become extremely hostile in their practices and basically inhumane in their policies. There has been a recent surge in immigrants coming from South America to escape gangs and environmental disasters.

There has been a caravan of almost 4000 members of different South American cities that have been making their way to the United States. In the past month, they have been disbanded by Mexican authorities on the behalf of ICE (Immigration and Custom Enforcement). While the individuals are being wrongly treated in their native countries, when they cross the border (illegally or legally) they are put mostly in detention centers across the border. These detention centers are incredibly dirty and almost never have all the supplies they need to properly treat their inhabitants. It has almost become a death camp in some locations. Children are being separated from their parents at the border and not given a proper trial. They have been suspending their possibilities of gaining an interpreter for their trial dates and abusing them in the centers. The detention centers are more like concentration camps minus the outright abuse given to its inhabitants.

Global immigration into the United States has also taken a rather large decline due to America’s newer policies. During the Syrian refugee crisis thousands of refugees were refused access into the country. Many applied and had legitimate circumstances that would permit having people coming in. While immigration from European countries was at an all time high in the United States, immigration from countries in the Middle East and Africa were extremely low. This is currently due to the current administrations beliefs on Immigration in the United States. Donald Trump has been a heavy supporter of the anti-immigration campaign and has blatantly stated that immigrants should not be allowed into this country. In past administrations, Immigration was a topic not out rightly discussed in politics but in the modern century it has become a big political issues. This is mainly due to the republican congressional support in backing his anti-immigration policies but hopefully in the next administration. Immigration can be loosened to better help all parties.


The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Ellis Island.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 2 Oct. 2019,

The Editors of Encyclopaedia Britannica. “Statue of Liberty.” Encyclopædia Britannica, Encyclopædia Britannica, Inc., 5 Feb. 2019,


Swatting and IRL Violence

Video games marketed as violent and rated as for mature audiences are in the thousands. They have been made for tens of years and are not going to stop anytime soon. Although violent video games are a topic of discussion among many major chatroom dedicated solely to video games on websites like Reddit and Discord. Arguments happen every day varying from the disagreement on the color of a certain characters outfit in a Easter egg of some random retro game released in the 1980s or from hackers stealing personal information of players on games like Call of Duty or Grand Theft Auto V. These online fights happen all the time so no one pays much attention to them but sometimes they tend to bleed out into the real world and problems begin to arise. There is a practice that is highly illegal but used by some gamers to hurt their intended target by acquiring their targets address and calling the police and stating that the person has a gun and is holding people hostage. This is known as Swatting and is a very prevalent issue in the FPS gaming community because people tend to be more willing to do it through violent video games.

A terrible incident that happened in Wichita, Kansas ended with an innocent person killed. Two men that were on the same Call of Duty: WW2 team got into an extremely heated argument on a previous bet of  $1.50 and it ended with one of the men obtaining the wrong address of the man he intended to swat and called the police saying he was Brian and told them that he had shot his father and was going to shoot more people. The swat department acting on that information stormed the address provided to them and fatally shot the father of 2, Andrew Finch. He was taken to the hospital and later died of his injuries. This man’s life could have been spared if the serial swatter, Tyler Raj Barriss, decided not to swat his teammate. There have been hundreds of Swattings across the US and many other countries. It has become a big issue in the age of prank calls and bomb threats. It became a prevalent issue in the 1980s when bomb threats were being called into heavily populated locations like airports and train stations. Pranksters have adopted the method to be used in gaming communities and has become a real issue among much of the gaming community.

Gender Diversity and the Sexualization of Women in Video Games

Gender has always been a one track type of conversation when it came to video games. Women were always considered to be the damsel in distress when it came to being characters in different video games. Although in the past couple of years, producers of popular games are trying to become more “women friendly” by including them as playable characters or even main characters. This has been met with a lot of backlash by the primarily male based consumer industry for these popular games. Producers have sought to fix this as to not enrage their primarily men consumers by overly sexualizing women in these games. The extreme sexualizing of women in video games puts an intense pressure on female gamers that are just trying to enjoy their time being in a primarily men dominated atmosphere. This is a big issue in both the manufacturers of games and the different companies but also by some of the men that are playing these games and interacting with female gamers. I have seen so many men harasses women for playing FPS (first person shooter) games just because they are threatened by how much better some women are than them.

For example, the popular NES game called Metroid is based on Samus Aran, and their attempt to collect all the metroids stolen by pirates. This is an extremely popular game selling over 7.15 million units on the least popular Nintendo gaming console. They decided to add a secret ending to the game if the player completed the full game in around 5 hours then the game would reveal to the player that Samus Aran (the main character) was actually a women by taking off her helmet and leaving her in her uniform. This could be considered a big win in the eyes of the female demographic of players that enjoyed the game. Personally, I wouldn’t considered it that much of a win because if the player completes the game a few hours faster than the previous secret ending’s time than Samus Aran is revealed to be a female but they decide to take off both her helmet and chest plate to reveal that she is a women but they overly emphasize her features. They decide to put her in just a leotard and accentuate her breasts. This was one of the only ways that the producers could get away with making her a women in their most popular game for the franchise.