The Second Amendment in the Constitution of the United States of America states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (1789)” This amendment was made for the purpose of being able to form a militia in the 1700s because of the threat that loomed over the colonies from the British empire. Also it was a large way to keep military power under civil control. To many in the United States now, it is a stupid addition to the constitution. The threat of invasion from the British ceased almost 3 centuries ago, while new threats have come into fruition like terrorism and gang violence. Weapons have changed in their necessity from many years ago. Every time there is a mass shooting in the United States, there is a sudden call for gun control and new legislation to counter the threat of gun violence but nothing ever happens to end the ability for those to obtain guns. This is because of the second amendment.
The 5 deadliest shootings in America are the Las Vegas Shooting, Orlando nightclub shooting, Virginia Tech shooting, Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, Sutherland Springs church shooting. 4 out of the 5 were committed in the last decade and all were committed using a semi automatic rifle, pistol, or a revolver (or a combination between them). The most fatal was the Las Vegas shooting where 59 people (including the shooter) were killed during a music festival. The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting was one of the most publicized around the world because of how young the victims were and how many died. So many mass shootings happen at schools, that children live in constant fear. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, children would duck under desks in an attempt to shield themselves from the direct hit of a nuclear weapon. Currently, kids lock their door, turn off all the lights, and grab anything that can be considered a weapon. The closest that anybody has gotten to establishing real legislation to counter gun control or even just better gun regulations was after the Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting where 16 students and 1 faculty member were shot and killed. Those who were victims in the shooting became known as the Parkland kids and they advocated for gun rights across the nation.
Gun regulation is another option for those who choose to not support the full disbanding of the current gun laws that are in place. Semi automatics are legal in so many states but those are the primary weapons of the shooters that commit mass shootings. So by regulating the attachments that allow for semi automatic weapons to become full automatic weapons such as bump stocks and larger magazines to increase the faster output of bullets from the weapons. It seems that in the media it is a party issue with Democrats being for the de-establishment of the current gun laws in the United States and Republicans being for the continuation of the current gun laws in the United States.
The Gun Control issue also brings up the much discussed answer of mental health and age restrictions. Who should be allowed to purchase and possess firearms? Should it be those who are 18 and straight of high school possibly with or without a degree or GED? Should people who have been diagnosed with mental illness be allowed to be in the possession of guns? This is a debate in a lot of America with those who are for gun regulation stating that there needs to be greater assistance given to those with mental illness or just better laws to find those with mental illness. Stronger background checks need to be given to properly ensure that those who are trying to get possession of firearms are adequately able to handle it and are not a danger to society because that is what leads to mass shootings happening. Gun supporters always state that its not the gun who kills people but its people who kill people but rather than giving them adequate mental assistance we stick them in jail or give them medication in hopes that it will solve the issue rather than us having to address it properly. Gun control will forever be a controversial topic because no side is willing to concede.