Women’s involvement in FPS games

The video game industry has always been focused on men. The characters were based around male features and the in game items were formatted for male use. I can imagine that due to marketing and the use of female characters as sexual objects can attract the male players. That is not the only marketing strategy used though, the games are inherently violent and arranged so that are attractive to males aged 12 and up. When playing these games, the in game chat is used to communicate with other players in your game. These communication application’s purpose has changed extremely with the evolution of the gaming industry. While playing these First Person Shooter games, I have encountered many individuals who use their online gamer tag as a safety net to be able to openly say what ever they want. These applications of communication are not monitored by any organization so what is being said is all unfiltered. This leads to individuals saying inappropriate things and it leading to escalating circumstances were people say racist, sexist, homophobic things. These companies that allow in game chat realize the risk of having game chats that are not monitored so they employ a self reporting tactic.

Women in these games are subject to the worst of the abuse. Due to the aggressive nature of the games, woman are rarely the type to engage in the games. So, on the rare occasion that they are playing, men in these games go ballistic and start saying obscene things. Women also do a lot better making compensation when streaming these games. While, most of these cases, they may not have the most skill in comparison to the men who play these games but in the situations where they do match up in skill level. They use their skills to stream on the various streaming web sites so that they can make a profit. While, this is a primarily male dominated space, these women are able to make a considerable amount of money due to the rarity that it is seen for women to play these First Person Shooter (FPS) games. When I play these games, there are a significant amount of males that are intrigued by my presence so on more than one occasion I have been bombarded with a mass amount of messages primarily discussing that fact that I am a female playing a First Person Shooter game.

Navigating gaming in the midst of a Pandemic

The worldwide pandemic that started in Wuhan, Hubei province, China, on December 2019 and is still going on till today’s date of April 6th has affected the daily lives of almost everybody in the world. It has completely stopped the normality of most individuals and left many unemployed due to strict stay at home orders being given out to much of the world. Individuals are trying to find ways to occupy their time so that they are not constantly thinking about how the Coronavirus is impacting their lives which is a good coping mechanism. Personally, I’ve been playing video games and keeping up to date with blogs that are reporting different users joining their platforms. In the IOS store which is used for apple products, the game Plauge Inc., which portrays you as a virus spreader and your goal is to infect and kill everyone globally, saw an increase amount of sales directly after the announcement of the pandemic due to many analysts thinking that individuals were using this as a means of simulating possible outcomes to the pandemic.

Lots of multiplayer games saw a sharp increase in user activity due to many people going on the different games because of all their free time. This was complemented with the increasing amount of issues being brought up because there were so many individuals on the applications at once. All these game developers could not even fix the issues because most were either furloughed or working from home where they may not have had the resources. I know with the games I’ve been playing, there have been so many users at once where the game starts to cut out at certain points of the match. Which is not exactly normal. Companies are also having a hard time releasing games that were set to go out this month. Animal Crossing: New Horizons and Doom Eternal had the same release date and they coordinated with each other to release the load in different waves so that the platforms and the servers would deal with from the sudden downloads of their games. They also told companies like GameStop to be wary of the individuals who were not complying to the rules set in place such as social distancing. Companies have an obligation to help their customers but they are looking for ways to make it safe for their employees. It creates a weird dynamic between gaming and this pandemic but so far it is working.

A brief summary of the beginning of the Call of Duty: Zombies story line

I would say out of the hundreds of games I have played, the call of duty franchise has the most insane story lines. This is solely because without putting in the time and effort into the game you would not realize that you are actually participating in a plot with each character having a specific role in the story. Without having prior knowledge of the background of each game, you would not be able to access the Easter Eggs (they are a series of challenges to unlock alternative endings to games) within the games and therefore unlock the story line.

For example, Call of Duty Zombies section of the franchise commenced in their beginning zombies game with Call of Duty: World at War with a few zombie maps but nothing that really started off the plot. In Call of Duty: Black Ops, the main plot started with the map, Moon. The player was chosen to play as one of the 1.0 crew that consisted of Corporal “Tank” Dempsey, Nikolai Belinski, Takeo Masaki, and the German scientist Edward Richtofen. You would play to complete a series of challenges on the base that was established on Earth’s Moon for the Easter Egg that would reveal a cut scene where Richtofen’s daughter Samantha is stuck in a device that would allow her send and control all the zombies on Earth. Later in the challenges, 3 rockets would be sent to Earth and the whole planet would be completely annihilated.

In Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, you would play as a new set of wastelanders on the map TranZit, where the map takes you to the destroyed Earth and you are trying to survive by traveling on a bus to different part sof the map. You would complete the Easter Egg Challenges but mostly this game was used to prove that Earth was completely destroyed and it wouldn’t be able to be repaired without a lot of work. On the 2nd map on the Black Ops 2 game called Origins, the Easter Egg challenges would end in the previous universe being completely eliminated and a new one being opened in its place and those in the 1.0 crew being reincarnated as warriors in a group called Ultimis. In the Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 map called Revelation, it shows the players trying to set the Universe right from all the evils and completely get rid of the zombies. As well as Samantha being released as the controller of the zombies (that is shown by the different colors in the eyes of the zombies).

The story is more complex but this is the best description that I think someone who does not necessarily play the franchise can understand.

The Evolution of Religious Freedom and Liberty

The United States was founded on the basis that those who were escaping the British could have religious freedom and now have to suffer from the taxes by the British. The puritans were the first example of individuals looking for religious freedom in the midst of a growing government that could not separate the clergy and state. The first amendment gave the right of freedom of religion to all citizens of the United States. It took several years after the whole United States Government was formed for the officials to come to a consensus on how much religion should affect the sanctity of politics in the new world that they were establishing. They came to an understanding that religion should be chosen by the individual and expressed to their own extent. As well as the choice to not make a set religion mandatory in the country (A state decreed religious affiliation).

Many countries around the world chose to affiliate their nation with certain religious groups. Most of North and West Africa are affiliated with Islam, as well as the middle east. Most countries have a majority of the countries having primarily a population that associates with Christianity. Currently, there are 20 major religions being practiced around the whole world. From the older religions such as Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Hinduism, etc., to some of the newer religions such as Bahá’í and Rastafari which have emerged in the last century. Each has a unique role in the locations that they are currently being practiced in. There are also major religions that do not have a distinct holy individual like Jesus within Christianity, or Allah within Islam. Atheism is also a very popular religion situated in many countries spanning the globe in where there is no higher being and that is man made and that it is meaningless.

There are many issues that blend in to create a large web of intersectionality between themes of racism and prejudice to religion and faith. While in the first amendment it claims to grant the freedom of religion to every American citizen. It is questioned heavily in the viewpoint of the government and even the citizens of the United States. I wouldn’t state that we are being forced to conform but I will bring up the argument that religious affiliation does matter heavily in terms of politics. When an elected official is being sworn in they must place their hand on a central religious text of their faith. In the terms of the most recent presidential election, the President of the United States during his inauguration was sworn in by reciting an oath with his hand placed on the bible because his religious affiliation was with Christianity. While the U.S. Representative for Minnesota’s 5th congressional district since 2019, Ilhan Omar, was sworn into office by placing her hand on a Quran because her religious affiliation is with Islam.

In many cases around the United States, individuals have been confined to dress a certain way or wear their hair in a specific nature when many style themselves to appropriately follow their religious affiliation. In the neighboring county of mine, Prince William County in Virginia, two teens were sent home for donning a hijab to their classes at Freedom High School prompting significant backlash from lots of individuals. While religious freedom may be respected in the eyes of the laws. There are still many instances where it is not respected by other individuals. Hate and religion are two things that most would not normally be linked to each other but in the recent years there have been an increasing amount of hate crimes that are resulting because of prejudice of an individuals religion. After 9/11, there was a sudden backlash and hateful remarks directed towards Muslims because the perpetrators were Islamic terrorists. On October 27, 2018 a Jewish Synagogue was the victim of a mass shooting where 11 people passed away and 6 were wounded.

These hate crimes may not be supported be supported by the government but their is no protection given to those that practice religions that may not be as common as some others. This leads to a sad dynamic where certain religions are persecuted more than others. This is sad to see, especially in a country where the freedom of religion is literally their first amendment in the constitution.

Free games v.s. Paid Games

There are an increasing amount of companies that choose to make their games free so that it can reach a larger audience. Games like Roblox and Fortnite are some of the most popular games (reaching millions of people a day) and they are free. Most games that are free still make a good amount of money from their participants. They sell them cosmetics or things to enhance the gaming experience which is good for those who are willing to make money for those types of things. Personally, I have not spent money to purchase those cosmetics or advancements but my little brother (who is addicted to Roblox) has spent almost $1,000 on the game. I have purchased it for him and my parents have purchased it for him but it brings up a good way that companies can reach a large audience but are still able to make a large profit from the games. These games are mostly given to PC users but some companies have been expanding to XBOX and PS4 users so that they can also purchase the products and the companies can reap the benefits of selling to a greater audience.

If you choose to pay $60 for a newly released game, you can get the whole story line, multiplayer, and whatever else is offered in the base game. While these companies still choose to add things that will enhance the game, the player has the ability to get more benefits from the paid version rather than paying every time for little things. These games also have advanced models so that if you choose to acquire expansion packs and other resources like that you pay around $20 more and you can have it. They also require you to have membership with whatever console platform you choose to use such as XBOX Live or PlayStation Network which are an addition $60 a year. Before buying a game, you must determine how much you are willing to spend. Like if I were to buy a $60 Call of Duty: Black Ops game, I know that it is probably going to be an additional $60 for all the expansion and DLC packs that come with it in the future. While with games like Assassin Creed, I know it is a one and done type of game. That once I finish the main and side quests, there is nothing left to purchase so I must move on to the next game.

Streaming platforms

One of the first major streaming platforms for Video Gamers was YouTube Gaming. It was a great way for gamers to connect with their audience when playing live for fans became a prevalent thing in the industry. The current four biggest streaming platforms for gamers is YouTube Gaming, Hitbox.tv, Mirrativ, and the most popular Twitch. Personally, I rely on Twitch when I choose to stream my long gaming times. It is the most reliable because it was made solely for the streaming of games and not for just general live recordings (but people still use it for that). Companies like Amazon and Microsoft have been dipping into the industry of streaming because it is looking to be a multi million dollar industry if it continues to grow as projected. The platforms allow for you to portray the game you playing and allow you to include audio from both the game and commentary from you if you choose to do so. Most even allow for video recordings of yourself playing as a way for fans to be able to connect with the gamer a bit easier than before.

While this has advanced a lot in the past few years as streaming becomes more popular and more lucrative. It has brought a unexpected issue to those who choose to stream their game play. Copyright is a large issue for the streamers because they are not entirely sure what is considered copyright when streaming because if they screw up and accidentally include something that they aren’t allowed to then their stream gets demonetized and taken down from the streaming platforms website. As well as the issue of currency exchanging, most streamers add a link to their donation drive which is essentially a way to make money from their playing video games. It was discovered that some streaming platforms take a small percentage of their fan’s donations while that may not be to large when it comes to one or two donations. If you have thousands of children donating to your drive then the companies could essentially be taking hundreds of dollars that were intended to further your content. This has brought up a weird precedent between streaming platforms and gamers who are trying to find a healthy balance where they both don’t get cheated. A great example of this would be how Ninja, one of the most popular streamers, switched from YouTube gaming to Twitch recently.

Gun Control and the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment in the Constitution of the United States of America states that “A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed. (1789)” This amendment was made for the purpose of being able to form a militia in the 1700s because of the threat that loomed over the colonies from the British empire. Also it was a large way to keep military power under civil control. To many in the United States now, it is a stupid addition to the constitution. The threat of invasion from the British ceased almost 3 centuries ago, while new threats have come into fruition like terrorism and gang violence. Weapons have changed in their necessity from many years ago. Every time there is a mass shooting in the United States, there is a sudden call for gun control and new legislation to counter the threat of gun violence but nothing ever happens to end the ability for those to obtain guns. This is because of the second amendment.

The 5 deadliest shootings in America are the Las Vegas Shooting, Orlando nightclub shooting, Virginia Tech shooting, Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting, Sutherland Springs church shooting. 4 out of the 5 were committed in the last decade and all were committed using a semi automatic rifle, pistol, or a revolver (or a combination between them). The most fatal was the Las Vegas shooting where 59 people (including the shooter) were killed during a music festival. The Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting was one of the most publicized around the world because of how young the victims were and how many died. So many mass shootings happen at schools, that children live in constant fear. During the Cuban Missile Crisis, children would duck under desks in an attempt to shield themselves from the direct hit of a nuclear weapon. Currently, kids lock their door, turn off all the lights, and grab anything that can be considered a weapon. The closest that anybody has gotten to establishing real legislation to counter gun control or even just better gun regulations was after the Stoneman Douglas High School Shooting where 16 students and 1 faculty member were shot and killed. Those who were victims in the shooting became known as the Parkland kids and they advocated for gun rights across the nation.

Gun regulation is another option for those who choose to not support the full disbanding of the current gun laws that are in place. Semi automatics are legal in so many states but those are the primary weapons of the shooters that commit mass shootings. So by regulating the attachments that allow for semi automatic weapons to become full automatic weapons such as bump stocks and larger magazines to increase the faster output of bullets from the weapons. It seems that in the media it is a party issue with Democrats being for the de-establishment of the current gun laws in the United States and Republicans being for the continuation of the current gun laws in the United States.

The Gun Control issue also brings up the much discussed answer of mental health and age restrictions. Who should be allowed to purchase and possess firearms? Should it be those who are 18 and straight of high school possibly with or without a degree or GED? Should people who have been diagnosed with mental illness be allowed to be in the possession of guns? This is a debate in a lot of America with those who are for gun regulation stating that there needs to be greater assistance given to those with mental illness or just better laws to find those with mental illness. Stronger background checks need to be given to properly ensure that those who are trying to get possession of firearms are adequately able to handle it and are not a danger to society because that is what leads to mass shootings happening. Gun supporters always state that its not the gun who kills people but its people who kill people but rather than giving them adequate mental assistance we stick them in jail or give them medication in hopes that it will solve the issue rather than us having to address it properly. Gun control will forever be a controversial topic because no side is willing to concede.

LGBTQ+ Rights: Domestically and Globally

LGBTQQIP2SAA stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, queer, intersex, pansexual, two-spirit (2S), androgynous and asexual. Although, most individuals refer to the acronym as LGBTQ+ as a more condensed and centralized acronym. LGBTQ+ rights have always been an extremely controversial topic with same sex marriage only being allowed by law in 2015 in the United States. It was always something that was never discussed and if it was it was met with extreme punishment and violence. Religion was a large reason as to why this was so widely opposed especially in the later years of America. With a large amount of Americans that practiced Christianity, they based the fact that same sex relationships are wrong. While it does not explicitly say anything against same sex relationships or interactions in the bible, many interpreters of the bible took different verses to mean that it was morally wrong and that it is a sin. This is true in many different religions such as Islam and Hinduism. Although, not all in those religions view those in the LGBT community as being sinners or haram. It is a small group in every religion while most have the own views on the matter.

Many would say that the beginning of the gay liberation movement in American history was the Stonewall Riots at the Stonewall Inn in 1969. A bar in New York called the Stonewall Inn Bar was raided by police and then a series of spontaneous and violent protests against the police intervention erupted inside and outside the building. It lasted 6 days and was extremely violent. It ended with lots of press on the issue and is considered by most as the start of the modern day LGBT movement. Every year, since the incident there has been a pride parade and different advocacy groups that actively support the matter and petition for more rights. The United States has expressed support for the LGBT community especially in the global sector with them supporting declarations made in 2008 and 2011 by the United Nations in regards to LGBT rights. Although, there is heavy backlash in regards to the extent of rights for members of the community. They face discrimination even to this day with many being killed because of their sexuality. There are organizations like the Westboro Baptist Church that actively tries to hurt LGBT people. The younger people in the community also may be forced to go to conversion camps because there is no legal precedent outlawing the abuse of LGBT individuals except for the baseline discrimination laws.

In military services around the world, sexual orientation and gender expression is a topic that is changing significantly. In 2017, Donald Trump (President of the Unites States) decommissioned all transgender individuals in all branches of the military. This was a heavy hit to the Transgender community who only wants to be regarded as their chosen gender. Multiple lawsuits came out against the Trump-Pence Administration saying that the ban was unconstitutional and is a hate crime. The ban was implemented on April 12, 2019 much to the discontent of transgender troops that previously served in the military. There are still currently a large amount of legal battles that are going on to fight this discriminatory ban.

Depending on where in the world you look into, LGBT rights may be extremely advanced or extremely draconian measures to ensure that they have no rights. In 12 countries, mainly in Africa and Asia, the death penalty is possible to those who participate in sexual activities with someone of the same sex. Although, only in 6 countries is it actually enforced which are Iran, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, northern Nigeria, Sudan, and southern Somalia (as well as parts occupied by Al-Shabaab). This is mostly due to these countries practicing sharia law which is a religious law code that is an extremely strict interpretation of the Quran. While, many of these countries have laws in place to kill those participating in same sex activities, most do not actually apply those practices. In many European countries, same sex marriage has been legalized or even just civil union. Hate crimes are still committed in many of these nations due to it not being globally recognized as an “acceptable” practice. Globally, there are few countries who have actually issued laws protecting the rights of those in the LGBTQ+ community.

Feminism’s change throughout history

Feminism has always been a sore topic in the eyes of the American society. It has always had a negative connotation to its name. Women who consider themselves feminists are “sluts” and “whores” and Men who consider themselves feminists are “pussies” and “wimps”. These connotations were extremely detrimental in trying to normalize the equality of women in comparison to men. It wasn’t until the 19th amendment on August 18, 1920 where women were given the right to vote. This is unacceptable because the United States government barely acknowledged the fact that women should be considered equal as men under the law years after they stated their initial plight with not being considered equal.

In the beginning stages of the feminist movement, women started small clubs around their neighborhood and community that slowly grew into a worldwide. They started to talk about issues that did not just affect themselves but many other women who were struggling with the same issues involving their husbands and overall daily lives. These women tried to express it on a larger scale but were shot down almost immediately by men all across the nation some even with their own husbands and men in their lives. This was the big start to the feminist movement when women realized that they can’t exactly express their beliefs without being dismissed almost immediately.

The feminist movement can be described as having 3 prominent waves. The first was focused mostly on abolition and suffrage and lasted from 1830-1920, although they did tackle other issues like marital rape, property, and the early efforts for birth control. Abolition movement and the Suffrage movement worked almost hand in hand. Key thinkers and outright activists like Mary Wollstonecraft who advocated for the vindication of the rights of women believed and fought for the movement. She believed that women aren’t pieces of property and objects that can be traded, they are human and deserve to be treated with respect. Margaret Sanger was an obstetrics nurse who opened the first birth control clinic in 1916, she was almost immediately arrested for distributing contraception in Harlem, New York. She founded the American Birth Control League in 1921 which later turned into the modern day Planned Parenthood. The most prominent first wave advocates were Susan B. Anthony & Elizabeth Cady Stanton. They were both abolitionist and suffragists. They started the Women’s National Loyal League which fought for women’s rights to vote and the outlawing of slavery. They campaigned heavily for education reform to allow for women and former slaves from elementary school to high institutions. All their efforts resulted in African American men and women being able to vote.

The second wave movement fought the issues of Patriarchy, Birth Control, and Employment in benefit of women and lasted from the 1960s to the 1980s. It also involved the issue of Abortion and the Politics of Marriage. This wave was the most outspoken in the nation, there were groups established that advocated for a wide variety of individuals. Betty Friedan was an influential figure during this period, she wrote The Feminine Mystique (1963) which brought housewives’ restlessness and depression to attention. She was also the Founder & President of the National Organization for Women (NOW). They recently just had the Women’s strike for Equality which was for the 50th anniversary of the 19th amendment. Another advocate for this wave was Shirley Chisholm and Gloria Steinem. Shirley Chisholm was the first black woman elected to congress in 1968 and she was the first women to run for the Democratic party presidential nominee in 1972 (She was supported by NOW). Gloria Steinem was a pro-choice individual who fought for equal marriage and against rape culture. She was an undercover playboy bunny that exposed harassment and objectification within the community (1963).

The third wave of the feminist movement mostly focuses on the internet, sexuality, and just the global movement. It has been going on since the 1990s and is still in progress today. Many different issues are talked about in this wave such as the Slut Walk that targets rape culture. The reproductive freedom of women especially in low income communities. The wage gap and how the Equal Rights Amendment cover the equal pay of women for the same qualifications as men. As well as the education for girls by advocating for girls who are menstruating and their ability to learn and desegregation of schools. This wave doesn’t exactly have leaders than push the movement forward, the internet is the main forum where all these issues come into light.

E-sports: Are they considered actual sports or just a stupid hobby?

E-sports has been taking flight recently in its popularity. There have always been elite gaming groups that competed in a range of different genres but as of recently it has become more and more popular to the point where most are actually consider it a sport. Groups like FaZe Clan and Optic Gaming were some of the most sought after coming into fame by competing in Call of Duty multiplayer matches. They were high in popularity during the early 2010s but currently they have split into different genres ranging from Player Unknown’s Battlegrounds which is a battle royale style of gaming and from NASCAR racing. It even has moved into drone racing as a sub-category of e-sports. Gaming has shifted in the past few years from primarily the Call of Duty and “trickshotting” in multiplayer matches to competing in a wide rage of different categories of games even Tetris is considered a game that is popular among e-sports. A free to play game called Fortnite has multiple competitions among the top players in the competitive aspect of the game. The most recent competition called the Fortnite World Cup gave almost $30 million dollars away in prize money from just a simple battle royale game that came out in September in 2017.

Gaming to me has always been considered a hobby. I would have never thought it could move into something where I could make money but in 2012 I was partly recruited to try out for the Red Reserve which was a sniping community that fell under the FaZe clan sub-category. There were issues with my age and my parents that resulted in my not being able to completely try out but that truly opened my eyes to the whole possibilities that e-sports could bring to me. Individuals who I looked up to that competed professionally like FaZe Banks and FaZe Apex make millions off their skills and the thought that I could possibly do that inspired me to work harder on my skills. I would personally consider it a sport because of how much time and dedication it takes to be good at these games. They spend hours practicing and honing their skills into something that is on a world class level. It may not be as physically demanding as some other sports. Even Intel is hosting an Olympics-sanctioned e-sports tournament in Tokyo of 2020. This is something that couldn’t even have been dreamed about in the late 20th century.

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