Content marketing is an investment, as through the content, we can show our expertise, and as our lesson mentioned, it’s giving a taste of our product without giving away the whole thing. I agree with the concept; it’s difficult to know how our service will benefit the organization without providing tools, approaches, and ideologies. Giving away the process doesn’t necessarily mean copying the content and applying it to their situation. Instead, that’s where our expertise comes into play as a consultant. We are not reinventing the wheel, instead of helping companies solve a problem following a specific organizational development approach; in the process, we might be following appreciative inquiry, action research model, or dialogic Model of OD, Leavitt’s Model, Lewin’s model. Specifying the model often helps organizations to understand necessary actions, budgets, resources to accomplish the goal. It’s possible that the organization tried one of the models, interested in other approaches to implementing changes.

On the other hand, not providing any clue about our approach, expertise, and experience with a specific system might be confusing as the organization development field is broad, and different methods can bring valuable results. One of the consultants I follow has all about Lewin’s theory and all the steps they’ve followed to solve. After reading through their website, the approach looks very beneficial and provides an opportunity to look into organizations that applied similar techniques for positive results. I follow a similar strategy in the real world, and I offer a brief review of my projects when I am in a conversation with people. That shows them what I am currently working on, how I maintain my work integrity; at the same time, the success stories inspire them to work with me on another project. By providing a summary of what I use, I encourage thought-provoking discussion, which helps me sell my research expertise to others.

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