Marketing organization development and consulting service helped me to understand specialized competencies essential to marketing OD both internally and externally. I’ve ample experience in marketing and selling products directly or indirectly, but this course provided me an opportunity to learn about marketing services with the ability to plan and design. I still see many challenges, but the course helped me to develop some tools which will help me to navigate through the challenges. One of the tasks included interviewing OD practitioners, where I’ve learned that I am not the only one facing the challenges, and everyone follows a different strategy to cope with challenges. From the course content, I’ve learned about the 4ps pricing, promotion, place, and product. Market research and testing the service including developing a scale to understand the market. Modern marketing and branding were some of the most interesting learning parts, where I’ve learned about social media uses, and how different companies are utilizing many advertisements to reach out to millions of customers. I understood the importance of maintaining a social platform with notifications of achievement at each step because we can categorize our activity as marketing. I also had a chance to look into the competitors in the market, and they are presenting themselves. And based on all those learning, the marketing plan for consulting firm was developed. The continuous feedback from both colleagues and faculty was meaningful at each step.

I loved the timeline design for the projects for the next two or three years. I enjoyed the experience of reading different business articles, and discussing our activities, thought processes while looking at those marketing activities. We’ve found some Penny businesses, who are making billions by making a penny from everyone, and there are some top brand businesses who are branding for their service and quality. One of the aha moments was to write a capability statement, it narrows down the scope of business. I’ve learned that I used RAIN strategy, but now I will consciously use the strategy. Another great learning point was relationship nurturing, I knew it’s important, but reading about maintaining the connection helped me understand and develop a plan for myself.

Overall, the course was a great learning experience. Many thanks to the instructor for providing meaningful feedback at every step, and being considerate. The discussions were engaging and helped to understand a different perspectives.

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