News & Events
Read about the latest news and events related to the Feifei Shi research group.
December 2024: Dr. Feifei Shi awarded the 2024 Rustum and Della Roy Innovation in Materials Research Award.
November 2024: Congratulations to Yifang for passing his candidacy exam.
October 2024: Dr. Feifei Shi awarded Roy Awards for Early Career Faculty.
October 2024: Hanrui and Jianwei presented their research at ECS PRiME 2024 in Honolulu, HI.
October 2024: Congratulations to Jie Liao for passing his Doctor Defense exam.
October 2024: Our research has been highlighted by Institutes of Energy and the Environment (IEE) as “Electrochemical extraction of lithium provides sustainable battery solution“.
September 2024: Congratulations to Weixi for passing her candidacy exam.
December 2023: Jianwei presented his research works at 2023 MRS Fall Meeting in Boston, MA.
November 2023: Congratulations to Mert for passing his candidacy exam.
August 2023: Congratulations to Yanjun for passing his candidacy exam.
August 2023: Congratulations to Jianwei and Hanrui for both passing the comprehensive exam.
January 2023: Dr. Feifei Shi won Faculty Early Career Development Program (CAREER) Award from the National Science Foundation (NSF). Title: Engineer receives NSF CAREER award to improve lithium-ion battery performance
July 2022: Dr. Feifei Shi awarded J&J WiSTEM2D Scholars by Johnson & Johnson.
June 2022: Dr. Feifei Shi won the Nuclear Energy University Program (NEUP) 2022 R&D Award by DOE. Title: Professor awarded DOE grant to study corrosion in nuclear salt reactors
Fall 2021: Dr. Feifei Shi awarded the George H. Deike Jr research grant, which promote innovative research of high scholarly merit.
March 2021: Congratulations to Jianwei and Hanrui for both passing the candidacy exam.
Spring 2020: Dr. Feifei Shi awarded the 2019-2020 the Institutes of Energy and the Environment (IEE) Seed grant.
May 2020: Dr. Feifei Shi awarded with the Gladys Snyder Junior faculty grants for her proposal “Novel Monolithic Single Atom Catalyst for Renewable Fuels.”.