Publication List
2019 – 2024 Publications
(56) Tanmay Kulkarni, Xiaoliu Zhang, Aliya Muhammad Dhamen, Chan-Wen Chiu, Hanrui Zhang, Feifei Shi, Revati Kumar and Christopher Arges (2024). Bipolar membrane capacitive deionization for the selective capture of lithium ions from brines and conversion to lithium hydroxide. Journal of The Electrochemical Society. Link
(55). Jianwei Lai, Hanrui Zhang, Kang Xu, and Feifei Shi. (2024). Linking Interfacial Structure and Electrochemical Behaviors of Batteries by High-Resolution Electrocapillarity. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Link
(54). Qing Zhang, Yinuo Jin, Suya Qi, Qi Ma, Zhongyue Wang, Peng Lv, Feifei Shi, Wei Wei. (2024).Overview of fiber-shaped energy storage devices: From fabrication to application. Nano Energy. Link
(53). Hanrui Zhang, Ying Han, Jianwei Lai, Joseph Wolf, Zhen Lei, Yang Yang, Feifei Shi. (2024). Direct extraction of lithium from ores by electrochemical leaching. Nature Communications. Link
(52). Lei Tao, Dawei Xia, Dawei Xia, Poom Sittisomwong, Hanrui Zhang, Jianwei Lai, Sooyeon Hwang, Tianyi Li, Bingyuan Ma, Anyang Hu, Jungki Min, Dong Hou, Sameep Rajubhai Shah, Kejie Zhao, Guang Yang, Hua Zhou, Luxi Li, Peng Bai, Feifei Shi, Feng Lin. (2024). Solvent-Mediated, Reversible Ternary Graphite Intercalation Compounds for Extreme-Condition Li-Ion Batteries. Journal of the American Chemical Society. Link
(51). Hanrui Zhang, Mert Ulusel, Feifei Shi. (2024). Nucleation of Pitting and Evolution of Stripping on Lithium-Metal Anodes. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces. Link
(50). Jie Liao, Ryan S. Longchamps, Brian D. McCarthy, Feifei Shi, Chao-Yang Wang. (2024). Lithium Iron Phosphate Superbattery for Mass-Market Electric Vehicles. ACS Energy Letters. Link
(49). Peng Cui, Chun Sun, Peng Lv, Feifei Shi, Wei Wei. (2023). Interfacial superionic conductor towards solidified lithium-ion batteries with superb rate performance and long cycle life. Journal of Power Sources. Link
(48). Wu, T., Liu, B., Liu, C., Wan, J., Yang, A., Liu, K., Shi, F., Zhao, J., Lu, Z., Chen, G., Pei, A., Hwang, H. Y., Cui, Y. (2023). Solar-driven efficient heterogeneous subminute water disinfection nanosystem assembled with fingerprint MoS2. Nature Water. Link
(47). Xiao, J., Shi, F., Glossmann, T., Burnett, C., Liu, Z. (2023). From laboratory innovations to materials manufacturing for lithium-based batteries. Nature Energy. Link
(46). Wang, J., Sun, Y., Lai, J., Pan, R., Fan, Y., Wu, X., Shi, F. (2021). Two-dimensional graphitic carbon nitride/N-doped carbon with a direct Z-scheme heterojunction for photocatalytic generation of hydrogen. Nanoscale Advances. Link
(45). Rozelle, P. L., Shi, F., Rezaee, M., Pisupati, S. V. (2020). Final Report on. Link
(44). Chen, A., Qu, C., Shi, Y., Shi, F. (2020). Manufacturing Strategies for Solid Electrolyte in Batteries. Frontiers in Energy Research 8. Link
(43). Wu, D.S., Zhou, G., Mao, E., Sun, Y., Liu, B., Wang, L., Wang, J., Shi, F., Cui, Y. (2020). A novel battery scheme: Coupling nanostructured phosphorus anodes with lithium sulfide cathodes. Nano Research, 1-6. Link
(42). Li, G., Chen, W., Zhang, H., Gong, Y., Shi, F., Wang, J., Zhang, R., Chen, G., Jin, Y., Wu, T. (2020). Membrane‐Free Zn/MnO2 Flow Battery for Large‐Scale Energy Storage. Advanced Energy Materials 10, 1902085. Link
(41). Boyle, D.T., Kong, X., Pei, A., Rudnicki, P.E., Shi, F., Huang, W., Bao, Z., Qin, J., and Cui, Y. (2020). Transient Voltammetry with Ultramicroelectrodes Reveals the Electron Transfer Kinetics of Lithium Metal Anodes. ACS Energy Letters. Link
(40). Xu, Y., Zhou, G., Zhao, S., Li, W., Shi, F., Li, J., Feng, J., Zhao, Y., Wu, Y., Guo, J., Cui, Y., and Zhang, Y. (2020). Improving a Mg/S Battery with YCl3 Additive and Magnesium Polysulfide. Advanced Science 7, 1903603. Link
(39). Weng, Y.-T., Liu, H.-W., Pei, A., Shi, F., Wang, H., Lin, C.-Y., Huang, S.-S., Su, L.-Y., Hsu, J.-P., and Fang, C.-C. (2019). An ultrathin ionomer interphase for high efficiency lithium anode in carbonate based electrolyte. Nature Communications 10, 1-10. Link
(38). Wang, J., Huang, W., Pei, A., Li, Y., Shi, F., Yu, X., and Cui, Y. (2019). Improving cyclability of Li metal batteries at elevated temperatures and its origin revealed by cryo-electron microscopy. Nature Energy 4, 664-670. Link
(37). Wan, J., Xie, J., Kong, X., Liu, Z., Liu, K., Shi, F., Pei, A., Chen, H., Chen, W., and Chen, J. (2019). Ultrathin, flexible, solid polymer composite electrolyte enabled with aligned nanoporous host for lithium batteries. Nature nanotechnology 14, 705-711. Link
(36). Wang, J., Liao, L., Lee, H.R., Shi, F., Huang, W., Zhao, J., Pei, A., Tang, J., Zheng, X., and Chen, W. (2019). Surface-engineered mesoporous silicon microparticles as high-Coulombic-efficiency anodes for lithium-ion batteries. Nano Energy 61, 404-410. Link
(35). Chen, H., Pei, A., Lin, D., Xie, J., Yang, A., Xu, J., Lin, K., Wang, J., Wang, H., and Shi, F. (2019). Uniform high ionic conducting lithium sulfide protection layer for stable lithium metal anode. Advanced Energy Materials 9, 1900858. Link
(34). Xu, Y., Ye, Y., Zhao, S., Feng, J., Li, J., Chen, H., Yang, A., Shi, F., Jia, L., and Wu, Y. (2019). In Situ X-ray Absorption Spectroscopic Investigation of the Capacity Degradation Mechanism in Mg/S Batteries. Nano letters 19, 2928-2934. Link
(33). Liang, Z., Yan, K., Zhou, G., Pei, A., Zhao, J., Sun, Y., Xie, J., Li, Y., Shi, F., and Liu, Y. (2019). Composite lithium electrode with mesoscale skeleton via simple mechanical deformation. Science advances 5, eaau5655. Link
2009 – 2018 Publications (Prior to Dr. Shi joins Penn State)
(32). Zhang, J., Yang, A., Wu, X., Van De Groep, J., Tang, P., Li, S., Liu, B., Shi, F., Wan, J., and Li, Q. (2018). Reversible and selective ion intercalation through the top surface of few-layer MoS 2. Nature communications 9, 1-9.
(31). Wang, J., Liao, L., Li, Y., Zhao, J., Shi, F., Yan, K., Pei, A., Chen, G., Li, G., and Lu, Z. (2018). Shell-protective secondary silicon nanostructures as pressure-resistant high-volumetric-capacity anodes for lithium-ion batteries. Nano letters 18, 7060-7065.
(30). Wang, J., Wang, H., Xie, J., Yang, A., Pei, A., Wu, C.-L., Shi, F., Liu, Y., Lin, D., and Gong, Y. (2018). Fundamental study on the wetting property of liquid lithium. Energy Storage Materials 14, 345-350.
(29). Shi, F., Pei, A., Boyle, D.T., Xie, J., Yu, X., Zhang, X., and Cui, Y. (2018). Lithium metal stripping beneath the solid electrolyte interphase. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 115, 8529-8534.
(28). Xie, J., Wang, J., Lee, H.R., Yan, K., Li, Y., Shi, F., Huang, W., Pei, A., Chen, G., and Subbaraman, R. (2018). Engineering stable interfaces for three-dimensional lithium metal anodes. Science advances 4, eaat5168.
(27). Wu, D.S., Shi, F., Zhou, G., Zu, C., Liu, C., Liu, K., Liu, Y., Wang, J., Peng, Y., and Cui, Y. (2018). Quantitative investigation of polysulfide adsorption capability of candidate materials for Li-S batteries. Energy Storage Materials 13, 241-246.
(26). Zhang, X., Xie, J., Shi, F., Lin, D., Liu, Y., Liu, W., Pei, A., Gong, Y., Wang, H., and Liu, K. (2018). Vertically aligned and continuous nanoscale ceramic–polymer interfaces in composite solid polymer electrolytes for enhanced ionic conductivity. Nano letters 18, 3829-3838.
(25). Zhou, G., Liu, K., Fan, Y., Yuan, M., Liu, B., Liu, W., Shi, F., Liu, Y., Chen, W., and Lopez, J. (2018). An aqueous inorganic polymer binder for high performance lithium–sulfur batteries with flame-retardant properties. ACS central science 4, 260-267.
(24). Shi, F., Pei, A., Vailionis, A., Xie, J., Liu, B., Zhao, J., Gong, Y., and Cui, Y. (2017). Strong texturing of lithium metal in batteries. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 114, 12138-12143.
(23). Xie, J., Liao, L., Gong, Y., Li, Y., Shi, F., Pei, A., Sun, J., Zhang, R., Kong, B., and Subbaraman, R. (2017). Stitching h-BN by atomic layer deposition of LiF as a stable interface for lithium metal anode. Science advances 3, eaao3170.
(22). Jin, Y., Zhou, G., Shi, F., Zhuo, D., Zhao, J., Liu, K., Liu, Y., Zu, C., Chen, W., and Zhang, R. (2017). Reactivation of dead sulfide species in lithium polysulfide flow battery for grid scale energy storage. Nature communications 8, 1-9.
(21). Zhao, J., Liao, L., Shi, F., Lei, T., Chen, G., Pei, A., Sun, J., Yan, K., Zhou, G., and Xie, J. (2017). Surface fluorination of reactive battery anode materials for enhanced stability. Journal of the American Chemical Society 139, 11550-11558.
(20). Xie, J., Sendek, A.D., Cubuk, E.D., Zhang, X., Lu, Z., Gong, Y., Wu, T., Shi, F., Liu, W., and Reed, E.J. (2017). Atomic layer deposition of stable LiAlF4 lithium ion conductive interfacial layer for stable cathode cycling. ACS nano 11, 7019-7027.
(19). Shi, F., Ross, P.N., Somorjai, G.A., and Komvopoulos, K. (2017). The chemistry of electrolyte reduction on silicon electrodes revealed by in situ ATR-FTIR spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 121, 14476-14483.
(18). Liu, W., Lee, S.W., Lin, D., Shi, F., Wang, S., Sendek, A.D., and Cui, Y. (2017). Enhancing ionic conductivity in composite polymer electrolytes with well-aligned ceramic nanowires. Nature Energy 2, 17035.
(17). Zhang, J., Sun, J., Li, Y., Shi, F., and Cui, Y. (2017). Electrochemical control of copper intercalation into nanoscale Bi2Se3. Nano letters 17, 1741-1747.
(16). Pei, A., Zheng, G., Shi, F., Li, Y., and Cui, Y. (2017). Nanoscale Nucleation and Growth of Electrodeposited Lithium Metal. Nano Letters 17, 1132-1139.
(15). Jin, Y., Li, S., Kushima, A., Zheng, X., Sun, Y., Xie, J., Sun, J., Xue, W., Zhou, G., and Wu, J. (2017). Self-healing SEI enables full-cell cycling of a silicon-majority anode with a coulombic efficiency exceeding 99.9%. Energy & Environmental Science 10, 580-592.
(14). Zheng, G., Wang, C., Pei, A., Lopez, J., Shi, F., Chen, Z., Sendek, A.D., Lee, H.-W., Lu, Z., and Schneider, H. (2016). High-performance lithium metal negative electrode with a soft and flowable polymer coating. ACS Energy Letters 1, 1247-1255.
(13). Shi, F., Song, Z., Ross, P.N., Somorjai, G.A., Ritchie, R.O., and Komvopoulos, K. (2016). Failure mechanisms of single-crystal silicon electrodes in lithium-ion batteries. Nature communications 7, 1-8.
(12). Shi, F., Ross, P.N., Zhao, H., Liu, G., Somorjai, G.A., and Komvopoulos, K. (2015). A catalytic path for electrolyte reduction in lithium-ion cells revealed by in situ attenuated total reflection-Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. Journal of the American Chemical Society 137, 3181-3184.
(11). Ling, M., Zhao, H., Xiaoc, X., Shi, F., Wu, M., Qiu, J., Li, S., Song, X., Liu, G., and Zhang, S. (2015). Low cost and environmentally benign crack-blocking structures for long life and high power Si electrodes in lithium ion batteries. Journal of Materials Chemistry A 3, 2036-2042.
(10). Zhao, H., Wang, Z., Lu, P., Jiang, M., Shi, F., Song, X., Zheng, Z., Zhou, X., Fu, Y., and Abdelbast, G. (2014). Toward practical application of functional conductive polymer binder for a high-energy lithium-ion battery design. Nano letters 14, 6704-6710.
(9). Zhao, H., Zhou, X., Park, S.-J., Shi, F., Fu, Y., Ling, M., Yuca, N., Battaglia, V., and Liu, G. (2014). A polymerized vinylene carbonate anode binder enhances performance of lithium-ion batteries. Journal of Power Sources 263, 288-295.
(8). Shi, F., Zhao, H., Liu, G., Ross, P.N., Somorjai, G.A., and Komvopoulos, K. (2014). Identification of diethyl 2, 5-dioxahexane dicarboxylate and polyethylene carbonate as decomposition products of ethylene carbonate based electrolytes by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 118, 14732-14738.
(7). Zhao, H., Park, S.-J., Shi, F., Fu, Y., Battaglia, V., Ross, P.N., and Liu, G. (2014). Propylene carbonate (PC)-based electrolytes with high coulombic efficiency for lithium-ion batteries. Journal of The Electrochemical Society 161, A194-A200.
(6). Wang, Y., Shi, F.-F., Yang, Y.-Y., and Cai, W.-B. (2013). Carbon supported Pd–Ni–P nanoalloy as an efficient catalyst for ethanol electro-oxidation in alkaline media. Journal of power sources 243, 369-373.
(5). Shi, F., Baker, L.R., Hervier, A., Somorjai, G.A., and Komvopoulos, K. (2013). Tuning the electronic structure of titanium oxide support to enhance the electrochemical activity of platinum nanoparticles. Nano letters 13, 4469-4474.
(4). Shi, F., and Ross, P.N. (2011). Solid Electrolyte Interphase in Lithium‐Based Batteries. Encyclopedia of Inorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry, 1-17.
(3). Wang, C., Peng, B., Xie, H.-N., Zhang, H.-X., Shi, F.-F., and Cai, W.-B. (2009). Facile fabrication of Pt, Pd and Pt− Pd alloy films on Si with tunable infrared internal reflection absorption and synergetic electrocatalysis. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 13841-13846.
(2). Wang, C., Shi, F.-F., Wang, J.-Y., Zhang, H.-X., and Cai, W.-B. (2009). Electrooxidation of Formic Acid on Pd-Ni Alloy Film Electrode-The Effect of Dealloying [J]. Electrochemistry, 2.
(1). Liu, F., Tang, C., Chen, Q.-Q., Shi, F.-F., Wu, H.-B., Xie, L.-H., Peng, B., Wei, W., Cao, Y., and Huang, W. (2009). Supramolecular π− π stacking pyrene-functioned fluorenes: toward efficient solution-processable small molecule blue and white organic light emitting diodes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 113, 4641-4647.