Top 5 Anime Animations That You Won’t Take Your Eyes Off Of

1) Vinland Saga

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Vinland Saga is a series that amassed a small following with its historical influences and gorgeous artwork. It was only a matter of time before the manga would become adapted into a passion project anime by the studio that created shows such as Attack on Titan and Ancient Magus Bride. The story follows Thorfinn, a Norse boy who witnesses the death of his legendary father, and his journey from orphanhood to vengeful mercenary to sailor. The show contains one of the best dramatical odyssey’s, with the anime winning the award of  “Best Drama Anime of 2019”. Additionally, the studio that animated the series, assigned their best animators for the job which resulted in high-quality action scenes and beautiful cinematography. If you are a fan of intense and violent sword fights, this show has one of the best tactical sword fights in anime history. If you believe that the show may be too serious for you, worry not, as the series continues to shift its tone with each arc, with the next arc that’s to be adapted for season 2 consisting of a lighter humorous tone. If you are interested in watching an animated depiction of a historical event of Thorfinn’s attempt in colonizing Vinland (Americas), then give this show a chance.

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2) Made in Abyss

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Made in Abyss may be deceiving at first with its cute cast of characters but don’t be fooled, this series is made for those who enjoy adventure and horror. Made in Abyss is renowned for its beautiful jaw-dropping backgrounds that immerse the viewer in its awe and wonder. The show’s lore and creatures are well-thought-out and the mystery surrounding the abyss is a great hook for those who love a good mystery. The main plot of the show surrounds two children, a normal human girl, Riko, and a robotic humanoid child, Reg,  as they venture deep into the unknown that is the abyss- it’s an underworld that remains a mystery due to the dangers that surround it and the inevitable reality of being unable to turn back. It’s a one-way adventure for our protagonist as they dwell deeper into the beautiful chaos in search of Riko’s mother. To avoid any spoilers, I advise that you give this show a watch if you’re looking for a good adventure.


3) One Punch Man

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One of the most popular animes of all time, this show is a must-watch for those who are seeking fast-paced action with good humour. The show’s premise is simple along with its characters, but the story is able to garner a tremendous audience due to the hilarious concept with a character who can beat any villain with one punch. To make an interesting story out of a simple concept can be daunting, and the show is able to put an interesting spin out of the whole superhero genre. The main character, One Punch Man or Saitama, is going through a midlife crisis as he seeks out any excitement from his boring fights. He is a simple ordinary guy who enjoys finding coupons and is seeking to have a small fan base of his own. To his dismay, he simply can’t get any recognition despite saving the world from multiple perils. Unbeknownst to him is the hero organization that was mistakenly taking credits for his deeds and after he saves a vigilante’s life is when the story starts. Both of them build their careers as “celebrity” heroes who must climb their way up the organization.

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4) Attack on Titan

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The story is set in a fantasy world where humanity lives within territories surrounded by three enormous walls that protect them from gigantic man-eating humanoids referred to as Titans. Back when the trailer for the first season came out in 2013 it was one of the most anticipated anime that had the viewers on the edge of their seats, waiting, counting down to the day for the release of the first episode. People were mind blown by the fast-paced, cinematic animation, the unique art style, and the detail in character and story development. Some see the story as “the hopelessness felt by young people in today’s society” or the “coming-of-age story of the boys and girls at its core.”

What I really enjoy about the anime is the intense fight scenes, although mostly done with 2D animation, which is done by digitally drawing each frame, the use of CGI for a 360 aerial animation follows the character around when in air and when attacking simply blows my mind. The animation is impressive, the effort is admirable, and the adrenaline has you jittery and jumpy. While the anime itself is quite gory, the well-thought-out and complex story with unexpected twists and turns along with the beautifully brutal animation is worth the watch.

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5) Devilman Crybaby

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“Demons invade humanity after being frozen in ice for millions of years. Akira, a timid boy, is tasked by his friend Ryo to merge with one of these demons in order to be able to fight back against them for the sake of humanity.”


IMBD’s synopsis for the anime adaptation undermines the complex story. The story has themes and symbolisms regarding betrayal, deceitfulness, humans converging for the sake of survival, as well as humans throwing away their faith in one another for the sake of their own safety. It’s bloody, gory, and pulls on your heartstrings as you go a hopeless journey alongside Akira. 

The anime has a very unique style that mixes eastern and western art with extremely exaggerated animation. So it’s not just the story that lures the attention of the audience but the fluidity of the simple body movements or the epic fight scenes. While this story, too, is bloody and gory, you can’t help but be enchanted by the detail in animation from just a simple smile or a wave of a hand to aerial combat.

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