Is Equality Truly Present in our Society?

Society has definitely advanced from our old thought process/ideals; however, there is still something engraved in our society that must be eradicated- systemic racism. This topic is extremely controversial and something that many people tend to steer away from, but it must be discussed to break down this barrier in our community. Now. What exactly is systemic racism? It is essentially racism embedded into society’s laws to put people at a disadvantage. An example of this is Jim Crow Laws. These laws enforced segregation and were created to keep things separate but equal. In other words, this was done in order to avoid any true sign of equality and keep the white man superior. These unjust, inhumane laws lasted for almost 100 years; however, remnants of them still exist in our society today.  Nowadays, these “disadvantages” can be seen in many facets of society, such as education, health care, criminal justice, housing, and much more! Allow me to explain how much it affects our community by utilizing health care.

The Black Codes and Jim Crow Laws Segregation in the U.S. Image Source.


The realm of healthcare is a vast, ever-growing profession; however, it is, sadly, not accessible to all people. Statistics show that minority groups are more likely to experience significant health conditions such as heart disease, cancer, stroke, and diabetes and die from these conditions. Communities with a high density of minorities also often have little to no education, poorly sanitized areas, and an extreme lack of health care. Now, you must be wondering what this has to do with systemic racism. For one, hospitals in dense minority areas are extremely far away from their communities. A study by RTI Health Advance helps support my point because, according to their results, intensive cardiac care was over 30 miles away from rural, high-minority communities. Easy solution, right? Just drive! Wrong. Minority-dense communities also have poor economic standing, therefore, may not even be able to afford a car or have a job stable enough to provide insurance for the hospital. Another factor many do not consider(but is extremely harmful) is food security. An increase in fast food is present in these communities, leading to many of these healthcare conditions because that is the most affordable option for them and their families. 

African American Health | VitalSigns | CDCStatistics Showing HealthCare Disparity. Image Source.

I know. It sounds like all I am doing is complaining. No. We are all human beings. I believe we are all entitled to a good education, health care, and equal treatment in this country. Too many communities face these disparities, and it is our job to make a difference in their lives. I’m not telling you to devote your life to making this goal a reality. No, rather, I am just saying to remain educated. Too few people know about how systemic racism affects people, and it is heartbreaking. Do not just stand around. Change is a slow, hard process, but if we all put in the effort to help one another, I am sure we can improve the lives of all Americans. Thank you, see you next time. 

2 thoughts on “Is Equality Truly Present in our Society?

  1. Thank you for sharing the data about this; it’s really concerning that there are so many profound differences in health statistics in the US. I recently read an article about maternal mortality and it surprised me that we still have this problem, especially among minority women, in the US. We need to address many of the root causes of these problems but I still think it will take time and a lot of effort to solve.

  2. I think this post was phenomenal. Equality has always been a myth in society, but I’m glad we’re finally at the point where we’re recognizing it and holding society accountable. A lot of people still deny the fact that systemic racism exists, and I think the points you mentioned were perfect examples of the way that racism goes beyond individual people. Really well done.

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