Nov 13

Post #8: Holiday Food :o

FOCUS: Healthy Habits over BREAK

Although I have not posted in a while, I hope  readers have been following my tips and tricks to stay in shape. However, we are now approaching a very frightful time of year for our appetites. These next few months will be filled with desserts, pies, delicious appetizers, and candy. How are we going to be able to handle such delicious food while still maintaining our weight?



  1. Pick your poison

So what exactly does this mean? I am not condoning indulging in a piece of homemade pumpkin pie or Christmas cookies, but you must choose how you want to spend your calories. What I mean is, if there are two desirable desserts to pick from, choose one! If pie is offered with ice cream, pick one of the two. This will avoid overeating.

 2. Know What’s Coming

While a lot of festive holiday events are one day after the other, you should be aware of what kind of food at each gathering will consist of. If you know you are going to your grandmother’s house, you may remember that she always makes the best cookies. Maybe your family friends’ always have great appitizers. By using this knowledge you can decide ahead of time how you are going to spend your calories rather than just eating everything in sight.

 3. Keep Up with Fitness!

BREAKING NEWS: You burn more calories when you run in uncomfortable temperatures (freezing cold snowy windy weather) than when you run in comfortable temperatures (55-70 degrees). So, even thought the weather is crummy to run in, you must stay active if you are going to be eating more and take advantage of this cold weather.



Looking at these three tips, I urge you to use them over break so you can come back to school not feeling out of shape and a little heavier, because you know once we start studying for finals our gym time will be cut short and our eating habits may quickly take a turn for the worst.

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