Feb 14

Post #13: Healthy…What Does That Even Mean?

We all want to be healthy, right? The healthier we are the less complications we have with our body, and we can be much happier if we are healthy.

What does it mean to be healthy? Does it mean you’re skinny? Does it mean you never get the common cold and have an exceptional immune system? Or does it mean you stay away from fried foods and only eat organic?


I’m not going to give a generic definition for the word “healthy” because, it is too  broad to simply define this very complex word. Today, I’m going to examine the different facets of what I think it means to truly be healthy.


Being healthy is being happy. This includes being content with life, being at peace with yourself, having a good self esteem, being surrounded by those who love you, doing something in life whether it be school or work that fulfills your mind and soul, and believeing that you have a purpose in life.


Being healthy is maintaining good physical fitness. Whether you’re an Olympic athlete or a casual gym goer, most of us have the ability to use exersice as a way to release worries. However, you must enjoy exercising for this to truly contribute to your health. You must welcome the temporary pain for a feeling of accomplishment and success. Exercise has a plethora of benefits other than keeping you in shape and free from sickness, weight gain and disease. I urge you to search for those rewards.


Being healthy is eating right. You cannot be healthy if you choose to ignore nurishment. You can also not be healthy if you over indulge in food. One must balance good foods with bad foods in order to maintain a perfect equllibrium, so you avoid falling into one of the previously mentioned situations. It is good to develop happiness from eating a delicious brownie but with a combination of restraint from choosing the side salad over the fries.


Being healthy is also being free of illness. While this is something we have the least control of, we know that maintaining good hygienic habits along with proper eating, sleeping, exercise, and mental health practices can assist our health woes. Obstaining from drugs and (excessive) alcohol eliminates health problems as well as family, work, and school problems. Trying to reduce stress levels can also contribute to better health.


Although this post was based on my own version of being healthy, it is clear that many people have different perspectives of what “being healthy” truly means. I invite comments about your own version of what components of healthy you think are important.

Feb 14

Post #12: Let’s Hear it for the Boys

Let’s hear it for the boys.

HI GUYS. I am sure that the young ladies of Penn State aren’t the only ones who are concerned with their appearance. Here are three tips to take note of in order to maintain a healthier you.

Fat Guy Out Of Breath Excersing

Watch the beer intake. Whether you have noticed it or not, the “beer belly” often found in grown men may be making an appearance on you as well. When I saw my friends over Christmas break, it was obvious to me which guys were knocking down the Natty Light a little too much and which guys were not. With that said, you may be developing a little extra flab in your stomach if you tend to favor beer. My advice is to cut the beer. Unfortunately, there is no easy way around that one. But, if you are wondering where your unwanted fat is coming from, it may just be from drinking one too many room temperature cheap beers at parties.


Looking to bulk up? Two words: protein and immediately. While many of you seasoned gym goers know this already, eating protein after a workout is crucial to developing the muscle you are looking for. Do not wait a half hour or an hour after hitting the weights. My advice is to bring a CLIF Bar or any type of protein bar to the gym so you can snack on it on your way back to your dorm to ensure you are filling your body with protein immediately. Also, heavy weight lifting with few reps is the key to gaining a lot of noticeable muscle mass, while low intensity weight training with many reps and sets is the key to obtaining leaner muscle.


Stay away from the fried food. While girls are known to order the traditional salad, non-fat yogurt parfait, or fruit for a meal, boys often feast on fried chicken sandwiches, fries, greasy pizza, and burgers. I am not saying girls don’t eat unhealthy foods but, it is often seen as “weird” or “uncool” for a guy to order a salad instead of a cheese burger, or a fruit cup instead of fries. However, who is going to be laughing when fifteen years from now you’re struggling to keep the weight off because of your poor eating habits. We all can’t eat junk food forever because it will catch up to us. I suggest making little adjustments to your meals. Go for grilled instead of fried options, lose the cheese on your burger, don’t pay the extra two bucks for the fries, and maybe man up and order that salad in front of your guy friends.


Don’t deny the fact that you may be gaining weight or are out of shape boys! I’m sure a lot of you are in the same boat. Let’s get healthy in 2014.

Feb 14

Post #11: Just for Girls!



Fit young woman doing stretching exercise and smiling on white

Girls, we all know we obsess over our weight and health way more than boys, so this post is just for us! Here are a couple of safe ways to make us feel great about ourselves while shedding a couple of pounds of fat and toning up our possibly neglected muscles.


Do not starve yourself!

Yes, girls are extremely skinny because they don’t eat or they exercise in ridiculous quantities; but, are they happy? Probably not. You can still be healthy and eat, I promise. Starving yourself can result in spurts of binging, which completely reverse your original intentions of losing weight in the first place. Eating disorders are a serious problem. Being a runner I have seen many friends fall victim to obsessing over their weight, and it physically and mentally damages them. Enjoy life and food, just all in moderation.

Don’t just hit the cardio areas of the gym, use the weights too.

Weight training isn’t just for the frat boys in cut-offs, us girls can flex our biceps and triceps just as well! Being healthy is about being strong, too. Try starting with simple arm curls or use machines such as the overhead press. Don’t want to try these intimidating machines by yourself? Ask a friend and go in the morning when the gyms aren’t as crowded.

Prepare yourself for the drunk food.

For those of you who do not drink, good for you. However, for those of you who do participate in such activities, watch out for Insomnia cookies or late night pizza. While it is good to get some food in your stomach to absorb the alcohol, watch what you are eating the quantity of it. Going to get pizza? Take off the cheese or only order one slice. Craving some sweet treats? Only get one cookie and stay away from peanut butter cookies that usually contain a lot more calories than other cookies.


Girls, we know we all have “our time of the month.”

During this time, I encourage you to stay positive. We feel bloated, lazy, tired, and outright miserable when Mother Nature plagues us for the few dreadful days every month. We often retain water when we are on our period, so it’s important to eat a lot of fruits and vegetables and avoid eating foods high in salt and sodium. As crazy as this sounds, try some light exercise. I’m not advocating an intense workout or run, rather maybe just to get your body moving can alleviate the moodiness or pain associated with your period.


Try to utilize these tips to stay happy and healthy 🙂 

Boys post to follow!

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