Assignments for 8/2


Re-Read: Getting It Right


How is Love generally portrayed in our culture?

How does Frankfurt’s view relate to this view? Are they the identical? Are they Completely Different? Is there Overlap?


Journal Entry: On Love

6 Responses to Assignments for 8/2

  1. Evan Dupuis says:

    Love is patient and kind. As cliche as this wedding day rhetoric sounds, it is certainly true. Love is the driving force that motivates most of our actions. When two people form a relationship that they cannot live unless they pursue a better relationship every day, that is love. It’s so crazy how unconditional love can be in a single instant. When my sister was pregnant with my niece, I didn’t know what to expect as I hadn’t been around babies that much. But the base of it all is hat one day she wasn’t here and the next day she was, and the minute I saw her I loved her more than anything in the world. This encourages me and excites me for when my time comes to be a father, so I can again be amazed by instantaneous effects that true love can have on a person.

  2. Kace Winters says:

    In our culture, love is often just a word or an idea that is so loosely thrown around. We’ve all been twelve, we’ve all had our TRUE FIRST LOVE, but did we actually? Today, love is just another term we use to make each other happy, in most cases at least. Most often, people do not love one another, for if they do not believe that they should care for everything that happens in their partners life. Even the great Frankfurt backs this idea. When one compares these explanations then, we can see that today’s culture does not suffice. We as humans like to feel happy, and the easiest way to fill that hole is to tell one another that we care about them, we would do anything for them, when in reality, we wouldn’t. In the words of the outstanding Tim McGraw, it’s your love, it should send a shock right through you, you just can’t get enough from your best friend. One cannot start and stop loving, it’s just an idea that is predestined by fate. A mother and a child will always have that true bond, love. A brother and a sister’s relationship become weaker, and so on and so on. It takes an outstanding individual to agree with Frankfurt’s idea of love, for we can truly know who our real love is since we do not have full control who we decide to love. What do you love? Who do you love? How are do your relationships compare to other relationships? Are you closer to that person? Do they make you a stronger and better person?

  3. Hunter Obeid says:

    I feel like love is generally portrayed in our culture, in the same way the media presents it, which is impulsive and dramatic. I feel like in today’s society love is a looser term than it was for previous generations. I believe love is when you have an attraction to someone and can be yourself around them. You can love many people; your friends, wife, family. I think Frankfurt believes that love is when your free will is to care for something or someone without any second-thoughts. I think our society has a different definition of love because I think we take love less seriously. I think the meaning behind the word has become lost because it has been abused by young teenagers and the media for so long.

  4. Erin Foertsch says:

    Love is so complicated, but it is also the most simple thing in the world. Love has a different definition for everyone, and it is the most difficult thing to explain. Attempting to explain it accurately will be almost impossible.
    Loving another person is the best feeling in the world. Love is when you care for that person unconditionally, and you would do absolutely anything for them. Love is when you can be your complete self around that person and not be afraid to do so. Love is complete trust. Love is never fake. Love is putting another person before yourself, and not minding at all. This type of love is love for another person, whether it be a significant other, family member, friend, etc.
    I feel that people over use the word ‘love’ in today’s society. Some people say it to people they don’t even know, and some say it to people they really don’t mean it to. I feel that love should only be said if it is really meant, and most of the time when people say it about another person, they really don’t mean it. People throw it around like it means nothing, and this sickens me. If people do that, how will they ever know when they really mean it? Truly loving someone is something that everyone should experience, because it is honestly the best feeling in the world.

  5. Jacob Jayne says:

    In today’s society, love has really become a misconstrued term. Today, we see it as more of an object to play around with rather than an emotion that connects two people eternally. Now, people toss it around like it means nothing. Personally, I hear younger people like freshman in high school saying they “love” a boyfriend/girlfriend they have been dating for two weeks. I feel disgusted when I hear this because they have no idea what true love actually is. Just because you have feelings for someone, doesn’t mean you love them. This even plays into sex. In today’s society, sex has become a symbol of popularity not a meaningful act. Casual sex has become a very popular action which completely takes away the true meaning of it: a love-filled connecting act that two people engage in when they are ready to be connected eternally. This is very different from what it meant 200 years ago when it was completely a symbol of true love. People who slept around back then were punished brutally. Take into account the book, The Scarlet Letter. Hester Pryne was punished very badly for sleeping for a man she wasn’t married to. Today, it wouldn’t even phase anyone because it happens so often. Love way back when actually meant something and wasn’t tossed around playfully. They respected the term much more than what we do today. It’s a wonder divorce rates are higher today then they ever were…

  6. Shawn linder says:

    Everyone has their only definition of love. I believe love is when one has extreme passion for someone or something. For example, if someone wants to marry another they should feel passion and want to be with the other. One call also feel love for a sport though. For instance, one can love basketball. If one loves a sport they usually eat, drink and sleep it one would say. I think of Michael Jordan playing basketball. In our culture today, love is usually portrayed as mushy love stories like we see in the media and movies. I believe that Frankfurt believes love is just having deep feelings for someone, more then caring. I also thought love makes one’s life better. I do agree with these ideas. If one loves something and either spends time with that person or playing that sport they will have fun and enjoy life. I believe everyone should try to find some type of love so they will enjoy life more.

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