It is becoming more and more evident to me that I am only working out once a week specifically for this blog. As per usual, I am slacking. I swear I will walk into the While building at like 11 pm, and there will still be 50 people in there. I am not a morning person, so I would much rather do a midnight showdown than anything before noon. So, when I actually visit the gym on my embarrassing once per week schedule, I have enjoyed and found great power in the full-body workout. Not only does this target a bit of everything, but the constant change in areas being exercised keeps my easily bored mind entertained. Additionally, it has helped my entire body stay in decent shape, instead of targeting one area per week. As I was told as a varsity athlete in high school, 7 days without exercise makes one weak. Generally, I like my full-body workouts to encompass legs, arms, abs, and a bit of cardio. These can be switched up a lot, so here is one version of my full body blow:
4 sets of 15 bicep curls (on each arm)-I typically do these with dumbells, but they can also be done with an easy bar. These (clearly) target your biceps.
4 sets of 15 reverse flys-I typically pick a weight between 12.5-17.5 pounds. These target your back and shoulders.
4 sets of 15 tricep pulldowns-These are done with a machine pictured below. I usually use around 20-30 pounds.
Tricep pulldown form & machine. Source
4 sets of 20 goblet squats with jump-These are basic goblet squats, but when you come up, you are going to jump up and land back into a squat. These target your hamstrings and bring up your heart rate for some cardio.
4 sets of 20 dumbbell split squat jumps-These are dumbbell lunges, but with a jump in between the transition. Likewise, there target hamstrings and can be cardio. I would recommend weighting down from your typical lunging weight.
4 sets of 25 calf raises-With dumbbells in your hands, rise up onto your toes and come back down.
Track abs-refer to my abs posts for exactly what this is.
4 sets of 20 single-leg jackknives-these are quite difficult to explain, so the photo below shows the proper form
Single-leg jackknife form. Source
4 sets of 50 flutter kicks-With your hands under your lower back, flutter kick your stright legs up and down, each one counting as one.
This loaded full-body workout really hits hard (especially when you’ve skipped several days at the gym). Many variations of it will hopefully keep us both motivated and entertained, stay tuned!
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