This site chronicles the work being completed by faculty and staff participating in a TLT-sponsored Faculty Learning Community focusing on writing towards publication. Led by Jennifer Nesbitt, associate professor of English at Penn State York, this group has met weekly since fall 2018 to support writers and build community.
Writing in the Time of Corona
Jennifer thankfully reached out to our cohort to see what support might be needed at this time. The University is looking into the extension of time-to-tenure which would take some pressure off, but our FLC is more than just about productivity and goals. It is also about support and community, so this was such a great thing to do. People will be checking in with Jen as they can/want to in the short-term and then we’ll reconvene as a group after the dust settles a little.
Pictures of the Spring 2020 Retreat
We held our second faculty retreat on Wednesday January 8th at our campus library, following am overnight snowstorm that surprised us all a bit. We sadly missed a few folks because of it, as some school districts did close.
In spite of the logistical challenges presented because of the weather, we managed to have a very productive and happy day with several quiet sessions, Jennifer’s workshop on planning, and two social events which provided a really positive and supportive beginning to the semester.
Here are some pictures of the day which capture the beauty of the setting, the warm atmosphere provided by the library and the participants, and of course, the food!!!
Thanks to all who participated and helped to make the day such a success!
Preparations for Spring 2020 Retreat Underway!
With just one day to go until our spring retreat, preparations are underway! Technology has been checked, food has been arranged, and reminders are being sent out! The Lee R. Glatfelter Library is hosting us, and in usual fashion, their hospitality and level of service is out of this world!
Here is the day’s agenda and description of the workshop that Jennifer is offering towards the end of the day. It is going to be a great day with 19 faculty registered to attend!
***Workshop: Planning a Productive Semester
In this workshop, we will explore one way to organize time over the course of a semester to meet project goals, whether those projects are scholarly, pedagogical, service-related, or personal. Participants should bring a calendar, a computer, syllabi (insofar as they are ready!), and any materials that affect their spring calendar. Most of the workshop will be hands-on (making a plan) but we will also discuss realistic time estimation, plan revision, and work/life balance. At the end of the workshop, we can consider whether we want to check in periodically over the semester to talk about how the plans are working out. To learn more about the program on which I am modelling this workshop, you can read this:
Food for the Soul
Faculty Spring Retreat
Fall 2019 Highlights!
Dr. Sukhdeep Gill, professor of Human Development and Family Studies, joined us as facilitator of the group in October as Jen was traveling for her Big Ten Academic Alliance Academic Fellowship Program
Here’s a pic of Sukhdeep from the fall retreat!
Our membership has grown to include folks from Harrisburg and Fayette who join us weekly for the report-out session via Zoom! It has been a very productive fall in the group with articles published, presentations delivered, posters presented, and lots of revise and re-submits!
We just found out that the group won a local grant to hold a spring retreat in January! So stay tuned for those details!
Our Fall Retreat
Twenty-five faculty from multiple PSU campuses attended a faculty retreat at Wyndridge Farm on September 6, 2019. Funds from The Schreyer Institute for Teaching Excellence, Teaching & Learning with Technology, and Penn State York contributed to the very successful day. Read more at PSU Newswire article here and see pictures from the day here. Below are a few highlights!
History in the Making!
Joy Giguere is an assistant professor of history (soon to be associate!) and has done a wonderful job of keeping up with her research while raising two young adorable boys, Ray and Charlie, favorites around campus! Joy is a founding member of the group and has used the group support to maximum advantage, getting multiple papers published and presentations completed. See more about her recent publications at her website
ESL Writing Support Joins the Group!
Betsy Wentzel joined the writing group with full steam this year! A passionate world traveler and ESL professional, Betsy teaches writing and tutors our international students on campus. She brings a wealth of insights and experience to her position at Penn State York, and we are delighted to have her in the group!
Her goal has been to use the FLC to help with accountability as she kickstarted her venture into creative writing after an 18-year hiatus. Using Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way as a guide and the weekly FLC check-ins as a motivation, Betsy committed to writing regularly. She used the Friday sessions to work through each chapter. She shared a short piece with Suzanne and has also enjoyed the weekly ‘artist dates’ that are assigned in each chapter of The Artist’s Way.
HDFS Cares!
Sonia Molloy, associate professor of Human Development & Family Studies, and founding member of the writing group, has a full slate of research, teaching, and service as a tenure-track faculty member. She works with undergraduates in her lab to complete research projects, advises students, serves on committees, teaches a full load, and credits the writing group with helping her move forward with her own research projects. From day one at Penn State York, Sonia has been plugging along submitting papers, presenting at conferences, and managing the hectic business of juggling multiple research projects, keeping the pipeline to publication active and alive.