With just one day to go until our spring retreat, preparations are underway! Technology has been checked, food has been arranged, and reminders are being sent out! The Lee R. Glatfelter Library is hosting us, and in usual fashion, their hospitality and level of service is out of this world!
Here is the day’s agenda and description of the workshop that Jennifer is offering towards the end of the day. It is going to be a great day with 19 faculty registered to attend!
***Workshop: Planning a Productive Semester
In this workshop, we will explore one way to organize time over the course of a semester to meet project goals, whether those projects are scholarly, pedagogical, service-related, or personal. Participants should bring a calendar, a computer, syllabi (insofar as they are ready!), and any materials that affect their spring calendar. Most of the workshop will be hands-on (making a plan) but we will also discuss realistic time estimation, plan revision, and work/life balance. At the end of the workshop, we can consider whether we want to check in periodically over the semester to talk about how the plans are working out. To learn more about the program on which I am modelling this workshop, you can read this: https://www.insidehighered.com/advice/2010/01/18/semester-needs-plan.
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