General Chemistry (CHEM 110) 3 credit large format (350 students) lecture course – Taught 1 time Fall 2017.
Metabolomics (CHEM 597A/VBSC 597A) 3 credit lecture (25% responsibility) – Taught 1 time Spring 2016. Course objectives: 1) define metabolomics and describe the basic approaches used in metabolomic studies; 2) analyze data and interpret the meaning of significantly altered metabolites; 3) critically evaluate publications using metabolomic approaches; 4) be able to design a metabolomic experiment.
First Year Seminar (PSU 016) 1 credit lecture course – Taught 1 time Fall 2015. This course facilitates adjustment to the high expectations, demanding workload, increased academic liberties, and other aspects of the transition to college life.
Analytical Separations (BMMB 525/CHEM 525/FRNSC 831, lecture), 3 credit lecture course – Taught 9 times from 2010-2018. Fundamentals and applications of modern chromatographic separations.
Forensic Chemistry I (FRNSC 427W/CHEM 427W), 4 Credits lecture and laboratory – Taught 5 times from 2010-2015. Analytical and instrumental methods used in the forensic sciences with special emphasis on the analysis and characterization of trace evidence.
Forensic Chemistry II (FRNSC 831, laboratory), 1 credit laboratory course – Taught 6 times from 2010-2016. Advanced chemical laboratory techniques in forensic science, including examination of complex trace evidence and advanced instrumental analysis.
Forensic Science Seminar (FRNSC 475), 1 credit lecture course – Taught 5 times from 2010-2014. Presentation and discussion of special issues in forensic science; extension and application of background knowledge to unusual topics and cases; introduction to personality profiling and interpersonal communication dynamics.
Forensic Science Seminar (FRNSC 541), 1 credit lecture course – Taught 4 times from 2010-2014. Advanced concepts in forensic science through presentation of individual research projects, continuing to build from personality profiling conducted in FRNSC 475, to become more effective as a scientific presenter.
Instrumental Analysis Laboratory (FRNSC 497A), 1 credit laboratory course to supplement CHEM 425 lecture for graduate students in Forensic Chemistry – Taught 1 time Fall 2013. Laboratory techniques in gas, liquid, and other forms of chromatography.
- Drug Chemistry and Toxicology (FRNSC 532), 3 credit lecture course – Taught 1 time Fall 2010. Chemical and toxicological properties of therapeutic and non-therapeutic drugs and the analytical and instrumental methods of their identification and quantification