How to Set a Single Rope System for Climbing Trees

Climbing trees is one of my favorite activities. Whether you’re a beginner or a seasoned climber, it’s important to understand and have practice in a basic single rope system. My personal favorite system utilizes two half hatches to attach to the saddle connecting to a Blake’s hitch. Climbing trees with a single rope system only requires a climbing saddle with a secure point of attachment, or a carabiner, and a rope with a half inch diameter.

To begin, you throw one end of your rope over a sturdy branch that you will use to get yourself into the tree. That end will be dedicated as your working end. You will tie your working end into your secure attachment on your saddle using two half hitches leaving about six feet of rope on your tail.

To start your half hitches, use your working end to loop around your long end and then pass your working tail through that loop and tighten around your attachment. Repeat, creating a second half hitch around your first.

After tying the half hitches, you will then tie your Blake’s hitch that will be used to help ascend into the tree. Grab the long end of your rope and, using your thumb as a spacer, wrap your working end around the long end twice, creating two big loops. Then, wrap your working end directly around your long end two more times, creating two more tighter loops. Bring your tail over the line connecting your half hitches and your Blake’s hitch and pass it through the two bigger loops. Pull your ends tight and tie a stopper knot with your remaining rope.

The rope system is now all set and you are ready to ascend into the tree by continuously raising your Blake’s hitch.

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