Dr. Azar Eslam-Panah
CEO & Founder
I am an Assistant Professor in Mechanical Engineering at Penn State University at Berks Campus. I completed my Ph.D. thesis at the University of Iowa on flow structures of flapping wings to understand how birds fly and how we as engineers can design a robot to fly like birds more efficiently. I love fluid mechanics and I am fascinated by the mechanics of flying birds. My research vision is to understand natural locomotion in fluids such as air and water, and design novel unmanned vehicles. I always game to investigate an interesting question in fluid mechanics, especially if I can enforce my undergraduate students to sleuth around and wonder with me. I also teach the science and photography of Flow Visualization in Collaboration with Heidi Reuter to make the physics of fluid flows (gases, liquids) visible.
Heidi Reuter
Professional Photography Consultant
I have my MA with Merit in Photographic Journalism from the University of Westminster, London, a BA in Art and Communication from Muhlenberg College, and have also studied Fine Art at Goldsmiths College, University of London. After living in London for three years I returned home to start my photography businesses. I am based out of the GoggleWorks Center for the Arts in Reading, PA.
My expertise is in photography, and when Dr. Panah approached me with the opportunity to collaborate I was excited to learn more. In my class, I emphasize observation, analysis, and technical mastery as essential preparation for more philosophical, theoretical, experimental approaches within the classroom. To have students take what they learn in my class and combine it with a more scientific approach was intriguing. With a diverse group of majors within our course, we are able to have analytical and conceptual conversations.
Examples of my work can be found at www.heidireuter.com and www.reuterstudios.com
Trevor Moser
Research Assistant
I am currently a senior, majoring in Mechanical Engineering. In addition to research in the F.D.L. I also work on campus as a Student IT Consultant. When I can find time away from studying, I like to blow off steam hiking or traveling to visit family. I’m always thinking about what I can improve on my vehicle, and recently have started dabbling in knife making. I am excited to learn more about fluid dynamics and can’t wait to see opportunities the future holds.
Joseph Gramignano
Research Assistant
I am a Mechanical Engineering major at Penn State Berks campus. I am currently a senior at the Berks campus, and I am a part of the baseball team here. Baseball is one of my many passions outside of school along with music and cars. I enjoy playing the trumpet and guitar, and I spend my time at home working on my car hoping to restore it to its glory days. My favorite place to take vacation would have to be Disney World and I am still waiting to go see all the new Star Wars rides there, being that I am a huge Star Wars fan. Most importantly though I am very interested in school and engineering, and I hope to carry it into a career revolved around vehicles, potentially designing cars.
– Past Lab and Research assistance –
Lisa Panczner
Research Assistant
I am currently a graduate, majored in Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology, with a minor in Civic and Community Engagement. I loved to be involved on campus as a Resident Assistant, a First-Year Mentor, a member of the Society of Women Engineers, a mentor for the Engineering Ahead program, and a volunteer for the Alternative Spring Break.
Cooper Kovar Lietz
Research Assistant
I am currently a Senior, Majoring in Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology. I am currently commuting to campus given the current situation but I’m happy that it allows me to adapt to different methods of getting work done. When I am not deep in school work or Research, you can find me underneath a car, snowboarding local mountains in the Poconos, or catching up on family life. Aside from all of that, I am excited about the current research happening in the lab with Dr. Panah and cant wait to see where it leads.
Jake Cumens
Research and Mechanical Engineering Lab Assistant
I am currently a graduate, majored in Electro-Mechanical Engineering Technology. I was thoroughly involved on campus as a member of five clubs as well as the Executive 3D Printing Coordinator of the Entrepreneurship club. I was also a Mechanical Engineering Lab Assistant on campus and a Schreyer Honors Scholar pursuing research on swing door energy harvesting. I am happy to have the opportunity to perform research in the fluid dynamics lab on campus with Dr. Panah. I am excited to increase my academic involvement while also learning more about fluid motion in such a fun and intriguing environment!