Learn more about FRN at Penn State

Students & Faculty

Learn more about FRN at Penn State

Students & Faculty

Learn more about

FRN at Penn State

Students & Faculty


Volunteer Hours

Active Semesters

All Aboard

FRN seeks to engage all members of the Penn State and State College Community, from students, to faculty, to local residents. Reducing food waste is a collective effort, and together we can make a difference in our area.

Academic Resources

FRN is more than just recovering food. We aim to engage and support our student volunteers to pursue their goals.

FRN Student Organization

FRN is a Recognized Student Organization, and we invite you to contribute to our efforts!

Join our GroupMe to get involved.

For-Credit Internships

Students seeking a credit-based experience assisting with food recovery or helping research new opportunities are invited to reach out to advisor Leslie Pillen, lrp143@psu.edu, to discuss ideas.

Majors and Minors

Several majors and minors relate to the work of FRN. Key minors that we often work with include the Food Systems minor, the Sustainability Leadership minor, and the Civic and Community Engagement minor. Talk with your advisor to learn more!

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