Celebrities Behind the Scenes

Celebrities. Society holds these people to such a high standard based on a single word; celebrity. As a society, we look up to these people because we believe that they are famous because they are better, prettier, more athletic. While this may be true in some cases, it is not the whole truth. Those celebrities may just have a knack for acting, sports, or singing and that is how they got their fame. We expect these people to do things out of the ordinary, shine on the silver screen, and attend every red carpet event so we can bask in the glory of watching them receive a golden globe.

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But who are these people? To you and me, they are strangers. Strangers that have more money than they know what to do with and have to live in the public eye. Celebrity can be defined as famous person whom may be celebrated. In other words, people that are important to society. Although these celebrities seem invincible, they are real people too, just a little more out of the ordinary than you and me.

The focus of this blog is to uncover the little details that make these celebrities unique. Do they have a quirk, hobby, or special talent? Do these quirks stem from somewhere deeper or closer to home than just being famous? I believe that celebrities are known for things that may not make them who they are. Think about all the service work an athlete may contribute to but goes unnoticed due to the sports highlights of their latest victory. These celebrities are not just for our entertainment, they are people with a goal, people with a mission. Celebrities’ random acts of kindness tend to get swept under the carpet before critics can notice and take away the opportunity to have a change in opinion. For example, think of Taylor Swift. She donated Christmas gifts to fans and even so much as $50,000 to a girl who had to miss her concert for a leukemia treatment. That isn’t just a celebrity ready to make a couple of dollars by performing at a concert. That is a person who believes some acts of kindness are greater than oneself.

Image result for taylor swift with sick kids leukemia


Celebrities do this type of thing every day but somehow, it rarely reaches the attention to reach the big screen. These are the moments some celebrities live for. The chance to use their fame to help those in need. Some look forward to the next opportunity to give back, not when the next airing is of their tv show. With this blog, I hope to educate my readers about those exact moments. Moments that unfortunately go so monumentally unnoticed.

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