
I’m pretty sure this is my mattress

At the risk of sounding like a pesky parent, you need sleep. I’m not saying I am necessarily the best example of a perfect sleep schedule, but I quickly discovered in my first week here that the amount of sleep you get each night seriously affects how you perform throughout the day. Now, I know this may appear as no brainer, but I am not the only one here who breezed through high school on four to five hours of sleep a night. In college, that must stop.

On Sunday night (yes, the night before classes started), I woke up ten different times because of the heat. As many of us know, not all of the Penn State dorms come equipped with air conditioning, and as someone who enjoys sleeping in subzero temperatures, this definitely came as an unpleasant awakening. I woke up bright and early Monday morning, coincidentally for this very class, feeling like a zombie. I stumbled to my classes with a mere three consecutive hours of sleep and to be honest, what we discussed mystifies me to this very day.

The night before this, I pined away in my bed thinking of my friends and family at home. As a result, I fell asleep well past 3 a.m. Yeah… I miss my bed. This university mattress feels more like a wooden board than something I’m supposed to sleep on. Many of you are all too painfully aware of my issue. (Get it???) My racing mind provided no aid to my long night. So thanks to two practically sleepless nights my eye bags looked deeper than ever. If this sounds like you, I regret to inform you that the pain continues. Not only is lack of sleep cause for cosmetic issues, it can also be detrimental to your health. According to many government approved health websites, like this one, lack of sleep leads to many health problems, both physical and mental. Are you panicking yet?

Just a few of the possible health issues from lack of sleep…

Alright, I promise I won’t leave you hanging. Here’s what I discovered so far that has at least helped me to get a few more hours of decent sleep. First of all, you want to get a foam mattress topper if you did not invest already. It’s not exactly like sleeping on a cloud, but it certainly eases the back pain. Secondly, if you aren’t one of the lucky ones with air conditioning (I wish), you must pick up at least one or two fans. My roommate and I purchased four. The nicest one I picked up from BJ’s for only $50. It even includes a remote so you don’t have to leave your bed! Finally, for those of us who feel a little homesick, or maybe embody a touch of anxiety, melatonin does the trick when your mind keeps on running after your body shuts off. I adamantly refused trying it for the longest time, but my boyfriend finally convinced me to pick some up. To avoid any kind of dependance, however, only take it when you absolutely need it.

And finally, one last piece of advice: don’t go to parties every night. I know it’s tempting, but limiting yourself to every once in a while really helps you to stay on track (especially before exams!!!).

One thought on “Sleep

  1. Hey Rachael! This post spoke to me, since I definitely have not been getting adequate amounts of sleep. I have felt the repercussions and am sick quite often because of it. I liked your advise. One question though, do you ever resort to energy drinks?

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