Hidden Style in the City: An Analysis of Geolocated Airbnb Rental Images in Ten Major Cities

Findings: Photos in international AirBNB listings are starting to have more in common as globalization homogenizes the wold. However, variation between listings in neighborhoods is rising.

Method: 500,000 images downloaded from AirBNB were rated by Mechanical Turk participants.

Good For: If you want to learn how citizens of different locales decorate their homes differently, or to identify favorable interiors to global customers. Useful for AirBNB hosts or hotel marketers seeking a competitive advantage.

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Rahimi S,  Liu X and Andris C (2016) Hidden Style in the City: An Analysis of Geolocated Airbnb Rental Images in Ten Major Cities.  Proceedings of the ACM SIGSPATIAL Workshop on Smart Cities and Urban Analytics (UrbanGIS ’16). Oct 31, Burlingame, CA.

This entry was posted in 2016.