What is a peer mentor?
Well, its just like it sounds… a peer is someone in a similar life stage, career, or situational relationship to your own, and a mentor is someone who sets goals to help and support their mentees. In the FRI, peer mentors are undergraduate students who did research in the FRI during their first year at Penn State!
Who are the FRI peer mentors?
We have an excellent team of peer mentors who support students throughout the entire year of research in the FRI! Their main goal is to support and help you with your experimental design and research investigations in the FRI! Better yet, they can also help you
get adjusted to being a college student, suggest new study tactics, find connections to activities and clubs, and share their struggles and triumphs during their first year at Penn State!
Does this page need to be updated? Email the FRI Coordinator: carly.sjogren@psu.edu.