NO MASKS NEEDED, CAPS, GOWNS REQUIRED: Edmondson, Campus Celebrate Commencement 2022, End of Semester, Look Ahead

Just ask Dr. Jacqueline Edmondson, chancellor and chief academic officer at Penn State Greater Allegheny (PSUGA) how this academic year went and she will tell you that she believes everything that happened this year went as well as it could have.

“I don’t think there is anything that I would have changed,” she said, noting that this is the first full year of all in-person classes, something that ceased in March of 2020 when the pandemic struck. Last academic, year, there were multiple course modalities of in-person, hybrid, remote, and asynchronous.

The year was the first in-person graduation without any restrictions—mask requirements or social distancing—although Edmondson did say that everyone had to have a ticket to attend and that they could wear a mask if those chose to do so.

Senior, Namy-Paul Kihonia Makiese, speaking as the student speaker for Penn State Greater Allegheny’s (PSUGA) Spring 2022

Looking ahead to the Greater Allegheny campus, Edmondson’s goals are to continue to improve the work that is being done with racial equity and justice, while also seeing the first class to enroll in the new social work degree program this coming next year. In addition, she and faculty and administration are working to become an “Apple Distinguished School.”

An Apple Distinguished School is a school that has been officially recognized by Apple for “innovation, leadership and educational excellence.” This also aligns with the campus’ digital fluency program where every student, faculty and staff member receives an iPad.

Edmondson noted that things are going to be happening on the Greater Allegheny campus throughout the summer, including renovations for the fall semester. The first renovation, planned to start later in May, is a sport court, which is next to the residence hall.

This renovation will be followed by the rework of many sidewalks on campus, along with the parking lots, which will be resurfaced. Also, the third floor of the Frable Building will be renovated to match the look of the second floor.

There has been talk about a baseball field being put in nearby Renziehausen Park, but nothing is confirmed yet, Edmondson said.

Something important to Edmondson is to make sure the campus continues to grow. One of the most important examples is student retention.

“We need to make sure we are doing all that we can to serve our current students so that they come back,” she said. Also, the university is trying to become more visible in the region to increase the number of students. “People know about the good work that is happening here and we provide a welcoming environment for students who want to come to Penn State,” Edmondson said.

Something that might help the campus grow is the addition of new degrees that will allow students to stay here on campus to graduate, such as the new degree in social work. “We want to make sure we have degrees that are relevant and that are of interest to students,” she said. “Also, we want degrees that would serve our region well. Rather than doing a 2+2, students could do all four years at Greater Allegheny,” Edmondson added.
The first year of college can be scary for some students, but Edmondson mentioned a few things that will make it less so at Greater Allegheny.

“People will know your name and greet you all around the campus,” she said. “Also, the professors here care about their students and want them to succeed and the climate here is very welcoming. We also have lots of activities for students to engage in,” she added.

Story by: Carlin Whalen (

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