The release of the award-winning French film “Cuties” has sparked a controversy within the Netflix community. The movie is about a 11-year-old girl who is struggling to find her identity in a social media influenced world but the film has received backlash for the outfits, makeup and choreography used in the production. The hashtag #CancelNetflix went viral as well as a petition on that has already received over 600,000 signatures requesting viewers to come together to cancel their subscriptions. Yesterday, Netflix responded by stating that it is, “a social commentary against the sexualization of young women”.
To be completely honest, I do not think Netflix’s response to the criticism was what the community needed to be persuaded to continue to use the streaming service. Parents are angry and frustrated that the once family-friendly app, included this film to be potentially accessed by their pre-pubescent daughters. From a crisis communications perspective, their statement comes across as a form of denial, when an apology would have been more appropriate.
As the PR person for Netflix, I would be most concerned with parents who primarily use this streaming service for their children. While subscribers can choose to use parental settings, this may not stop a young girl from clicking on a movie that features girls the same age as themselves.
Thinking back to when I was 11, I was so intrigued by women older than myself. I wanted to dress like them and be able to wear makeup, but I always knew that then was not the time. Yea, I might have messed around with my moms makeup but the thought of walking out of the house like that never would have crossed my mind. I think its important that Netflix considers this perspective, because through a young woman’s eyes, who probably doesn’t even understand the sexualization of bodies, this may be very confusing and misleading.
If Netflix chooses to keep this movie on the app, I think it’s vital that it is marketed in a different way to avoid having a younger audience. It needs to be marketed as a, “social commentary against the sexualization of young women,” and should include some type of warning for parents.