Category Archives: Earthquake Interactions

Aftershock triggering model using revised rate and state friction law

The rate- and state- dependent friction laws (RSF) are empirical relations based on laboratory experiments that have been used to model a variety of earthquake behaviors, including the mechanics of a seismic cycle, episodic aseismic slip, and triggered seismicity (Kame et. al, 2013). These laws describe variations in friction based on the loading rate and state of the sheared zone. There are several forms of the RSF laws. The paper summarized below is based on the RSF law proposed by Dieterich (1979) and a more recently revised version proposed by Nagata et al. (2012).

In 1994, Dieterich modeled aftershock seismicity after an imposed stress step using his RSF model. His model can predict the observed 1/t decay of aftershock rate but there are two major observational gaps: (1) The model under predicts the amount of aftershock productivity and (2) The model predicts too long a delay time before the onset of decay. In a recent paper, Kame et al. (2013) hoped to address these gaps by running similar models using the Nagata RSF law.

Dieterich’s model considered a fault of fixed size embedded in an elastic medium. He was able to solve for the aftershock rate analytically. Kame et al. (2013) applied the Nagata law, which contains a stress weakening effect, to a similar model but found that the problem required a numerical solution.

Main observations from Kame et al. (2013) study:

1) Although the revised model produced greater seismicity and shortened delayed times, these improvements were only by a small factor compared to the disparities with natural observations that span several orders of magnitude.

2) Unlike the Dieterich model , in which a stress step always advances the timing of an earthquake, the revised model showed two different types of behavior. In most cases, the timing of the earthquake was advanced. However, if the stress step occurred at a specific time in the loading history of the fault , oscillatory slow slip cycles began, effectively delaying  the onset of the earthquake.

For more details on this study see:

Kame, Nobuki, et al. “Effects of a revised rate-and state-dependent friction law on aftershock triggering model.” Tectonophysics 600 (2013): 187-195.

Other sources:

K. Nagata, M. Nakatani, and S. Yoshida. A revised rate- and state-dependent friction law obtained by constraining constitutive and evolution laws separately with laboratory data, 2012.

J.H. Dieterich. A constitutive law for rate of earthquake production and its application to earthquake clustering, 1994.

J.H. Dieterich. Modeling of rock friction 1. Experimental results and constitutive equations, 1979.

Counteracting the effects of an earthquake with a seismic metamaterial

In 2013, a team of scientists at a french construction firm published a paper describing a new way of counteracting the destructive effects of an earthquake using a seismic metamaterial. In this paper, they explain how they tried to attenuate the amplitude of seismic waves at the free surface by modifying the energy distribution. Their experiment consisted in simulating an earthquake and using a metamaterial made of a grid of vertical and empty cylindrical columns bored into soil near the earthquake source to attenuate the energy released by the surface waves. They were able to reflect the energy of the incoming surface waves and hence significantly dampen their energy.

To learn more about the details and the results of this experiment, please see their paper:

Gradual unlocking of plate boundary controlled initiation of the 2014 Iquique earthquake.

Gradual unlocking of plate boundary controlled initiation of the 2014 Iquique earthquake by Schurr B., et al ., 2014,  highlighted the rupture process along a seismic gap in the Iquique region on Chile-South Peru trench. Historic large great earthquakes have occurred in this region and recently international cooperation with Chilenian government has established the Integrated Plate Boundary Observatory Chile (IPOC) to study the northern Chile – South Peru seismic gap.

Great earthquakes  (Mw > 8) such as the Arica 1877, Antofagasta 1995 and Arequipa 2001 and several major earthquakes Mw >7 have occurred along the the northern-Chile southern-Peru seismic gap since 19th century. The authors proposed that the total moment accumulated since 1877 from 17 to 25 degrees south latitude is equivalent to a an Mw 9.0 earthquake. Accounting for all events Mw >7 still leaves a seismic moment equivalent of an Mw 8.9 or 8-9 m of slip for the entire gap. Whether a single large earthquake will occur remains unknown, but the potential for a large earthquake in the region remains high.

“All models are wrong, but some are useful”

Scientists use observations as input to construct models to explain the nature, but a model’s value depends on the quality of data and the assumptions behind it. Below is a link to an opinion piece by Edward H. Field of the USGS about models related to earthquakes forecasts for California. The author notes that some models account for segmented fault ruptures while others exclude multi-fault ruptures and that although both use different assumptions, both are useful. The author concludes that we have to quantify relatively which model will be useful under which conditions.

Remote triggered seismicity caused by the 2011, M9.0 Tohoku-Oki, Japan Earthquake

It has been observed that earthquakes can impact the local and regional seismicity far from the source region. In 2002, the M7.9 Denali Earthquake triggered an increase in seismicity in several regions in the United States, in some places for over three weeks. In order to see if there was a correlation between the M9.0 Tohoku-Oki, Japan earthquake and triggered seismicity locally and/or regionally, Dr. Hector Gonzalez-Huizar and Dr. Aaron Velasco did a global search for events that occurred after the passage of the surface waves from the 2011, M9.0, Tohoku-Oki, Japan Earthquake. Although they did not find evidence of an overall increase in global seismicity after the event, they did identify several places, including China, Ecuador, and Cuba, where the seismic waves from the Tohoku-Oki earthquake potentially triggered seismicity. Additionally, they observed a potential case of delayed triggering by teleseismic waves of larger ~M5.0 earthquakes in Baja California, Mexico.

For more details about their results, check out the article here.;jsessionid=8BD3294BD1D84709173FCC0E385363F4.f02t02?v=1&t=i6nup998&s=96c9bae7fea1c6298152ed95af601fa172722c5b