
Johannes Buno TabularumMnemotechnical illustration of the first millennium after Adam’s expulsion from Paradise, taken from Johannes Buno: Tabularum mnemonicarum historiam universam […].   Königsberg, 1647.

Table of Contents

A. Research and/or Scholarly Publications

1. Books

i. Research-Oriented Book Publications

ii. Co-Edited Books

iii. Electronic Publications

iv. Textbooks

2. Parts of Books

3. Articles Published in Refereed Journals

4. Book Reviews

5. Articles Published in Non-Refereed Journals

6. Manuscripts In Press or Accepted for Publication

7. Work in Progress

B. Participation in Seminars and Workshops

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings

2. Participation in Seminars

3. Workshops Given

4. Director of Conferences at Penn State

5. Co-director of Symposia in Germany

6. Keynote Addresses

7. Public Lectures

8. Radio Interviews

A.  Research and/or Scholarly Publications

1. Books

Research-Oriented Book Publications:

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Lingua Universalis:  Kryptologie und Theorie der Universalsprachen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert  (Lingua Universalis:  Cryptology and the Theory of Universal Languages in the 16th and 17th Centuries).  Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, Vol. 38.  Wiesbaden:  Harrassowitz, 1988.   (author, monograph)

Herzog, G[erhard] H. and Gerhard F. Strasser, eds.  The English Struwwelpeter, or Pretty Stories and Funny Pictures [reissue of first English Struwwelpeter edition]. Frankfurt/Main, Germany: Sinemis, 1996.  32 pages.   (co-editor)

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Emblematik und Mnemonik der Frühen Neuzeit im Zusammenspiel (The Interplay between Emblematics and Mnemonics in the Early Modern Period): Johannes Buno und Johann Justus Winckelmann.  Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barock-forschung, No. 36.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2000.  154 pages (large format), 43 illus. (author, monograph)

Co-Edited Book:

Frühsorge, Gotthardt and Gerhard F. Strasser, eds.  Johann Joachim Becher (1635-1682).  Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, Vol. 22.  Wiesbaden, Germany:  Harrassowitz, 1993.  (co-editor, publication of symposium papers)

Strasser, Gerhard F. and Mara R. Wade, eds.  Die Domänen des Emblems:  Außerliterarische Anwendungen der Emblematik.  Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, Vol. 39.  Wiesbaden:  Harrassowitz 2004.  307 pages, incl. numerous illustrations.  ISBN 3-447-05066-7.

Co-author:  weiterLEBEN.  Das Schicksal der 13 geretteten jüdischen KZ-Häftlinge von Ergoldsbach.  Ausstellung und Dokumentation (Living On:  The Fate of the 13 Rescued Jewish Concentration Camp Prisoners from Ergoldsbach [Bavaria, Germany].  Exhibition and Documentation).  Munich (Germany): Weiße Rose Stiftung e.V., 2011.

Electronic Publications:

Jacques de Fonteny’s Livre d’Enigmes – Manuscript of an Early 17th-Century Para-Emblematic, Illustrated Sonnet Sequence.  Ed. by Gerhard F. Strasser, assisted by Eva Christina Glaser.  Editiones Electronicae Guelferbytanae, 9.  Wolfenbüttel, Germany: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2012.  URL:

“Ansätze zu internationaler Verständigung durch konstruierte Sprachen“ [Attempts at International Communication Through Constructed Languages]):  Expanded version of a symposium lecture delivered at the opening of the exhibit entitled “Zwischen Utopie und Wirklichkeit: Konstruierte Sprachen für die globalisierte Welt“ (Between Utopia and Reality: Constructed Languages for a Globalized World).  Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, Munich: Online resource, 2013.  51 pg. with illustrations; accessible also through URL: (bottom of page, “Weiterführende Literatur.  Gerhard F. Strasser).

“The Long and Winding History of Encryption“ [Internet article based on an interview with Kaveh Waddell].  The Atlantic, Jan. 13, 2016.  URL:

Le Livre d’Enigmes de Jacques de Fonteny:  Manuscrit d’une série de sonnets para-emblématiques illustrés du début du XVIIesiècle.  Texte édité et présenté par Marie-Madeleine Fragonard et Gerhard F. Strasser; notice biographique de Christian Biet et Fabien Cavaillé.  Avec l’aide de Torsten Schaßan et Claudia Eis.  Wolfenbütteler digitale Editionen, 3.  Wolfenbüttel: Herzog August Bibliothek, 2019.  URL:


Strasser, Gerhard F. and D. D. Hook.  Fahrt ins Weiß-Blaue:  A Graded Intermediate Reader.  London:  Harrap, 1971 (book, 80 pages).  (co-author)

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Alles Gute!  Basic German for Communication.  By Jeanine Briggs and John E. Crean.  2nd ed.  New York:  Random House, 1986.  (consulting editor)

Briggs, Jeanine and Gerhard F. Strasser.  Instructor’s Manual to Accompany “Alles Gute!”, 2nd ed.  New York:  Random House, 1986.   (co-author, ancillary to textbook)

Briggs, Jeanine, Gerhard F. Strasser, and Beate Engel-Doyle.  Instructor’s Manual to Accompany “Alles Gute!”, 3rd ed.  New York:  McGraw-Hill, 1990.   (co-author, ancillary to textbook)

Briggs, Jeanine, and John E. Crean.  Alles Gute!  Basic German for Communication.  3rd ed. New York:  McGraw-Hill, 1990.   (consulting editor)

Walker, Ron, Erwin Tschirner, Brigitte Nikolai, and Gerhard F. Strasser. Assoziationen:  Deutsch für die Mittelstufe (German for the Intermediate Level).  New York: McGraw-Hill, 1991.   (co-author)

Strehl, Wiebke, in consultation with Gerhard F. Strasser.  German 001: Elementary German I. University Park:  Penn State Independent Learning, 1992.  122 pages.  (co-author, Independent Learning textbook to accompany resident instruction textbook)

German 002: Elementary German II.  University Park:  Penn State Independent Learning, 1993.  112 pages.  (co-author; see above)

German 003: Intermediate German.  University Park:  Penn State Independent Learning, 1993.  108 pages.  (co-author; see above)

Briggs, Jeanine, John E. Crean, and Gerhard F. Strasser.  Alles Gute! Basic German for Communication.  4th ed.  New York, San Francisco:  McGraw-Hill,1994.   (co-author)

Briggs, Jeanine, Beate Engel-Doyle, and Gerhard F. Strasser.  Instructor’s Manual to Accompany “Alles Gute!”, 4th ed.  New York, San Francisco:  McGraw-Hill,1994. 167 pages.   (co-author, ancillary to textbook)

2. Parts of books

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Erziehung in Ost- und Westdeutschland”  (Education in East and West Germany).  In Kultur und Alltag:  A Cultural Reader.  Ed. Harold von Hofe.  New York:  Scribner’s, 1973, pp. 127-151.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Herzog August, Gelehrter und Sammler: Geheimschrift”  (Duke August [of Brunswick-Wolfenbüttel], Scholar and Collector:  Cryptology).  In Sammler– Fürst–Gelehrter:  Herzog August zu Braunschweig und Lüneburg, 1579-1666.  Wolfen-büttel, Germany:  Ausstellungskatalog der [exhibition catalogue of the] Herzog August Bibliothek, 1979, pp. 181-191.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “War und Poetry:  Personal Experience of Renaissance Warfare and Visual Representations of its Horrors in the Work of Agrippa d’Aubigné.”  In Actes du VIIIe Congrès de l’Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée.  Eds. B. Köpeczi and G. M. Vajda.  Budapest, Hungary:  Hungarian Academy of Science,1980, pp. 173-181.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Maximal- und Minimallösungen bei der Ausbildung von Lehrassistenten an amerikanischen Universitäten”  (Maximal and Minimal Solutions in the Training of TAs at American Universities).  In Lehrer und Lernende im Deutschunterricht:  Kongreßbericht der VI. Internationalen Deutschlehrertagung vom 4.-8. August 1980 in Nürnberg. Ed. Heidrun Brückner.  Berlin, Germany:  Langenscheidt, 1981, pp. 577-581.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “’Spectaculum Vesuvii:’  Zu zwei neuentdeckten Handschriften von Athanasius Kircher mit seinen Illustrationsvorlagen”  (“The Vesuvian Spectacle”:  On two Newly Discovered Manuscripts of Athanasius Kircher with His Own Sketches for the Illustrations).  In Theatrum Europaeum:  Festschrift für Elida Maria Szarota.  Eds. Richard Brinkmann et al.  Munich, Germany:  Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1982, pp. 363-384.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “’Wie von der Tarantel gebissen:’ Tarantismus und Musiktherapie im Barock” (“As if Bitten by a Tarantula”:  Tarentism and Musical Therapy in the Baroque Period).  In Festschrift Blake Lee Spahr.  Chloe (Beihefte zum [companion publications to] Daphnis), Vol. 3.  Amsterdam, The Netherlands:  Editions Rodopi B.V., 1984, pp. 245-264

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “’The Conscripted Pen.’  Protestant Propaganda Literature of the French Renaissance: Agrippa d’Aubigné’s Epic, Les Tragiques.”  In Literature and War:  Reflections and Refractions.  Papers of the 1984 Monterey Institute of International Studies Symposium on Comparative Literature and International Studies.  Ed. Elizabeth W. Trahan.  Monterey:  Monterey Institute of International Studies, 1986 (copyright 1985), pp. 136-150.

Strasser, Gerhard F. “Report on the ‘Erste deutsch-amerikanische Konferenz zum Problem Landeskunde in Sprachlehrbüchern’ at the Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung at Braunschweig, July 15-17, 1985.”  In Wirtschaftsdeutsch:  Proceedings of the Conference of the American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators (AAUSC), The Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, October 30 – November 1, 1985.  Columbus, OH:  The Ohio State University, 1986, pp. 115-117.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Seventeenth-Century Catholic Attempts at Revitalizing Latin as a Universal Language.”  In  The Idea of a Universal Language:  Report of the Fourth Annual Conference of the Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems, New York, Dec. 13-14, 1985.  Eds. Humphrey Tonkin and Karen Johnson-Weiner. New York:  Center for Research and Documentation on World Language Problems, 1986, pp. 55-67.

Lalande, John F. and Gerhard F. Strasser.  “A Survey of International Teaching Assistants in Foreign Language Departments.”  In Institutional Responsibilities and Responses in the Employment and Education of Teaching Assistants:  Readings from a National Conference.  Eds. Nancy van Note Chism and Susan B. Warner.  Columbus, Ohio: The Ohio State University Center for Teaching Excellence, 1987, pp. 251-262.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Athanasius Kirchers Verbindungen mit Herzog August und dem HausBraunschweig-Lüneburg”  (Athanasius Kircher’s Connections with Duke August and the House of Brunswick-Lüneburg).  In Athanasius Kircher und seine Beziehungen zum gelehrten Europa seiner Zeit  (A. K. and His Relations with the Learned Europe of His Times).  Ed. John Fletcher.  Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, Band 17. Wiesbaden, Germany:  Harrassowitz, 1988, pp. 69-78, 202-206.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  [Analysis of the German secondary school textbook series of English,] “Contacts, Ferdinand Kamp, Bochum” [vols. 5-10, by various authors], pp. 79-89, and [Analysis of] “Robert E. Helbling, Wolf Gewehr, Dieter Jedan, Wolff A.von Schmidt:  First-Year German: Textbook; Instructor’s Manual; Laboratory and Exercise Manual (all 3rd ed., 1983);  Aspekte:  Kultur, Politik, Alltag, Literatur (1st ed., 1984).  Holt, Rinehart and Winston, New York,” pp. 156-159. In Die Bundesrepublik Deutschland und die Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika:  Die landeskundliche Darstellung in Sprachlehrbüchern beider Länder.  Ed. Wolfgang Jacobmeyer.  Studien zur Internationalen Schulbuchforschung, Band 48.  Braunschweig, Germany:  Georg-Eckert-Institut für Internationale Schulbuchforschung, 1988.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “’Lettres muettes, ou La maniere de faire L’amour en Turquie Sans Scavoir [sic] ny Lire ny Escrire’:  Manuskript und Druck einer türkisch-französischen  ‘Liebes-Chiffre’ an der Pforte”  (“Silent Letters, or How to Make Love in Turkey without Knowing How to Read or Write”:  Manuscript and Printing of a Turkish-French “Love Cipher” at the Porte).  In Opitz und seine Welt: Festschrift George Schulz-Behrend.  Chloe (Beihefte zum [companion publications to] Daphnis), Vol. 10.  Eds. Barbara Becker-Cantarino and Jörg-Ulrich Fechner.  Amsterdam, The Netherlands: Editions Rodopi B.V., 1990, pp. 505-523.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “The 17th Century Emblematic Teaching Method/Die emblematische Lehrmethode im 17. Jahrhundert.”  In Glasgow International Emblem Conference 1990:  Abstracts.  Glasgow, Scotland:  University of Glasgow, 1990, pp. 99-101.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Diplomatic Cryptology and Universal Languages in the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries.”  In Go Spy the Land:  Military Intelligence in History.  Eds. Keith Neilson and B. J. C. McKercher.  Westport, CT; London:  Praeger, 1992, pp. 73-97.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Kryptographische Werke”  (Cryptographic Works).  In Herzog August Bibliothek:  Lexikon.  Eds. Georg Ruppelt and Sabine Solf.  München, London, New York, Paris:  K. G. Saur, 1992, p. 97.   (dictionary entry)

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Johann Joachim Bechers Universalsprachenentwurf im Kontext seiner Zeit” (J. J. Becher’s Universal Language Project within the Context of His Times).  In Johann Joachim Becher (1635-1682).  Eds. Gotthardt Frühsorge and Gerhard F. Strasser.  Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, Vol. 22.  Wiesbaden, Germany: Harrassowitz, 1993, pp. 215-232.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Johannes Trithemius (1462-1516):  Faithful Preserver of the Old and Bold Proponent of the New.”  In Acta XVIII (1993 [for 1991]):  Old and New in the Fifteenth Century.  Ed. Clyde Lee Miller.  Binghampton:  Center for Medieval and Early Renaissance Studies, SUNY Binghampton, 1993, pp. 153-163.

Frühsorge, Gotthardt and Gerhard F. Strasser.  “Vorwort.”  In Johann Joachim Becher (1635-1682).  Eds. Gotthardt Frühsorge and Gerhard F. Strasser.  Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, Band 22.  Wiesbaden, Germany:  Harrassowitz,1993, pp. 11-12. (jointly authored preface to book)

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Closed and open languages:  Samuel Hartlib’s Involvement with Cryptology and Universal Languages.”  In Samuel Hartlib and Universal Reformation: Studies in Intellectual Communication.  Eds. Mark Greengrass, Michael Leslie, and Timothy Raylor. Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1994, pp. 151-161.

Strasser, Gerhard F. “Die Darstellung des Nationalsozialismus in amerikanischen Lehrwerken für Deutsch”  (The Representation of National Socialism in American Textbooks of German). In Zum Thema Nationalsozialismus im DaF-Lehrwerk und -Unterricht.  Eds. Joachim Warmbold, E.-Anette Koeppel, and Hans-Simon Pelanda.  München, Germany: Iudicium, 1994, pp. 13-21.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Ein Polyhistor als Pathologe:  Athanasius Kirchers Durchgründung der laidigen ansteckenden […] Pestilentz”  (A Polyhistor as Pathologist:  Athanasius Kircher’s Treatise on the Plague).  In Ars medica–verlorene Einheit der Medizin?:  Festschrift für Richard Toellner.  Eds. Peter Kröner, Thomas Rütten, Karin Weisemann, and Urban Wiesing. Stuttgart, Jena, New York:  Gustav-Fischer-Verlag, 1995, pp. 55-64.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Sankt Rochus:  Der Pestheilige Sankt Rochus oder Der Ruf nach einem Beschützer vor der Geißel des ausgehenden Mittelalters”  (St. Roch, the Plague Saint, or the Call for a Protector from the Scourge of the Late Middle Ages), pp. 751-764, and Sankt Vitus:  Sankt Vitus oder Der heilige Veit, der Veitstanz und ‘die von der Tarantel Gebissenen’”  (St. Vitus, St. Vitus’ Dance, and “Those Bitten by the Tarantula”), pp. 577-587, both entries in Herrscher, Helden, Heilige:  Mittelalter-Mythen, Bd. I.  Eds. Ulrich Müller and Werner Wunderlich.  (Vol. I of a projected eight-volume encyclopedia on Medieval Myths).  Konstanz, Germany; St. Gallen, Switzerland: Universitätsverlag, 1996.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Science and Pseudo-Science:  Athanasius Kircher’s Mundus Subterraneus and his Scrvtinivm […] Pestis.”  In Knowledge, Science, and Literature in Early Modern Germany. Eds. Gerhild Scholz Williams and Stephan K. Schindler. Univ. of North Carolina Studies in the Germanic Languages and Literatures, 116.  Chapel Hill, N.C.: Univ. of North Carolina Press, 1996, pp. 219-240.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Musik und Kryptographie.”  In Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart (Historical Encyclopedia of Music and Musicians).  2nd edition.  Ed. Ludwig Finscher. Kassel, et al.: Bärenreiter; Stuttgart: Metzler.  Vol. VI (1997), pp. 783-790.   (article, encyclopedia)

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Die Struwwelpeter-Sammlung an Penn State University, der Staatsuniversität von Pennsylvanien” (The Struwwelpeter-Collection at Penn State, the State University of Pennsylvania).  In Struwwelpeter-Hoffmann einst und heute:  Heinrich Hoffmann und der Struwwelpeter.  Eds. G. H. Herzog and Helmut Siefert Frankfurt: Sinemis-Verlag, 1999, pp. 36-55. (Revised and expanded version of an article that first appeared in Librarivm: Zeitschrift der Schweizerischen Bibliophilen-Gesellschaft, 39 [1996], No. III [Dec. 1996], pp. 236-256).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Musik(noten)chiffren oder die ‘widernatürliche’ Kunst, Musik zu geheimer Kommunikation zu verwenden” (Musical Ciphers or the ‘Un-Natural’ Art of Using Music for Secret Communication).  In Künste und Natur in Diskursen der frühen Neuzeit.  Eds. Hartmut Laufhütte and Barbara Becker-Cantarino.  2 vols.  Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, 35, Parts I and II.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2000, Pt. II, pp. 1107-1121 (incl. 9 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Ein ‘dreiständiges Sinnbild’ oder dreifaches emblematisches Hochzeitsgedicht aus der Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts” (A Tripartite Emblem or Three-Part Emblematic Epithalamion from the Middle of the 17th Century).  In Selected Papers of the Leuven International Emblem Conference, 18-23 Aug., 1996.  Eds. Karel Porteman and Marc van Vaeck; Vol. 1C:  Epideictic and Polemical Emblems.  Turnhout (Belgium): Brepols, 2001, pp. 233-242  (incl. 2 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Die Allerseelenkapelle von St. Martin – Überlegungen zu einem Bildprogramm“ (The All Souls’ Chapel of St. Martin’s [Cathedral]:  Considerations of an Iconographic Program).  In mit kalkül & leidenschaft.  Inszenierungen des Heiligen in der bayerischen Barockmalerei.  Ed. Franz Niehoff.  2 vols.  Schriften aus den Museen der Stadt Landshut, 17.  Landshut, Germany, 2003, Vol. I, pp. 202-218 (incl. 12 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  „Die Struwwelpeter-Sammlung der Penn State University, der Staatsuniversität von Pennsylvanien, USA“ (The Struwwelpeter-Collection at Penn State, the State University of Pennsylvania).  In Der Struwwelpeter hat sich die Welt erobert, ganz friedlich.  Sonderausgabe über die deutsch-japanische Verbindung zwischen Struwwelpeter und BOBO ATAMA.  Eds. Mitsumasa Ito et al.  Tokyo, Japan: Ginno Suzusha, 2003, pp. 52-59.  (Shortened reprint and translation into Japanese of an article that first appeared in 1999 in:  Struwwelpeter-Hoffmann einst und heute: Heinrich Hoffmann und der Struwwelpeter).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Die Allerseelenkapelle von St. Martin:  Vorschlag für ein Bildprogramm.”  In:  mit Kalkül und Leidenschaft:  Inszenierungen des Heiligen in der bayerischen Barockmalerei.  Ed. Franz Niehoff.  Schriften aus den Museen der Stadt Landshut, 17.  2 vols.  Landshut: Museen der Stadt Landshut, Vol. 1:  2003, 202-218,

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Die Verbindung von Mnemonik und Emblematik in didaktischer LIteratur des 17. Jahrhunderts.”  In:  Die Domänen des Emblems:  Außerliterarische Anwendungen der Emblematik.  Eds. Gerhard F. Strasser and Mara R. Wade.  Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, Vol. 39.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2004, 211-232.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Magia naturalis in der Kryptographie, oder ‘Wie man über 100. oder 1000. Meilen einem etwas entdecken soll’.”  In:  Scientiae et artes.  Die Vermittlung alten und neuen Wissens in Literatur, Kunst und Musik.  Ed. Barbara Mahlmann-Bauer.  Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, Vol. 38.  2 vols.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz 2004, Vol. 2, 693-700.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “‘Niemals nüchter und niemals voll tut in Sterbens-Läufften wohl.’  Der Stellenwert der Affekte in der Pest-Prophylaxe nach 1348” (“Neven sober and never full is good in your dying hour.”  The Importance of Emotions in Plague Prophylaxis after 1348).  In Passion, Affekt und Leidenschaft in der Frühen Neuzeit.  Eds. Johann Steiger et al.  Wolfenbütteler Arbeiten zur Barockforschung, 43.  2 vols.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2005, Part II, pp. 1079-1089.

<span “=””>Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Wissensvermittlung durch Bilder in der Frühen Neuzeit:  Vorstufen des ‘pädagogischen Realismus'” (Information Transfer with the Help of Illustrations in the Early Modern Period:  A Precursor of ‘Pedagogical Realism’).  In Evidentia.  Reichweiten visueller Wahrnehmung in der Frühen Neuzeit .  Eds. Gabriele Wimböck, Karin Leonhard, and Markus Friedrich. Münster (Germany): LIT-Verlag 2007, 189-214 (incl. 8 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “The Rise of Cryptology in the European Renaissance.”  In The History of Information Security.  A Comprehensive Handbook.  Eds. Karl de Leeuw and Jan Bergstra.  Amsterdam et al.: Elsevier, 2007, 277-325 (incl. 29 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Anyone Would Have Done That”.  In Leaflets of Our Resistance, Vol. 1.  Ed. Ruth Hanna Sachs.  Center for White Rose Studies.  Lehi, Utah: Exclamation! Publishers, 2009, 25-33 (incl. 5 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “From the First ‘Fountain Pen’ to Ball Point Pens–Writing Instruments from and for Medical Doctors.”   Communicationes de Historia Artis Medicinae (Budapest,  Hungary), 54 (2009), 7 pages (incl. 4 illus.).   (Encyclopedia article)

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Becher, Johann Joachim.”  In Killy Literaturlexikon.  Autoren und Werke des deutschsprachigen Kulturaums.  Eds. Wilhelm Kühlmann et al.  Vol. 1, Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter, 2008, 384-386.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Geheime Schriften im Staatsarchiv: Kryptographie oder die Kunst, Geheimes zu verbergen und zu entschlüsseln“ (Secret Papers in the [Wolfenbüttel, Germany] State Archives:  Cryptography or the Art to Conceal and to Decipher Secrets).  In Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte 21 (2010).  Ed. Brage bei der Wieden. Pp. 85-109 (incl. 10 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Die Tradierung von Wissen über Kryptographie und Universalsprachen zwischen Italien und Deutschland vom 16. bis zur Mitte des 17. Jahrhunderts“ (The Exchange of Information on Cryptology and Universal Languages Between Italy and Germany from the 16th to the Middle of the 17th Centuries). In Italien und Deutschland.   Austauschbeziehungen in der gemeinsamen Gelehrtenkultur der Frühen Neuzeit.  Eds. Emilio Bonfatti (†), Herbert Jaumann and Merio Scattola.  Padova (Italy): Unipress, 2009 (c2008), 139-183 (incl. 6 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Von der Lingua Adamica zur Lingua universalis.  Theorien über Ursprachen und Universalsprachen in der Frühen Neuzeit“ (From Lingua Adamica to Lingua universalis.  Theories of Original and Universal Languages in the Early Modern Period).  In Diskurse der Gelehrtenkultur in der Frühen Neuzeit.  Ein Handbuch.  Ed. Herbert Jaumann.  Berlin: de Gruyter, 2011, 517-592 (incl. 11 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F. “Livre d’Enigmes—Legal and Cosmic Order in an Early 17th-Century Proto-Emblematic Manuscript by Jacques de Fonteny.  In The Iconology of Law and Order.  Eds. Anna Kérchi, Attila Kiss and György E. Szöny.  Papers in English and American Studies XXI: Eastern and Western Traditions in European Iconography.  Szeged, Hungary: JATEPress, 2011, 179-191.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Ansätze zu internationaler Verständigung durch konstruierte Sprachen im 17. Jahrhundert“ (First Attempts in the 17th Century at International Communication by Means of Artificial Languages).  In Zwischen Utopie und Wirklichkeit: Konstruierte Sprachen für die globalisierte Welt.  Exhibition Catalog of the Bavarian State Library.  Munich: Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, 2012, 33-61.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “The Impact on the European Humanities on Early Reports from Catholic Missionaries from China, Tibet and Japan between 1600 and 1700.“  In: Rens Brod, Japp Maat and Thijs Weststeijn, eds.  The Making of the Humanities.  Vol. II: From Early Modern to Modern Disciplines.  Amsterdam: Amsterdam Univ. Press, 2012, 185-207.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Athanasius Kircher, S. J.: A German Jesuit’s Almost Involuntary Expatriation to Rome.“  Paper presented in Session on “Scientific Cosmopolitanism.“  In: Gianna Kastiampoura, ed.  Scientific Cosmopolitanism and Local Cultures: Religions, Ideologies, Societies.  Proceedings.  Section of Neohellenic Research/IHR/NHRF, Series Conference Symposia 2.8.  Athens: National Hellenic Research Foundation, 2014, 395-403.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Die Wissenschaft der Alphabete.  Universalsprachen vom 16. bis zum frühen 19. Jahrhundert im Kontext von Kryptografie und Philosophie“ (The Science of Alphabets.  Universal Languages from the 16th to the Early 19th Century within the Framework of Cryptography and Philosophy).  In: Anne-Simone Rous and Martin Mulsow, eds.  Geheime Post: Kryptologie und Steganographie der diplomatischen Korrespondenz europäischer Höfe während der Frühen Neuzeit (Secret Communication: Cryptology and Steganography in the Diplomatic Correspondence of European Courts during the Early Modern Period).  Berlin: Duncker & Humblot, 2015, 41-72.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “’Lettres muettes’: Zu den frühesten Zeugnissen über die orientalische Blumensprache, Selam genannt“ (“Lettres muettes“: About the Earliest Documents of the Oriental Language of Flowers Called Selam).  In: Isabel Kranz, Alexander Schwan, Eike Wittrock, eds.  Floriographie.  Die Sprachen der Blumen.  Paderborn: Fink, 2016, 37-61.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “’Der stumme Spanier’ oder Eberhard Werner Happels Berichte über die Taubstummheit“ (“The (Deaf-)Mute Spaniard,“ or Eberhard Werner Happel’s Reports on Deaf-Muteness).  In: Volker Bauer, Elizabeth Harding, Gerhild Scholz Williams and Mara Wade, eds.  Frauen – Bücher – Höfe: Wissen und Sammeln vor 1800.  Women – Books – Courts: Knowledge and Collecting before 1800.  Essays in Honor of Jill Bepler.  Wolfenbütteler Forschungen, 151.  Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2018, 45-59.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “CHARACTERJS POLYGRAPHJCJ KIRCHERJANJ CVM LJNGVA VNJVERSALJ P. PHJLJPP LABBEJ COMPARATIO: Ein anonymes Manuskript aus dem Jahr 1663 über Athanasius Kirchers SJ Universalsprachensystem im Vergleich mit dem von Philipp Labbé SJ.  Ein Gefälligkeitsgutachten?“ (An Anonymous Manuscript from the Year 1663 on Athanasius Kircher’s Universal Language System in Comparison with One by Philipp Labbé.  A Complacency Evaluation?).  In: Clemens Brodkorb and Norbert Fiedler, eds.  Jahrbuch für mitteldeutsche Kirchen- und Ordensgeschichte 14 (2018).  Heiligenstadt (Germany): Cordier 2018, 351-389.

3. Articles Published in Refereed Journals

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Phasenverschoben:  Athanasius Kirchers Einfluss auf die Werke der mexikanischen Dichterin Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz (1648/51-1695)” (Out of Sync: Athanasius Kircher’s Influence on the Works of the Mexican Poet Sor Juan Inés de la Cruz).  In Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten 34 (2007), 97-122 (incl. 13 illus.).  The original, shorter English version of this material appeared in Revista Barroco 1.2 (2007) under the title, “Athanasius Kircher’s Influence on Sor Juana’s Writings”: .

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Zwischen Geheimcode und Weltsprache:  Sprachentwürfe der Jesuiten im 17. Jahrhundert als Ersatz für Latein” (Between Secret Codes and World Languages: 17th-Century Jesuit Language Models as a Substitute for Latin).  In Der Sprachdienst 52, No. 1 (2008), 1-16 (incl. 4 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Die europäische Rezeption der kryptologischen Werke Giovanni Battista Della Portas” (The European Reception of the Cryptologic Works of Giovanni Battista Della Porta).  In Morgen-Glantz: Zeitschrift der Christian Knorr von Rosenroth-Gesellschaft18(2008), 87-114 (incl. 6 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Newly Discovered Emblematic Ceiling Paintings in Two Bavarian Churches.”  In Emblemata:  An Interdisciplinary Journal of Emblem Studies 16 (2008), 23-43 (incl. 14 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Die Leseintentionen von Wolfenbütteler Lehrern und Schülern im 17. und 18. Jahrhundert” (Reading Interests and Goals of Wolfenbüttel Teachers and Students in the 17th and 18th Centuries).  In Wolfenbütteler Notizen zur Buchgeschichte 34 (2009), 59-81.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Ninth-Century Figural Poetry and Medieval Easter Tables–Possible Inspirations for the Square Tables of Trithemius and Vigenère?”  In Cryptologia: A quarterly journal devoted to all aspects of cryptology 34 (2010), 1-5 (incl. 4 illus.).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Late 18th-Century French Encrypted Diplomatic ‚Letters of Recommendation’—Or, How to Unwittingly Carry Your Own Warrant.  In Cryptologia: A Quarterly Journal Devoted to All Aspects of Cryptology 36 (2012), 230-239.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “’Alle Wasser laufen ins Meer, doch wird das Meer nicht voller’: Athanasius Kirchers Theorie vom Wasserkreislauf in historischer Sicht“ (“All the Rivers Run into the Sea; Yet the Sea Is not Full“:  Athanasius Kircher’s Theory of Water Circulation in a Historical Context).  Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten 42 (2015), 35-61.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Wolfenbüttel, A Minor German Duchy But a Major Center of Cryptology in the Early Modern Period.“  Tatra Mountains Mathematical Publications: Number Theory and Cryptology ’17 (a publication of the Slovak Academy of Sciences), 70 (2017), 1-40 (incl. 28 color illustrations).

4. Book Reviews

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of Daniel Casper von Lohenstein:  Geschichte seiner Rezeption, by Alberto Martino, trans. Heribert Streicher.  In Modern Language Notes, 95 (1980), pp. 701-702.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of Francis Quarles 1592-1644:  Meditativer Dichter, Emblematiker, Royalist, by Karl J. Höltgen.  In Seventeenth Century News, 41, No. 1-2 (Spring/Summer 1983), pp. 7-8.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of  Deutsch heute:  Grundstufe, 3rd edition, by Jack Moeller, Helmut Liedloff, and Barbara Beckman-Sharon.  In Die Unterrichtspraxis:  Teaching German, 18, No. 1 (Spring 1985), pp. 195-197.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of Wort … Satz … Gespräch:  Beginning German for Communication, by Rainer Sell. In Die Unterrichtspraxis:  Teaching German, 19, No. 1 (Spring 1986), pp. 123-124.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of Magie und Dichtung.  Zur deutschen und englischen Literatur des 17. Jahr-hunderts, by Peter Cersowsky.  In Arbitrium:  Zeitschrift für Rezensionen zur germanistischen Literaturwissenschaft, 10, No. 1 (1992), pp. 69-72.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of Prisma:  Dokumente, Literatur, Kommunikation, by Mark W. Rectanus and Renate Hiller.  In Modern Language Journal, 77 (1993), pp.256-257.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of The Astronomia Europaea of Ferdinand Verbiest, S.J. (Dillingen, 1687):  Text, Translation, Notes and Commentaries, by Noel Golvers.  In Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten 21 (1994), pp. 61-62.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of Die Deutschen:  Vergangenheit und Gegenwart, 4th ed., by Wulf Koepke.  In Modern Language Journal, 78 (1994), pp. 400-401.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of Bibliographie der Spielbücher des 15. bis 18. Jahrhunderts.  Erster Band:  1473-1700, by Manfred Zollinger.  Hiersemanns Bibliographische Handbücher, Vol. 12. Stuttgart: Hiersemann, 1996.  In Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten 24 (1997), 277-279.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of Speichern/Merken.  Die künstlichen Intelligenzen des  Barock, by Stefan Rieger. München: Fink, 1997.  In Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten 25 (1998).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of  Biblia Sacra figuris expressa: Mnemotechnische Bilderbibeln des 15. Jahrhunderts, by Susanne Rischpler.  Wissenschaftsliteratur im Mittelalter, 36.  Wiesbaden: Reichert, 2001.  In Print Quarterly (London) 20 (2003), 163

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of Athanasius Kircher: The Last Man Who Knew Everything, by Paula Findlen, ed.  New York, London: Routledge, 2004.  In H-NET BOOK REVIEW.  Published by (February 2005; 12 pages in computer script).

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of Versteckte Botschaften.  Die faszinierende Geschichte der Steganografie (Hidden Messages.  The Fascinating Story of Steganography), by Klaus Schmeh.  In Cryptologia: An International Journal Devoted to Cryptology 34 (2010), 371-380.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of A Study of the Life and Works of Athanasius Kircher, ’Germanus Incredibilis’, by John Edward Fletcher.  Ed. for Publication by Elizabeth Fletcher.  In Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten 39 (2012), 1/2 (9 pages in manuscript): 467-475.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  Rev. of Versteckte Botschaften.  Die faszinierende Geschichte der Steganografie (Hidden Messages.  The Fascinating Story of Steganography), by Klaus Schmeh.  2nd, expanded edition.  In Cryptologia: An International Journal Devoted to Cryptology 42 (2018), 467-475.

5. Articles published in nonrefereed journals

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Donnerstagsrunde in der Bibliothek:  Von der Kryptographie zur Universalsprache” (Thursday [Evening] Discussions in the Library:  From Cryptology to Universal Languages).  In Braunschweiger Zeitung (Brunswick, Germany), 37, No. 18, 22 Jan. 1982, p. 9.  (article, newspaper)

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Der gelehrte Landesherr und sein Freund in Lüneburg”  (The Learned Prince and His Friend at Lüneburg).  In Landeszeitung für die Lüneburger Heide (Lüneburg, Germany), 39, No. 10, 12 Jan. 1984, p. 11.   (full-page article, newspaper)

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “The 41st American President:  From George to George.”  In close-up: Das Magazin für den Englisch-Unterricht (Stuttgart, Germany), 1 (1989), pp. 4-5.   (article, magazine).

Strasser, Gerhard F. “… and then Green Line Arrived upon the Scene.” In Learning English – Green Line: Das Lehrwerk (Stuttgart, Germany: Klett, 1990), pp. 6-7.   (article, magazine)

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Austausch von Schüler- und Studentenaufsätzen per Fax-Übermittlung zwischen dem Hans Leinberger Gymnasium und der Pennsylvania State University” (Exchange of Student Compositions by Fax Transmission between the Hans-Leinberger-Gymnasium and The Pennsylvania State University).  In Frühlings- und Sommerprogramm des Absolventenverbandes des Hans-Leinberger-Gymnasiums RAV 1893 e.V., March 1995, pp. 16-17.     (article, alumni magazine)

6. Manuscripts in press or accepted for publication

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “Introduction to the ‘Comprehensive Checklist’ of Struwwelpeter in English.” In Struwwelpeter at Penn State:  Essays on the Occasion of the 25th Anniversary of The Allison-Shelley Collection.  Eds. Walter Sauer and Sandy Stelts.  (10 pages in typescript).  To be published by Penn State Special Collections.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “’Alle Wasser laufen ins Meer, doch wird das Meer nicht voller’: Athanasius Kirchers Theorie vom Wasserkreislauf in historischer Sicht“ (’All the rivers run into the sea; yet the sea is not full’:  Athanasius Kircher’s Theory of Water Circulation in a Historical Context).  Wolfenbütteler Barock-Nachrichten 42 (2015), 27 pages in typescript.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “’Lettres muettes’: Zu den frühesten Zeugnissen über die orientalische Blumensprache, Selam genannt“ (“Lettres muettes“: About the Earliest Documents of the Oriental Language of Flowers Called Selam).  In: Isabel Kranz, Alexander Schwan, Eike Wittrock (eds.): Floriographie: Die Sprachen der Blumen (Floriographie: The Language of Flowers).  Munich: Fink, 2016.  42 pages in manuscript.

“Bio-Bibliography [of Interlinguistic Publications] Gerhard F. Strasser“ (compiled by Reinhard Haupenthal).  In: Interlinguistische Informationen 25 (2016), Nos. 97-98 (in German) and Informilo por Interlingvistoj  25 (2016), Nos. 96-97 (in Esperanto).  5 pages in manuscript.

Paper on “Little-known Emblems in One of the Oldest Churches on the Island of Rügen in the Baltic“ presented at the 11th Congress of the International Society for Emblem Studies, University of Nancy (France), accepted for publication in the “Renaissance“ series published jointly by Presses universitaires François-Rabelais (Tours) and Presses universitaires de Rennes, with the support of the Centre d’études supérieures de la Renaissance (CESR).

7. Work in Progress:

Book publication of an expanded version of my 2012 on-line publication of “Jacques de Fonteny’s Livre d’Enigmes – Manuscript of an Early 17th-Century Para-Emblematic, Illustrated Sonnet Sequence.“  To appear along with an edition by Fabien Cavaillé of Fonteny’s 1587 pastoral, Beau Pasteur, in a volume overseen by Christian Biet for “Éditions Classiques Garnier“.  Paris: Garnier Frères, 2016.

With Professor Semih Tezcan, Bilkent University, Ankara (Turkey):  Annotated, commented, illustrated edition of a 1679 manuscript by Édouard de la Croix entitled, Lettres muettes, ou la maniere de faire l’amour en Turquie / Sans Scavoir nÿ Lire nÿ Escrire (Silent Letters, or How to Make Love in Turkey / Without Knowing how to read or Write).  To be published in Turkey.

Strasser, Gerhard F.  “’Der stumme Spanier’, oder Eberhard Werner Happels Berichte über die Taubstummheit“ (“The deaf-mute Spaniard“, or Eberhard Werner Happels Reports on Deaf-Muteness).  “Festschrift“ contribution to be published in early 2017;    15 pages in typescript.

With Dr. Huelya Çelik, Hamburg University:  Annotated, commented, illustrated edition of a three-part 1679 manuscript by Édouard de la Croix entitled, Lettres muettes, ou la maniere de faire l’amour en Turquie / Sans Scavoir nÿ Lire nÿ Escrire (Silent Letters, or How to Make Love in Turkey / Without Knowing how to read or Write).

B.  Participation in Seminars and Workshops

1. Papers Presented at Professional Meetings:


October 21-23, 2010, “The Impact on the European Humanities of Early Reports from China, Tibet, and Japan from Catholic Missionaries between 1600 and 1700.“  Second International Conference on the History of the Humanities, University of Amsterdam, Holland.

July 25-29, 2011, “The Art of Creating Encrypted Diplomatic ’Letters of Recommendation’ in the Regime of Louis XVI—Or, How to Unwittingly Carry Your Own Warrant.“  Session on “The Art and Ritual of 18th-Century Diplomacy.“  13. Internationaler Kongress zur Erforschung des 18. Jahrhunderts, University of Graz, Austria.

October 6-7, 2011, “Late 18th-Century French Encrypted Diplomatic ’Letters of Recommendation’.“  Cryptologic History Symposium: “Cryptology in War and Peace: Crisis Points in History,“ organized by the National Security Agency.  Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Lab, Laurel, MD.

August 22-24, 2012, “Expandierende Märkte in wirtschaftlichen und linguistischen Dimensionen:  Johann Joachim Bechers Entwicklung einer Universalsprache für kommerzielle Zwecke” (Expanding Markets in Economic and Linguistic Dimensions: J. J. Becher’s Development of a Universal Language for Commercial Purposes), Section on “Expandierende Märkte und lokaler Handel” (Expanding Markets and Local Trade).  Fourteenth Wolfenbüttel Baroque Conference.  Wolfenbüttel, Germany.

November 1-4, 2012, “Athanasius Kircher, S. I.:  A German Jesuit’s (Almost) Involuntary Expatriation to Rome.“  Session on “Scientific Cosmopolitanism.“  Fifth International Conference of the European Society for the History of Science.  Athens, Greece.

July 8, 2013, “The Migration of a Writing System:  Athanasius Kircher’s Theory of the Origin of Chinese Writing Symbols in Egyptian Hieroglyphs.“  Annual Meeting of the British Comparative Literature Association, University of Exeter, July 8-13, 2013.

October 14, 2014, “ Reflections of Mid-17th-Century Plague Epidemics in Science and Literature.“  Vth International Comparative Literature Conference: “Local Contexts, Global Connections: Transitions, Deviations, Innovations in Literature, Culture and Arts“, Mersin University, Mersin (Turkey), Oct. 15-17, 2014.

March 26, 2015, “Duvignau de Lissandre and/or Edouard de la Croix, or, A Secretary at the French Embassy in Constantinople and His Double.“  Section on “Ambassadors and Diplomacy,“ Annual Meeting of the Renaissance Society of America, Humboldt University, Berlin, March 23-29, 2015.

July 25, 2016, “Language Barriers: Early Jesuit Efforts at Creating Common and/or Universal Languages.“  Section on “Many Cultures, Many Idioms“, 21st World Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, University of Vienna, July 21-27, 2016.

May 18 , 2017, “Wolfenbüttel, A Minor German Duchy But a Major Center of Cryptology in the Early Modern Period.“  European Histoical Ciphers Colloquium (HistoCrypt 2017), Slovak Academy of Sciences, Smolenice (near Bratislava, Slovakia), June 17-19, 2017.

July 3, 2017, “Little-known Emblems in One of the Oldest Churches on the Island of Rügen in the Baltic.“  11th Congress of the International Society for Emblem Studies, University of Nancy (France), July 3-7, 2017.

Chairing of Sessions at International Conferences:

July 28-Aug. 01, 2014, Chair of Session on “Emblems and Hieroglyphs“ and on “Collections and Book History.“  Triennial Meeting of the International Emblem Society, University of Kiel (Germany).

July 25, 2016, Chair of Session on “Dreams in 19th-Century Realist Literature.“ 21st World Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association, University of Vienna, July 21-27, 2016.

July 6, 2017, Chair of Session on “Faire un livre d’Emblèmes, 3.“  11th Congress of the International Society for Emblem Studies, University of Nancy (France), July 3-7, 2017.

June 18, 2018, Chair of Session on “Historical Ciphers and Codes.“  3rd International Conference on Cryptology (HistoCrypt 2018), University of Uppsala (Sweden).

Co-Organizing of International Conferences:

June 18-20, 2018, Co-organizer of 3rd International Conference on Cryptology (HistoCrypt 2018), University of Uppsala (Sweden).

June 23-26, 2019, Co-organizer of 4th International Conference on Cryptology (HistoCrypt 2019), Mundaneum – Centre d’Archives de la Communauté française, Mons (Belgium).

2. Participation in seminars/conferences:

August 3-17, 1986, “The Use of Videotape Equipment in the Training and Supervision of Teaching Assistants,” Goethe Institute, Munich, Germany.

March 27-31, 1987, “Curriculum and Instruction Workshop,” jointly organized by Educational Testing Service, Princeton, and Penn State.

March 3-4, 1989, “Oral Proficiency Testing Refresher Workshop” conducted by the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages at George Washington University, Washington, DC.

June 24-29, 1991, “Literatur und Gesellschaft im neuen Deutschland,” Berlin, Germany, organized by Loyola College of Maryland.

February 6, 1993, “The Language 3 Initiative Seminar,” Penn State University.

September 24-27, 2009, Joint Meeting of the “Deutsche Gesellschaft für Geschichte der Medizin, Naturwissenschaft und Technik” (German Society for the History of Medicine, Natural Sciences, and Technology) and the “Gesellschaft für Wissenschaftsgeschichte” (German Society for the History of Science), Medizinische Hochschule, Hannover, Germany.

June 7-9, 2013, Annual Meeting of the German Society for the History of Science, Schiller-Archiv, Marbach (Germany).

May 29-31, 2014, 50th Annual Meeting of the German Society for the History of Science, University of Heidelberg (Germany).

July 4, 2014, Commemorative Lecture on the Occasion of the First Anniversary of the Death of Prof. Dr. Paul Raabe, Former Director of the Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel), Festival Hall, Weimar Castle, Weimar (Germany).

September 25-27, 2015, Joint Annual Meeting of the German Society for the History of Medicine, Natural Sciences and Technology and the German Society for the History of Science, Technical University, Berlin (Germany).

Sept. 22-23, 2017, Joint Meeting of the German Society for the History of Science and the  German Society for the History of Medicine, Natural Sciences, and Technology,  University of Münster (Germany).

June 30, 2018, Commemorative Lecture on the Occasion of the Fifth Anniversary of the Death of Prof. Dr. Paul Raabe, Former Director of the Herzog August Bibliothek (Wolfenbüttel), Festival Hall, Weimar Castle, Weimar (Germany).

February 28 to March 01, 2019,  International Symposium on “Europa illustriert die Grimms” (European Illustrations of the “Fairy Tales” of the Brothers Grimm), Internationale Jugendbibliothek Schloss Blutenburg, München – Obermenzing (Germany).

3. Workshops given:

Workshop on Language Proficiency at “Language Proficiency in Virginia: Testing and Teaching.  A Workshop for Virginia German Teachers,” November 3-4, 1989, Center for the LiberalArts, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA.

Workshop on “The American Educational System” at the August-Leskien-Institute of the University of Leipzig, Germany, May 18, 1992.

2-Hour Workshop on “Die Darstellung der Schweiz in den US-Medien” (The Representation of Switzerland in the US Media), Seminar on”Interkulturelles Management,” Universität St. Gallen,Switzerland, June 13, 1995.

1 1/2-Hour Workshop on “Berichterstattung über die Schweizer Wirtschaft in der amerikanischen Presse” (Reports on Swiss Economy in the American Print Media), Seminar on “Interkulturelles Management,” Universität St. Gallen, Switzerland, June 25, 1996.

Workshop on “Kryptografie in der Frühen Neuzeit“ in a Senior Seminar on “Hieroglyphen – Interpretation und Rezeption seit der Antike“, June 24, 2012, University of Mainz, Germany.

4. Director of conferences at Penn State:

Faculty Organiser, April, 1987, Penn State Foreign Language Day (more than 400 high school students and teachers).

Director, September 18-19, 1987, First Pennsylvania Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies (about 100 participants).

Director, March 28-31, 1990, Annual Meeting of the American Comparative Literature Association (275 participants).

Director, October 19-20, 1990, “Body and Mind in the Middle Ages and the Renaissance,” Fourth Pennsylvania Symposium on Medieval and Renaissance Studies (more than 100 participants).

Faculty Organiser, April, 1996, Penn State German Day (about 170 students and high school teachers)

Co-organiser of the Annual Meeting of the American Association of University Supervisors and Coordinators [of Foreign Language Programs] on “Integrating History and Cultural Heritage of German Immigrants in the Classroom,” Penn State University, September 25-26, 1996.

Faculty Organiser, April 8, 1998, Penn State German and Slavic Day (more than 120 students and high school teachers).

Organizer (and Chair) of Session on “History and  Literature at the Herzog August Bibliothek” at the November, 1998, Sixteenth-Century Studies Meeting in Toronto, Canada.

Faculty Organiser, April 14, 1999, Penn State German and Slavic Day (more than 250 students and high school teachers).

Faculty Organiser, April 12, 2000, Penn State German and Slavic Day (approximately 150 students and high school teachers).

5. Co-director of symposia in Germany:

Co-director (with Professor Dr. Gotthardt Frühsorge), March 1-4, 1988, “Arbeitsgespräch (Symposium) on Johann Joachim Becher (1635-1682),” Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel.

Co-organiser (with Professor Mara Wade, Univ. of Illinois) of an “Arbeitsgespräch” (Symposium) entitled, “Beyond the Book: The Emblem in Early Modern European Culture,” March 7-10, 1999, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany.

<span “=””>Co-director (with Dr. Thomas Stäcker, Herzog August Bibliothek) of an “Arbeitsgespräch” (Symposium) entitled, “Bibliotheken und ihre Nutzer – der Zugang zu Buchbeständen von 1650-1850” (Libraries and Their Users – Access to Holdings from 1650-1850), September 5-7, 2007, Herzog August Bibliothek, Wolfenbüttel, Germany.

6.  Keynote Addresses:

FEB. 14, 2013:  “Die Wissenschaft der Alphabete.  Universalsprachen vom 16. bis zum frühen 19. Jahrhundert im Kontext von Kryptografie und Philosophie“ (The Science of Alphabets.  Universal Languages from the 16th to the Early 19th Century within the Framework of Cryptography and Philosophy).  Conference at the Forschungszentrum Gotha/University of Erfurt on “Geheime Post.  Kryptologie und Steganographie der diplomatischen Korrespondenz europäischer Höfe während der Frühen Neuzeit“ (Secret Mails.  Cryptology and Steganography in the Diplomatic Correspondence of European Courts During the Early Modern Period), Feb. 14-16, 2013.

7.  Public Lectures:

Oct. 20, 2015, “The Plague in Historiography and World Literature,“ Dept. of Comparative Literature, Bilkent University, Ankara (Turkey).

Oct. 21, 2015, “The Amish in Central Pennsylvania:  A Very Personal Perspective of Almost Thirty Years,“ Gazi University, Ankara (Turkey).

8.  Radio Interviews:

January 18, 2016, Interview with Claire Collins on The Moncrieff Show on “The Fascinating History of Encryption.“  Newstalk Radio, Dublin (Ireland):

Updated 05/10/2019